The Knowlton Studio will be presenting a Land Use Plan to Darke County Commissioners, village leaders
and constituents on December 5th at 6:00 p.m.
Individuals can view the presentation in person at Darke County Rural Electric Co-Op – 1120 Fort
Jefferson Ave, Greenville, OH 45331.
Additionally, a zoom option will be available for observation only at go.osu.edu/darkezoom
Over the last 14 1/2 weeks, six masters’ in city and regional planning (MCRP) students have worked
tirelessly to produce a plan for the future of Darke County, using the input of surveys, public meetings
and elected leaders of small communities to produce the plan.
“The most impactful element about this project was getting to understand the passion Darke County’s
residents have for their community.” Evan Brandao, one MCRP student said.
A new Land Use plan means that the community can better adapt to pressing issues like industry
development, residential use, and infrastructure improvements.
“I am proud of this outstanding work which was created in a limited amount of time and believe it will
facilitate continued prosperity in this special part of the State.” Chad Gibson, AICP and Community
Development Director for Upper Arlington, OH said.