DAYTON, Ohio – Solvita Blood Center is in critical need of multiple blood types due to high usage and high demand. Help meet this urgent threat to the blood supply by making the decision to donate during the “12 Days of Giving” campaign.
Types O negative and B negative are in critically scarce supply and types O positive and A negative are in low supply. New donors are needed and encouraged to help meet this need.
“We anticipate demand to increase and collections to become more challenging as the holidays approach,” said Solvita Vice President for Donor Services Tracy Morgan. “Seasonal challenges of flu season and winter travel could further impact supply. We have an immediate need and we are calling on the community for help.”
Make an appointment to donate with Solvita (formerly Community Blood Center) on the Donor Time app, by calling (937) 461-3220, or at www.donortime.com.
Everyone who registers to donate Dec. 11-23 at any Solvita blood drive, or the Solvita Dayton Center will be entered in daily drawings to win an Ember Temperature Control Smart Mug. All registered donors will also receive the “Sleigh-In-It” long-sleeve, holiday season t-shirt.
You can save time while helping save lives by using “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive. Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www.givingblood.org/donorxpress.