Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution would like to announce a two-day community event commemorating Flag Day. Flag Day is observed on June 14 to honor and commemorate the adoption of the American flag which occurred on June 14, 1777 by the Second Continental Congress.
On Tuesday, June 13, Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR will be accepting tattered, retired US flags at two Darke County locations from 3:30pm-5:30pm. The locations will be outside Greenville’s Zechar-Bailey Funeral Home and Versailles’ Bailey-Zechar Funeral Home. Starting at 3:30pm, drop off retired flags and free US flags will be given in exchange while supplies last (one per household).
On Flag Day, Wednesday, June 14 at 6:00pm Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR, Boy Scout Troop 134, and the Darke County Color Guard will be hosting a US Flag retirement ceremony at the Greenville American Legion parking lot. Those who have never attended a flag retirement ceremony is highly encouraged to attend.
Please plan to attend the Flag Day events to honor Flag Day and remember to fly the US flag proudly.
Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR would like to thank Ansonia American Legion Post 353, Greenville American Legion Post 140, and Greenville VFW Post 7262 for donating 60 new US flags for this Flag Day event. All the donated flags were made in the United States.