During National Ag Week and National Ag Day, the Versailles FFA conducted several activities to promote agriculture.
On National Ag Day on March 21st, the Versailles FFA had four speakers that came in and shared about their agriculture careers and the opportunities.
The Versailles FFH wants to thank Will Winner of Winner Meats representing the career as a Butcher/business owner, Chelsey Keiser shared her career as a full time Horse Jockey over zoom located in Cuyahoga county, Deanna Langenkamp represented Calfcare as a Research Associate in Animal Nutrition, and Megan Bergman with Buckeye Ag Testing as a Research Associate associated with Agronomy.
Thank you Megan, Will, Deanna, and Chelsey for providing Versailles FFA members with the opportunity to learn about unique careers in the Agricultural industry!