By Csaba Sukosd |
The Supreme Court of Ohio has updated parts of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio that focus on standard probate forms.
The amendments create a form to order disbursement of an attorney decedent’s trust accounts, create a set of forms for name-change and name-conformity applications, and amend existing forms related to settling a minor’s claim to account for depositing the proceeds into a trust.
Among the changes that went into effect on Jan. 1 are:
- An updated residency requirement.
- The creation of an affidavit for a person to submit in support of an application for a minor’s name change.
- Updates to the types of applicants who may seek a minor’s name change, the residency requirement, and the nature of parental involvement.
- Updates to the judgment-entry form granting an adult’s name change to include a statutory citation to reflect the current revised code number. The judgment-entry form now acknowledges that the application was supported by sufficient proof.

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