Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County received a generous donation from Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Professional Realty. Shaun M. Haves agreed to donate $500 for every property he sold in the month of April. They sold a total of eleven properties in the month of April which is a total of $5,500, which was donated towards Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County is a non-profit United Way member agency. This generous donation will benefit our local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency which matches at-risk children with volunteer role models. These volunteers are screened thoroughly and meet with children at least two times per month offering guidance, support, and positive role-modeling. The concept of services by Big Brothers Big Sisters is to get community members to open up their lives to a young child within their own community. It does not take a great deal of time, money, or talent; the volunteers just need to care about children. Big Brothers Big Sisters is always looking for volunteers. For more information about applying, go to www.bigbrobigsis-shelbydarke.org or call 937-492-7611 or 937-547-9622.
Community members who feel they don’t want to make a commitment of volunteering can help the agency in other ways. The agency is always looking for cost-saving ideas for activities that volunteers can do with their matched Littles. In the past, companies and individuals have donated tickets to local events, sporting events, or hosted a special outing for the Big Brothers Big Sisters group.