This year marks the 50th year of the Social Tent in Versailles. Established in 1974, Poultry Days was the first in the area to shut down a highway for music, dancing and fun. Today the Social Tent is the largest tent in the county and the event continues to grow with an expanding beer garden. As we mark the 73rd year of the festival and the 50th year for the Social Tent, Poultry Days is excited to announce SEVENTEEN individual artists, duos and groups will perform at the June 14-16th festival. This includes eight performances by area high school and college students. The festival is excited to support the next generation of artists by providing an opportunity to showcase their talents. Please come out and lend your support. We are confident you will be impressed. The Social Tent will offer nine additional acts including SawCrush, Eight Ball, Green Sands, and The Hammer Jockeys. Beverages will be offered from Miller Coors, The Winery at Versailles, and Anheuser-Busch. Don’t miss the biggest party in the county.
This year the festival will attempt to sell 39,000 World Famous chicken dinners! Two Semi Loads of Chicken have been ordered for what might be the World’s Largest Chicken Barbecue! The drive thru and walk thru chicken lines (459 S. Center St) are for individual dinners only. These lines open at 3:30 Friday, 11:30 Saturday, and 11:00 Sunday. Pick up for pre-purchased bulk coolers will be the High School (280 Marker Rd) and is best entered from the West on 121/Marker Road. Individual dinners will not be served in the bulk pick up line. All “chicken” questions should be sent to VPDChickenLine@gmail.com. Come early as demand for this once-a-year opportunity is unpredictable and we can sell out early.
And there is more. VAPPA brings back the “Pit Potato” which will be offered in addition to its hand squeezed Lemonade. The flag raising ceremony involving the VFW, High School Band and elected officials will be at 1pm on Saturday, June 15th. 5k Run/Walk registration will extend to the morning of the event which begins at 8 am, June 15th. FREE Kiddie Tractor Pull, FREE FFA Petting Zoo, FREE Chicken Eating Contest and FREE Entertainment all weekend.
Mike and Tammy Poling have been selected as Honorary Grand Parade Marshals which will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday, June 15th. Expect to have fun with this years’ theme of “Poultry of the Caribbean, Return of the Chicken Dinner”. The NEW Chicken Classic Cruise In will begin at 9am on Sunday, June 16th with registration at the corner of South Center and West Ward Streets. NO AGE LIMIT ON VEHICLES. Cars, Jeeps, Trucks and Motorcycles are welcome.
Ultimate Disc will celebrate its 42nd year in Versailles at Heritage Park. The weekend’s tournament will include 33 teams from throughout the United States. The Zac Richard Scholarship Fund Vendor Area will host a tent full of vendors. Other activities include “Sons of the Legion” Cornhole Tournament, Lions Club Chuckaluck, Flower Show, K of C Bingo, Cake & Egg Show, Art & Photography Show, and of course the Miss Chick and Little Miss Poultry Days pageants.
Visit VersaillesPoultryDays.com for the full festival schedule and event details. Get live updates by following Poultry Days on Facebook. Send questions to PoultryDaysChairman@gmail.com. Serving Up Summer Fun Since 1952.