The Rotary Club of Greenville is excited to announce that our Charitable Giving Grant program is currently accepting applications. The Rotary Club of Greenville will consider allocating grant funding to non-profit, charitable organizations for mission –driven programming and operating needs.
If you wish to apply for grant funding please email greenvilleohiorotary@gmail.com for an application, visit The Greenville Rotary Club facebook page, or call Lauren Henry at 937-569-6408. Please note the application deadline is April 15, 2020. All applications postmarked after the deadline will not be considered for funding.
Requests are reviewed by the club’s Charitable Committee and are then approved by the club’s Board of Directors. While we strive to provide support for all organizations who apply, please keep in mind that not all requests can be met. If your organization received funds in past years, it is not guaranteed that you will receive funds in the future, as all requests are reviewed new each year.
Funds distributed to organizations are made possible by the Greenville Rotary Lemon Shakes sold at The Great Darke County Fair, as well as our Election Machine Project.