Practicing Mindful Wellness coming to GPL May 12

GREENVILLE – Join Greenville Public Library in welcoming Roseanne Scammahorn, PhD, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator from the Darke County Ohio State University Extension, on Thursday, May 12 as she discusses mindful wellness practices to help us learn to live fuller, happier lives.

The program will be held at 11 a.m. in the third floor conference room. She will highlight the benefits of intentional focus and outline a few practices to help us on the path to living mindfully.

“When we look at mindful wellness, we look at each individual holistically,” Scammahorn said. “We’ve found that people who do mindful practices more routinely don’t ‘forecast’ and borrow problems. 

“We encourage people to practice this on a daily basis. As little as three to five minutes can really show a substantial health improvement.”

In the end, living mindfully will allow us to have better peace of mind and better quality of sleep, which translates to overall better health.

A portion of the program will focus on essential oils and how we can use them to assist us in our pursuit of a more mindful life. This will include a list describing the most common essential oils available and what each of those has been shown to impact.

Scammahorn has been with the OSU Extension for over three years. She teaches a wide variety of programs including The Health Benefits of Laughter, Self-Care for the Caregiver, Healthy Household Finances, Tai Chi, and several classes on home resource management.

This is a free event. Registration is not required.

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