The Annie Oakley Festival is celebrating 60 years this year, and the Annie Oakley Committee would love to have as many past Miss Annie Oakley’s come and join them for this wonderful festival, as well as be in the Annie Oakley Parade.
If you are a Past Miss Annie Oakley, or know someone who is (please let them know), the Committee would like to know your name (maiden name included), year that you became Miss Annie Oakley, where you are living, and if you remember, how far was your winning shot from. If you are going to be in Greenville during the Annie Oakley Festival for the parade, and would like to be a part of the parade, let the President know by responding to: president@annieoakleyfestival.org
The deadline to respond will be July 14th. The Committee hopes to have a float full of former Miss Annie Oakley’s celebrating the life of Annie Oakley