Regular Fair Board meeting started with a bang: another resignation!

On Wednesday 14, the Darke County Fair Board held the regular meeting with seven members, the required minimum – with a one week delay.

And it stated with the information about another resignation: President Greg Pearson received a phone call from Dudley Lipps at 4:15PM. Treasurer Dudley Lipps resigned verbally from his place on the board pf directors. This made it the fourth resignation within just a few months.

The board accepted the verbal resignation.

Marla Werner stepped in to fill the position as treasurer and the board accepted the notion.

Then the board talked about the filling of the open Director’s seats, for which they had 8 eligible candidates. The board voted for 4 candidates, the two with the most votes for the longer terms and the two with the lesser votes for the shorter term. All of these new Directors will have to run again at the next fair.

The four new directors are: Craig Bowman and Brian Rismiller for the longer terms, Russ Skaggs and Curt Young for the short terms.

Jim Zumbrink, the Vice President of the board then updated the board and the attendants of the meeting on the capital improvement and fundraiser funds.

The board also discussed the 2023 Parade Marshall and carried a motion that Parade Marshall 2023 will be Gail Overholser. Overholser, who was attending the meeting, accepted.

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