Trump’s SCOTUS Uses Common Sense to Save Title 42, and Rescue Biden Admin. from Itself, and Immigration Disaster at the Southern Border.

by Joe Facinoli | Joe’s Corner | 

The Conservative majority (minus one) in the United States Supreme Court, today used basic Common Sense in rescuing the Biden administration and the Lefty Cabal, from itself and impending immigration chaos and disaster at the Southern Border of the U.S., and elsewhere, by allowing “Title 42” to continue indefinitely.  

First enacted a 78 years ago, and brought back in force during the bogus Covid-19 mess, Title 42 allows U.S. Border Agents and officials to reject undocumented immigrants, under specific medical circumstances and almost out of hand, at any U.S. border where they have been apprehended attempting to cross illegally.  

Using the authority of this program, these illegals were sent back out of the U.S., as being considered a health hazard to this country, especially if they had tested positive for the Chinese created Covid virus.  

With this Covid thing (if it ever was a “thing”) now having passed, despite the U.S. govt. and China trying to keep it alive, for a variety of selfish and purposeful reasons involving money from Big Pharma, as well as control of their citizens, Title 42 was set to expire today, Wed. Dec. 28,  

This original stoppage of “42” last month, was by order of a lower Federal court, who by setting this date thereby agreed that the federal Covid mess was indeed over, despite what the CDC, and Ice Cream Boy, and other high ranking govt. officials may say, want, or do.  

But, apart from the medical issue here, the bigger problem was the Biden group itself, in its desire to keep the illegal immigrants coming, and flowing at even greater rates every month.  

In fact, with Title 42 going away, and thus no medical reason for the rejection of illegals at the border, then anyone expressing their simple desire for political asylum in the U.S., due to some type of fear of their own home country’s oppressive governments or other dangerous groups, could come into the U.S. almost freely.  

It has been estimated that approx. 50 thousand people are waiting right now, just on the other side of the U.S./Mexican border, for the Covid Title 42 to end, so they can pop on over, en masse, with only the phony and foolish asylum court procedure holding them back from going anywhere in the U.S., and doing anything they want.  

And that’s just THIS week.   Wait ‘til word gets out, to everywhere, that saying the words “asylum please”, with some made up explanation for wanting/needing it, gets a person into the “Promised Land” almost immediately.   

The Biden people were lovin’ this development.   They had been trying for two years to get more people across the Southern Border, and now bogus Covid would not be in their way anymore.  

Funny thing is, the Dems and the Left put Covid there in the first place, for many reasons, but now it was blocking their other big plans.     So, letting it expire did the trick, even though allowing that simple expiration was contrary to all the nonsense Covid stuff they instituted over the last two years.  

But they had no problem with the hypocrisy of letting it go away, and especially with all the new potential Dem voters they were going to let in.   Even though if the immigration numbers stayed at approx. 50K border crossers every month, that would be approx. 600 thousand new people in this country, every year.   In addition to the millions of undocumented people already here.   Being hypocritical, …not an issue, for the Dems.  

So these same Biden Dems were letting one self-created, culturally damaging problem go bye-bye, in order to increase another one, even more destroying to our country and culture, all so they could gain larger power over a nation they can’t possibly control by way of legal and honest elections, nor their own normally instituted Lefty policies.  

In steps the Supreme Court.   

Even knowing that with this particular ruling, they were entering directly into the national and international political arena, where per the U.S. Constitution they absolutely do not belong, they still felt the need to rescue the country from the Dem party’s incredibly anti-American ways, means, and policies.  

The “medical” concerns and interpretations will fly for now, they apparently reasoned, but knowing that eventually the Legislative and Executive branches of our federal govt. will have to produce an actual solution to this ongoing immigration situation.  

Bless them for having the foresight to save this administration, and the fools who put them in power, from themselves. 

One conservative justice did vote against the continuing of Title 42.   Neil Gorsuch, another Trump nominee, voted no on this.  

And while we appreciate his strict interpretation of the law, and his belief in the separation of powers of the three federal branches, we are even more appreciative of the other conservative Justices for rescuing our country from those other two branches, this time.   In a somewhat convoluted way, but a rescue nonetheless.  

It’s called:   Balance of Power.   And another big thank you to our Founders for seeing that need, more than 230 years ago.  

© Copyright Joe Facinoli,  12-28-2022

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