Nice Trade Joe! “The Merchant of Frickin’ Death”??!! For an Anti-American, Domestic Abusive, Basketball Player??!! C’mon Man!!

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

A good negotiator, which would be no one in the Dem/Lefty administration of “Time for My Nap Now” Joey B., should have been able to get a dozen Americans released, at least, in exchange for someone known affectionately as “The Merchant of Death.” 

“The Merchant of Frickin’ Death” ???!!!    Who in this world would be more feared, and more dangerous to every country and group, everywhere, than someone whose nickname sounds like a guy straight from Hitler’s top Nazi hierarchy??

That would be:   No One on this Earth today.   NO ONE.  

And all we got back was a frickin’ extra tall, gay, female basketball player, who won’t even stand her tall ass up for the American National Anthem, and has domestic violence in her past??    And who went to Russia, of all places, thinking her entitled young ass would have no problem taking Hash viles with her, and wouldn’t be bothered by that action, muchless be arrested??  

Makes her an uninformed, and uneducated fool, as well.  

This was an easy win for Vladimir Putin.    Didn’t even have to get his good cleats on, for this one.   

With the woke Dems checking off several political boxes by way of Brittney Griner (famous and high profile, young, gay, possibly trans or mixed or inter gender, black female, and pot smoker), she was perfect for them to get all sorts of accolades for her release, and especially by getting Big Boy Joe involved (after his morning snooze was over).  

Made getting the most notorious and dangerous arms dealer in the history of this world, Viktor Bout, released in return for Griner, seem like just a big piece of cake (or cone of ice cream) for the Vladster.  

All the while convincing those in charge on our side, that no other prisoners could possibly be a part of this deal, including a combat veteran Marine, who has been held by the Russians in one of their penal colonies for over 4 years.  

No way, said Putin, as Biden’s boys and girls just nodded their little heads in quick agreement.   No way, because Brittney was so much more valuable than Bout, due to her enormous worldwide fame, and the love of so many Americans being showered on her in the U.S.    Viktor was just some Russian military translator, who started a transport business, just to make a living after the Soviet Union broke up, and Vik was out of a job.

The Biden people bought all of that, …hook, line, and vodka bottle.   Because they didn’t know what to do NOT to have to buy it.   And had no “frickin’ “ idea how to combat Putin’s so obvious a strategy, even in the slightest.  

Right now, they’re all thinking they got a great deal.   And maybe even that they got the best of Putin.   Wouldn’t be the first time they got completely handled.   

Seems you can’t cheat, when you’re negotiating with Russians.  

Former Staff Sargent Paul Whelan, the other supposed American piece in this international relations “Let’s Make a Deal” puzzle, and who has been imprisoned in Russia for the last four years, was left standing in his cell, after being promised by these same brilliant Biden negotiators, that he would definitely by a part of any deal with Russia, or else nothing would move forward.   

Sorry Paul, and Paul’s family, says Joey Boy, just didn’t happen.   But sadly for him, apparently was never close to happening, because Putin knew what he was doing, …and, …well, …Biden’s ice cream carriers, ….didn’t.  

Whelan was no saint it appears, having been dishonorably discharged in 2008 for several criminal offenses he’s surely not proud of, none of them violent.   But as an American citizen (who speaks five languages, oh by the way, as does Comrade Bout), who did serve the U.S. in Iraq, and had a family, and who stayed in the service for over five years, …he deserved better.  

As for Lt. Col. Viktor Bout, this man should never have been a part of any deal whatsoever, in exchange for anything, from anywhere.    Just as a matter of principle.  

Except for maybe letting him negotiate the time of his own execution, after the exact day had already been set.   Which should have been the next day, after his conviction.  

He was directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of men, women, and children, perhaps even tens of thousands, all over the world, as the one who turned primitive warriors in Africa and Asia and even the Middle East, into high tech killers and culture destroyers, by selling them all the most modern and deadly weapons on Earth.  

In addition to providing any and all weaponry and munitions to any and all who would pay him for them.   Including very often, to both sides of the same conflicts.  

This is not a good man.   But what he was good at, was using Russian protection for his 60 (sixty) plane personal air force, to ship arms of destruction, of any kind, to anyone who could afford his brutal and evil services.  

This man should not be walking this Earth, muchless being exchanged for a whiny, unpatriotic basketball player, with no other apparent skills, nor enough intelligence, to do anything else.  

The Biden Cabal did it again, …embarrassed this country while pretending to have accomplished something big and great.   As their Media touts it as being so brave and monumental, when really, …it is just more nothingness.  

But Russia’s happy, so that’s something, right?    Seems like the Biden boys and girls are more concerned with that, than the awful reality of having Viktor Bout on the loose again, for his “Mother Russia”.  

Come on 2024.   Whichever Republican beats the propped up Dem candidate for President in 2 years, can’t possibly be worse than this sinful and incompetent mess in DC right now.  

M.A.G.A.     For real.  

©  Copyright  Joe Facinoli, 12-10-2022 

Intelligent Response Encouraged.  

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