© 2021 Lois E. Wilson
Pete says to use the clues to determine the answer words. The letters, A, R, and M are shown where they appear in that order in each answer. Each dash stands for a missing letter. Pete says, “Solve it and you’ll have joined “the puzzle army.”
Wilson’s completed set of books has a new edition – now six volumes – of published poetry. Volume 1 is out of print and no longer available, however Volumes 2-6 are available and are offered as a fundraiser for Empowering Darke County Youth. Enjoy great poetry and help a child achieve his or her educational goals. For additional information, contact editor@countynewsonline.org.
Scroll down for answers.

Answers: 1.alarm, 2.barometer, 3.Carmen, 4.Dharma, 5.earmuffs, 6.farmer, 7.garment, 8.harmony, 9.impairment 10.Jarmon, 11.karma, 12.Laramie, 13.Marxism, 14.Narcissism, 15.oarsman, 16.paramount,17.quartermaster, 18.reaffirm, 19.sarcasm, 20.tarmac, 21.unarmed, 22.varmint, 23.warmer, 24.Xarmon, 25.yardman, 26.Zaromb.