UVMC Volunteers Recognized for Service

TROY, Ohio (May 2023) – Upper Valley Medical Center (UVMC) leaders thanked volunteers for their dedication and service at the UVMC Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon recently held at the hospital. The UVMC executive team served lunch to those in attendance.

“You serve us every day, so we wanted to serve you for a change,” said Duanna Osting, president of the UVMC Foundation. “Thank you for giving the most precious resource – your time – to make life better for our patients, families and employees. Please know that your volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued, and cherished by all of us at Upper Valley Medical Center.”

Volunteers provided 7212 hours of service to the hospital in 2022. Contributing the most hours last year were and Carl Wagoner (471 hours) and Stan Kriesberg (458 hours) .

UVMC volunteers who have contributed the most lifetime hours are Becky Voisinet (6,588 hours) and Jackie Jenkins (5,868 hours).

Others recognized for their service were Mindy Bashore, Kim Bauer, Linda Bernard, Denise Borror, Teresa Bowers, Debby Coons, Gail Crist, Karyl Darrah, Amy Dawson, Jane Delcamp, Jill Demmitt, Ken Donahue, May DuRoss, Stephanie Filipiak, Jim Filipiak, Gracie Ganger, Connie Gillespey, Christy Green, Janet Grieshop, Carolyn Guittar, Carol Hensley, Jane Hoover, Jean House, Nancy Johnson, Tracy Kearns, Bill Klepinger, Connie Korber, Brian Miller, Shirley Miller, Rita Miller, Barb Minnich, Ashley Mullins, Jan Neitzke, Chris Perry , Ray Putnam, Jill Resides, Tony Strete, Mary Sutton, Carol Thompson, Pat Walters, and Dottie Wettstone.

The UVMC Launch program interns also attended the luncheon in recognition of their volunteer service.

To learn about volunteering at Upper Valley Medical Center, please call the UVMC Volunteer Services Department office at (937) 440-4994.

Featured photo (provided): UVMC Launch program participants were among volunteers recognized at Upper Valley Medical Center recently

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