“I Love Band”
By Brandy Lewis
Greenville- Tri-Village marching band has a new face up front, it’s Drum Major Emilee Frech. The Drum Major position usually changes each year as a junior or senior steps into the prestigious spotlight. As a six year marching band member and senior, Frech went for the position and got it.
“It is my senior year and I thought it would be a fun experience. I wanted to be part of the band but wanted to help out with anything people needed,” stated Frech.
Her prior position in the band was in the percussion section in the pit, cymbals, quints and primarily snare drum.
“My goal as Drum Major is to conduct the band and be a good role model for the rest of the kids in the band, especially for the younger kids and just keep them upbeat and excited to pursue their marching band career throughout high school,” said Frech.
Although she is not pursuing a music career after high school, she said, “I love music so it will always be a part of my life.” “Tonight’s show is the “Hey Baby” and includes the songs “Baby” by Justin Beiber, “Hey Baby” by Bruce Channel and “Runaway Baby” by Bruno Mars. The show is dedicated to the future birth of Mr. Bialowas“ baby with his wife Samantha.”
Frech conducts 33 band and color guard members that range from grades 8-12. She will conduct the band over 20 times throughout the season at football games, parades and band shows. There is an away football game this Friday where she will conduct the “Hey Baby” show and then will conduct a new show for the rest of the football season with an arrangement of music from Elton John. The entire band is excited about the upcoming Bradford Pumpkin Show parade and the confetti that comes with it the week of October 12th. Frech will conduct the school fight song and parade song “Love Runs Out.”
Besides marching band, Tri-Village has band for grades fifth, sixth, junior high and high school concert band. Anyone wanting to see the concert band perform in the middle of November, there will have a performance at the dinner theatre show. A popular band with the kids is Pep band which plays at the boys and girls basketball games for as many of the junior varsity and varsity games as possible. Depending on interest Tri-Village may also have a Jazz Band this year.
Frech is excited about the year and shouted out “I Love Band.”
As a community, support your local band by attending their events and there is nothing wrong with cheering and clapping them on while on the field!
Photo: CNO Photo by George Starks