DCCA was a beneficiary of last year’s giving, and is once again participating in Giving Tuesday when donations can be made online at www.DarkeCountyArts.org as well as by calling DCCA at 937-547-0908 or stopping by the office located on the third floor of Greenville Public Library between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Donations of $25 or over will earn the benefits accorded to all membership donations. Another organization supporting the arts, Darke County Endowment for the Arts will match Giving Tuesday donations to DCCA up to $1000.
Darke County Endowment for the Arts is a charitable organization that receives and invests charitable gifts from those wishing to leave a lasting legacy enriching lives through the arts. The Endowment maintains a General Fund from which grants are annually awarded to deserving individuals and organizations, a Memorial Hall Fund dedicated to the preservation of historic St. Clair Memorial Hall, and the Darke County Center for the Arts Fund which helps DCCA with equipment purchases and other major expenses, providing yet another possible recipient of your gift expressing thankfulness for the bounty of local arts experiences. DCEA enriches lives, enabling the arts to live in our community forever; for more information visit www.SupportDCEA.org.