Now is the time to purchase your Poultry Days Gear at 1984creative.com. Get your hats, shirts, bags and Yeti cups before the festival. For everyone who can’t make it to Versailles to prepurchase individual chicken tickets you can purchase those too! Purchase quickly because Gear will only be available until May 15th. ALL ORDERS will be shipped on June 4th so orders can be received before the festival.
Order your Poultry Days Gear and Chicken Tickets at 1984creative.com. Order your bulk chicken at VersaillesPoultryDays.com. Individual presale chicken tickets will go on sale in Versailles on Monday, May 3rd. Individual tickets will also be on sale at the festival in both the walk through and drive through chicken lines. All chicken related questions should be sent to VPDChickenline@gmail.com. General questions can be sent to PoultryDaysChairman@gmail.com.