GREENVILLE – On Tuesday, October 18, Naturalist Mitchell Pence of the Darke County Parks and a few of his raptor ambassador friends will be stopping by GPL for the program, Nevermore: The Truth about Birds of Prey. The program will begin at 11 a.m. in the third floor conference room.
Birds of prey have been the topic of stories and folklore across many countries and cultures. Taking the roles of hopeful symbols, messengers from gods, or even bad omens, our feathered friends have been revered and feared throughout history. Join us to learn more about these fascinating animals and the legends that surround them.
Photo: (Darke County Parks photo) Darke County Parks Naturalist Mitchell Pence is pictured with Spirit the Red-Tailed Hawk. Mitchell and the Parks’ raptor ambassadors will be making a stop at GPL on Tuesday, October 18.