Find the “Golden Ticket” at Versailles Poultry Days and win FREE Chicken For life. This year’s theme is “Chilly Willy Wonka and the Chicken Factory ”. Keeping with the theme, three golden tickets will be placed randomly into three chicken dinners (or coolers). One golden ticket will be released each day (Friday June 9, Saturday June 10, and Sunday June 11). The three winners will each receive FREE Poultry Days Chicken For Life! For a chance to win you must pick up chicken in the festival’s Walk Thru, Drive Thru or Bulk Pick Up lines. The winner will receive two chicken dinners per festival day, for life.
The festival expects to offer over 36,000 dinners at the festival June 9, 10 and 11th. Individual dinners will be available in a Walk Thru and Drive Thru lines. Coolers of chicken are available and must be purchased in advance of the festival at VersaillesPoultryDays.com. Each cooler includes twenty chicken halves packed in a high-quality heat bag which stays hot for hours. Coolers can be ordered for pick up at the festival or for Friday delivery. Add sides (chips, applesauce, roll, butter and drink) to your order for an instant buffet complete with cutlery. Great for a picnic or business lunch.
Purchase your cooler of chicken and plan your weekend at VersaillesPoultryDays.com. Including: Live Entertainment, the Miss Chick Pageant, Grand Parade, FREE Chicken Eating Contest and much more. World Famous and perhaps the World’s Largest Chicken Barbecue.
The Golden Ticket prize is specific to the winner identified by Poultry Days and cannot be assigned to any other person or organization. All decisions by Versailles Poultry Days Inc. pertaining to this promotion are final. For all chicken related questions, from single dinners, to bulk, to delivery, email VPDChickenLine@gmail.com.