This year’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony and Parade drew a big crowd downtown Greenville to honor the Veterans on a sunny Saturday.
The City of Greenville, Darke County Veterans Services, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Disabled American Veterans. and the Fort GreeneVille Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution worked together and put a program together to honor all Veterans and also thank those who are currently serving.
Mayor Willman welcomed the attendants of this event and opened the Ceremony and Pastor Alan Knoke, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church gave the Invocation. Guest speaker was Dr. Dana Robinson-Street.
Ken Wombold, Commander of American Legion Post 140 led the Pledge of Allegiance and laid the wreath at the veteran’s monument at the Darke County Courthouse. The Darke County Honor Guard gave a Gun Salute and played Taps.
After the Ceremony at the Court House the parade started. The Greenville American Legion invited the public to a bean soup luncheon after the parade.
Click here for photos of the Ceremony and the parade