By Robert Bair – Darke County Dog Warden
There has been reports in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana of a new strain of the parvovirus or another unknown disease that has been affecting animal health.
Therefore, as a precaution and a recommendation of our county veterinarians, the Animal Shelter feel it’s necessary for the health of the dogs at the Darke County Animal Shelter to vaccinate any dog as soon as it enters the Darke County Animal Shelter.
This Bio-security procedure will become effective September 12,2022, and the procedure will be for all dogs that enter the shelter not wearing a current year license and the owner cannot be contacted before the dog enters the shelter, and all owner surrendered dogs.
This will be the new standard of operations for the Darke County Animal Shelter to help eliminate the spread of disease.
The Animal Shelter wants to thank for understanding of their position.