The Country Needs Trump. He’s the Only One Who Can Beat Them at Their Game. He’s a Champ at That. He’s a Winner.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner |  

What other politician could put up with all he’s been put through?    What other politician’s family could put up with all of it?   What other politician would let his family be subjected to all of that?

In fact, what other person at all, of any kind, stripe, color, or definition, would let any of that happen?   No One. That’s Who.  

Only Donald J. Trump.    And only Donald J. Trump’s family.   

About 40% of our country doesn’t understand this, because there are that many people who still blindly and obediently follow what the Dems, the Lefty Cabal, and their complicit media, tell them carte blanche.  

The rest of the country wants nothing to do with all that Lefty nonsense, and there’s where the problems lie.    The Dems know they are in the minority, so they also know they will have to cheat, lie, and manipulate elections to stay in command and control.  

But that control is weakening, as we saw recently, even though their plan is still in place, as to how to keep their strength and control.   And they do not care who they hurt, nor what they have to do to our country and the people in it.  

So who can beat that?   Who has no fear, nor care, nor any problem whatsoever, in calling out these people, and their actions, and the consequences, if we allow them to continue.  

Only one man, nationally:    Donald John Trump.   

He has done all this before, and he has beaten them.    He didn’t play their game, he didn’t have to, because he was the only one who had the courage to completely call them out, no matter in what forum, nor how much crap and criticism he took, from the entire Left side.  

He just beat them by exposing them while they tried the same, decades old game.   And he wore their criticisms, and ridicule, and condemnations like a badge of honor.  

If the Left said it, he would proudly tell us, then he wanted nothing to do with them, nor what they said.   If they didn’t like what he said, or what he promised to do, and then did, then he would tell us that’s a good thing, because we can’t trust them anyway, and we don’t want them, and they were nothing like our group of patriotic Americans.   He just wanted to be done with them, and all their like.     

And he would also tell us that we should never believe a word from the Lefty media nor politicians, because they would either be lies or some con game to get the rest of us to believe they cared.   But to believe 100% that they didn’t care, and the opposite, that they only wanted to control us all, no matter what they had to do to the country, to gain and retain that control.  

He beat them with HIS game.   Steadfast and constant, and always on point.    He was America First, and nothing could get in the way of that.    Not China, not the Russians, not the U.N., not any bad international treaties nor organizations, and certainly not Democrats.  

He was The Man.    And he never stopped being The Man.    And he still is.    So why would anyone not want to have him be Our Man again?    

The haters on the Left do not want to use the Power of the Presidency for the good of any citizens of America.   Not without giving up their illicit and conjured up control over all of America.  

The Dems can only survive by having total political control.   But even the current Republican leadership, with some notable exceptions, is the same.   They all have to be weeded out.   And following a man who wants America First, the People First, is the only way to beat those America haters, who are Trump haters, simply because he is in their way.   

Control, that’s what 99% of political leaders want.   Not doing good for their country, nor their states nor districts, no, only for themselves and their political and money allies.   So they can get re-elected, and keep their sought after, drooled over, control of the people.  

Trump is not like that.   He is America First.   And people foolishly don’t like that, and fight him because he’s that way.   But he doesn’t care.  

Again, if someone is against his America First agenda, he not only doesn’t want them near him, but he’s proud to be able to toss them away, for the benefit of his country.  

So the haters spend all this time talking about his tough personality, and how he confronts so rudely all those companies, countries, and people who don’t want to adhere to his programs and policies, and his ways.  

Well, thank God for his personality, and his willingness to go after anyone who does not put America First.      

And thank God we had Donald Trump for as long as we did, which wasn’t nearly long enough, and we need him again, to finish what he started, which no one else is able to do.  

There are other strong potential leaders in the Republican party, although not nearly as many as those who tell you they are one of them.  

But none who has already had to deal with what the Left and their complicit media will put them through, as they did Trump for the last 7 or 8 years.   No One even close. 

And the Dems have no one who can take care of our country like Trump proved he could, from 2017 to 2020.  

And we are currently seeing what Dem leadership is all about.   It is not about leadership at all.   Only about control, and ruining the country in every way, just to keep that control.  

God bless the U.S. Constitution, all its amendments, and especially the Bill of Rights.    And anyone who upholds them.   Bless the strength that the U.S. once held, here and throughout the world, and can again soon.  

And Bless Donald J. Trump for believing in, and fighting for, all of that.   All of that power and righteousness, for all the people of this land, even the ones who fight against him.   

No matter what he and his family have to endure, to make that happen.  

©  Copyright Joe Facinoli,  Sat. Nov. 26, 2022

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