There Is No Political Division in This Country.         Oh Yeah, …Except for That Evil vs. Stupid Thing.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

There are quite a multitude of cultural and political groups in our country, which make up the vast majority of the populous of our U.S.A.  

And even though widely varied, on many levels, most of these are based to a large degree on morality, common sense, and a strong understanding of the value of doing the right things, for ourselves and our families, for the others in our close groups, for our broader communities, and eventually and most importantly, for the nation we all inhabit, work in, and intersect throughout.

That would be, except for the two largest political parties, who run and manage most of our economy, our culture, and who try to set the value structure for virtually all that goes on, in this vast country.  

One could make a case that this “two party system” works better than the situations in the United Kingdom, India, France, Spain, and most of the rest of the countries of the world, who make some attempt at governing by democracy. 

But the large number of political groups in these places find themselves constantly making deals they don’t want to make, with other divergent parties, just to determine a leader for the entire country.   Most recently this type of ruling by brutal compromise, happened in both Italy and the U.K.  

So a Two Party political system should be better, right?

The voters can easily know who will be best to lead our country, because the differences should be clearly defined, yet still having the best interests of everyone in mind.  

Not on your life, nor anyone else’s, and not ever in 300 years of choosing leaders for these United States of America, …and especially not now.  

Not when one of the parties has shown itself to be not only Evil Incarnate, but that it is quite proud of being so.  

While the other is far too trusting of the other one, and much too nice to their opponents, allowing them to do basically anything it wants, to get control of all the political power, and then to maintain it.  

In the political world, and in reality, to be quite honest, this type of softness, and not wanting to upset one’s opposition, while not pushing their own agenda, muchless the right things, goes by one word:    STUPID.  

The Democrat party, and the Lefty Cabal that runs it, represent absolute evil, in the way the righteous needs of all our people are simply ignored, not to mention, far too often just dismissed.  

All to maintain power over all segments of our culture, and to control everyone’s tax money, from all who live here, and of course, the clandestine donations given to them by those who want a big piece of this ultimate power and control, but who should have no say whatsoever, in what’s best for the people, all the people, of the U.S. 

The Republican Party is just too Stupid to understand, or make adjustments, to any of this.   They simply let the Dems do their thing, no matter what the circumstances, and worse, the consequences of their in-action.  

The Dems do the same evil and dastardly things, over and over, again and again, with the GOP falling for it every time.  

The Dems are good at shaming the Repubs through the Main Stream media, which covers the Dems’ tracks no matter where they come from, nor to where they may lead.  

The Lefty media not only lies, but leaves out as much important information as they include, to be sure the Left always looks good, or at least, never looks bad.  Right or wrong. 

While the Right Side media just screams and yells, and make accusations they can’t, or won’t prove.    All without ever going far enough to convince the general public about what the Evil Left is actually up to, from misuse of tax money, to voter fraud, to misuse of power and position.    The GOP just lets it all go.   Very Stupid.  

To be real, a lot of this happens because of how much money all the legislators and administrators make, on both sides of the aisle, under the table and behind the back, from all the unnecessary deals which are made, back and forth, to achieve passage of all the special interest legislation, which is supposed to benefit everyone, but really only favors the very few in DC and in our state capitals, who pass this phony stuff.  

There are a few exceptions on the GOP side, who one might trust, and even admire, for trying to do the right things, and to combat the blatant evilness of the Left. 

A certain former President, and a couple Senators, and even a few House members, not forgetting a handful of good Governors, two from the South, and one from the Great Plains, come to mind.  

But that’s not enough.  

In my humble estimation, there are at least three quarters of our nation who stand strongly behind the U.S. Constitution, and the sturdy moral character it represents, as well the tough and self-assertive values which simple common sense lays out for us so clearly, every day, when we let it.  

That’s a lot of people, and a lot of voters.   More than enough to put all the right and moral and honest leaders in place, to take care of all our problems, and make much better use of all the resources this country possesses, both human, as well as the physical ones.  

Oh, there could actually be a “division” in our country, but it’s definitely not a 50/50 thing, and however it is split, it’s more like the evil and corrupt leaders on the one side, with the vast majority of the common folk, on the other.  

Time to change all that.   Starting next month.  

© Copyright, Joe Facinoli, 10-12-2022

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