(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Winter weather can make for dangerous driving conditions across Ohio, whether it’s snow, sleet or ice covering the roadways. The Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) believes all crashes can be prevented through proper training and awareness.
- Last winter (Dec. 2022 – March 2023), there were 10,256 crashes in Ohio on snow, ice or slush covered roads.
- 20 of those crashes resulted in 26 fatalities.
- 22% of those crashes were caused by unsafe speed, 20% were caused by driving off the road, and 14% were caused by following too close.
New teen drivers often lack the skills and experience necessary to drive safely in snow and ice. They can gain these skills through one of Ohio’s Advanced Driver Training programs. This hands-on instruction allows students to practice skid recovery, anti-lock braking system (ABS) exercises and other crash avoidance techniques with a licensed instructor on a closed course. Ohio has five schools for advanced driver training in five different counties. OTSO is promoting these programs with a new video and web page dedicated to Advanced Driver Training.
When snow and ice are on the roads, drivers should follow these tips to help avoid a crash:
- Slow down and increase the distance between yourself and the vehicle ahead of you.
- Accelerate and stop gradually.
- Do not use cruise control and avoid sudden steering maneuvers.
- If you find yourself sliding, steer in the direction of the skid and let your foot off the gas. Do not apply the brakes.
Avoid risky driving behaviors year-round:
- Never text or drive distracted
- Obey posted speed limits.
- Always drive sober and wear your seat belt.