Ten Good Reasons (among 100s) to Vote Red on Tues. Nov. 8, and Save this Country

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

Just to state the obvious, all of the items and statements below come as a direct result of the Dems, their Media, and the Liberal Cabal, being in charge of almost everything, for too long.   But we’ll go ahead and make a list anyway.    

1)   Inflation:   and the crazy increased prices, and lack of supply, which goes with it.   

Grocery prices, mortgage prices, car loan prices, gasoline prices, heating oil and gas prices, lumber and building supplies’ prices, restaurant prices, and prices of everything from gum drops for Halloween, to fake Turkey dressing for Thanksgiving (since there won’t be any real turkeys left, by then).   Not to mention availability, or lack thereof, of almost everything.                    Vote for candidates who have a Clue !!!!  

2)   The Open Southern Border:    Besides the Dems idiotic  plan for the economy of our country, or to be much more factual, the absolute LACK of any sort of plan, whatsoever, in any area or field, almost all of our social, cultural, economic, and political problems and issues today, are caused by the wide open southern borders of four states in our Southwest.   

As if you needed more to think about on this subject:   Over 230 thousand illegals are encountered EVERY MONTH along this border, since Biden became President.     A quarter of a million people!    And only approx. 100K are sent home.   Which means, on average, over 1 ½ MILLION illegals will be let into these United States, during this year of 2022.   More illegals let in, more people to vote Dem, is the way they see this.                   So, Let’s change this!! 

3)   Fentanyl Deaths:    Every single day in this country, over 175 Americans die of a drug overdose, just from Fentanyl alone.    That would be one new dead person, every 8 minutes, and virtually ALL of the supply of this dangerous substance comes through our wide open Southern Border.  

And once it is here, the Dems who control most of our major cities, and many smaller ones, do next to nothing to combat its distribution.   From defunding police departments, to “no bail” laws, to simply ignoring that there even is such a problem, the Dems are to blame for this drug death epidemic.    Vote them out!!!

4)   Critical Race Theory:   
Rescind the practice of teaching this in our schools immediately!   And fire anyone who espouses this to our kids, as a part of a so-called “woke” education.      There is NO Systemic Racism in this country, period!   

Are there racist people, in every race and culture in our country?   Certainly.   But there is NO system which teaches white people (since that’s who it’s aimed at, if we’re being honest) to hate or mistreat other cultures, or in any way see them as inferiors.   NO such thing, at least not systemically.  

Vote these people out of office, who allow this twisted and insidious practice of a “so-called” education, or even encourage any kind of “wokeness”! 

5)   “No Bail Laws”:    Repeal any and all laws or rules or legal practices, which allow individuals who are accused of felonies to be released, with no bail required to be posted.  

This goes on in most major American cities, and let’s habitual criminals back on the streets, to do more of their frequent and civil society killing damages.   The Dems started this, as a way to get more people to vote for them (see a pattern yet?).  

But that’s how stupid, and evil, the Dem politicians are.    These  people that they are so quickly releasing, to do more crimes, never vote anyway!   So they are crushing our culture, just to gain votes for themselves, and irony of all ironies, the criminals don’t vote for anyone!!    They just go ruin our cities and towns. 

Vote ’em out!!

6)   Gender Changing Surgeries for Children:     No change of gender, surgically nor medically, should be allowed before a child is 18 years old, and then they can decide for themselves.   Parents should have no say whatsoever, in changing what a kid’s DNA tells us is true.   Even if that parent believes otherwise.

Please vote for NO ONE who thinks that this is a good thing! 

7)   Abortion, the Legal Process for it:    Understand that the individual States can decide about whether murderous abortions should be allowed in their jurisdictions.    Correct thinking Individuals should already have figured this out, but if the separate states want to allow it, that is the law.   Even if that law would allow, even reward, the murder of defenseless unborn children.  

And vote for no one who thinks that abortion is a Constitutional “right”.   It is most definitely NOT.   No matter how hard the Dems and others try to twist the words in our Founding Document, it does not mention this issue, at all, muchless even address it, even tangentially.  

Abortion is a tough issue for some, even though others of us have no idea why.   But it is definitely NOT a governmental concern nor issue, much less a “right”, and govt. has no business in it.  

Vote with your heart on this one, but you know what to do.  

8)  Medicare and Social Security:    Existing laws prohibit Congress from using any monies allotted for Social Security and Medicare payments to citizens who qualify for them.  

But over the many years, they have continued to appropriate whatever amount they needed for other self-serving projects and non-related legislation.   Therefore, it should not be a problem for the Congress to put back this money, so that citizens who reach a certain age, or a certain health need, will have ALL the monies and care which these systems allow them to have. 

Not to mention, that 100% of all Social Security money comes from the employees who pay for it out of every paycheck, and the matching payments of their employers.   And Medicare is paid for in nearly the same way.   Not 100%, but a very large percentage is paid for by those who work, and have it automatically deducted every time they are paid.  

Vote for candidates who will restore these Two essential systems, and insure their full existence in the future.  

9)  The Trump, and Abortion “Distractions”:    Please, we have had enough of the Dems ignoring all other problems and challenges in the U.S., and trying to distract us by constantly talking about nothing but Donald Trump, and the abortion “rights” taken away by the Supreme Court, which didn’t happen. 

There are dozens, no hundreds, of other issues which we all need to be concerned with, and fix.   Let’s get to them, and leave this other nonsense behind.   Which means NO Dems!

10)   Common Sense Values and Principles:    These nearly forgotten items and ideas need to be returned to the forefront of our American thinking, and not relegated to the rear storage room, purely because they are inconvenient to what the Dems want to accomplish, which means control.  

And by the way, the Dems want none of the things mentioned above to go away, and/or to change from their tired old way of doing business, for decades, which serves only those who are in power.   And in almost all large cities, that is the Dems.  

They have had their chances, for far too long.   Vote ‘em out!  

Vote Red on Tuesday, November 8 !!  

MAGA!!!    And never forget it!

© Copyright Joe Facinoli,  11-5-2022

Intelligent Response Encouraged.   


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