DAYTON, Ohio – A spike in emergency blood transfusions has worsened the region’s already critically low supply of blood. Solvita Blood Center needs the immediate assistance of donors to overcome a blood shortage emergency.
Currently Solvita has a critical shortage of type O positive blood and low supply of all other blood types. Hospital usage reported Aug. 17 includes critical care of a motorcycle accident victim at Miami Valley Hospital that required 105 units of blood products including 54 units of type O positive blood.
Solvita is under an emergency alert due to the high usage and daily collections that fall short of the 350 donors per day minimum needed to supply of all partner hospitals. “We are making a personal plea to all eligible donors, lapsed donors, and first-time donors to visit the Solvita Dayton Center or a mobile blood drive as soon as possible,” said Solvita Vice President for Donor Relations Tracy Morgan.
Everyone who registers to donate now through Labor Day weekend at the Solvita Dayton Center will get the choice of a Kroger $10 gift card or a $10 e-gift card.
August is the final month for all registered donors to receive the Solvita beach towel and be automatically entered in the drawing for two tickets to Taylor Swift’s Nov. 3 show at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
Schedule a blood donation with Solvita (formerly Community Blood Center) on the Donor Time app, by calling (937) 461-3220, or at www.donortime.com. Walk-ins are welcome at the Solvita Dayton Center, 349 S. Main St.
You can save time while helping save lives by using “DonorXPress” to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive. Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www.solvita.org/donorxpress.