COLUMBUS – State Representative Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) today announced she has been selected as a member of the 2021 Council of State Governments (CSG) 20 Under 40 Class.
“I’m honored to be among this year’s list of recipients for CSG’s 20 under 40 Award,” said Powell. “I am committed to serving the people of Ohio and making our state the best it can be. I’m looking forward to meeting and learning from my peer legislators around the country who are also receiving this award.”
The award recognizes the work of 20 up-and-coming elected or appointed officials, age 40 or younger on December 31, from across the country who exemplify strong leadership skills and have demonstrated a true commitment to serving the citizens of their state/territory.
Nominees for the award should have demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas:
· Ability to engage officials across party, departments, branch and/or state lines in meaningful ways to advance the common good for their state/territory;
· Provide exceptional leadership to a state project, committee, chamber, commission or special group;
· Serve as a champion of change and seek to enhance the lives of all constituents within a specific policy area.
Powell will attend an award ceremony at the CSG National Conference in Santa Fe later this year.