Workforce Connection Opportunities at Greenville High School

Andrea D. Townsend, Director of Career Technical and Special Education, Greenville City Schools
May 3, 2021

According to, “Increasingly, Americans are skeptical about whether or not a college education prepares young adults for the workforce.” There continues to be an ongoing debate about what is the best for students regarding college and/or career readiness. I am not sure that the answer is a simple dichotomy. In fact, I suspect the plan for students after high school should be as unique as the students themselves. There are so many opportunities for students today. Traditional routes such as 4-year college, 2- year college, technical schools and military still serve a large part of the high school graduates. Today, however, students can consider other options including a 2-year to a 4-year degree bridge offered by most community and public colleges. Adult education training programs are available to graduates as well for certification in skills such as welding or business. Some students even consider a gap year to explore their interests and gain some memorable experiences. An option that often goes unnoticed, however is entering the workforce directly.

Local employers here in Darke County need employees to fill immediate openings in their organizations. Sometimes students and their families do not see this as an opportunity to gain experience and knowledge in their career path that best suits the student. Entering the workforce after high school can provide students with benefits and training opportunities. “Often companies offer further technical training, apprenticeships and other training opportunities students to engage in after they start working,” said Karla Holzapfel, GHS guidance counselor, and these opportunities are increasing in the current economy. For this reason, Greenville High School, Greenville Career Technical Education Center have developed partnerships to help connect students with employers who have positions open currently.

The first of these opportunities is May 13, 2021. In an exciting partnership with Darke County Economic Development, Greenville High School will be hosting 8 local employers for open interview with seniors. These 8 employers represent 24 positions that are currently available for both full-time and part-time work. These positions range in pay from $10.00 up to $18.00 per hour. Students who are interested in exploring these options can submit an application and sign up for an interview time during the school day.

The second opportunity is May 20. 2021. A new partnership is with Associated Builders and Contractors – Ohio Valley Chapter has allowed Greenville Career Technical Education Center to host three employers in the skilled trades for open interviews that day. These employers are looking for students interested in the trades and are willing to offer training specific to skilled trades. Pay for these positions range from $12.00 to $24.00 per hour. Once again, students can submit their application and sign up for an interview time during the school day.

These exciting partnerships are as a result of hard work and collaboration of teachers, administrators, and guidance counselors at Greenville High School. It is an honor to serve students as they discover their individual path. shares some interesting perception data of post-secondary education outcomes that may help students and families look differently at the role of “after high school” training opportunities play in our futures. When asked how well the various types of education after high school prepare someone for a well-paying job in today’s economy, 26% percent of folks who have some Professional technical certificate said it prepared them very well. That is compared to only 16% of 4-year degree recipients. “Entering the workforce is a powerful exploration tool for students who are not sure which direction they want to go,” said Becky Curtis, GHS guidance counselor. “So often students think they have to start in college, but until you decide what route you are interested in, the workforce is a great place to start.” There are many opportunities to grow and learn in the workforce. Those opportunities can be tailored to individuals in a way that benefit the person, the employer and our local economy.

Senior year is an exciting time for students and their families. It can also be a time of uncertainty. It is such an honor to be a part of student growth and success. If you know of a student who is interested in connecting with an employer or entering the workforce directly after graduation, encourage them to visit with their guidance counselor, or reach out to them by email. For further information about workforce connections for students, call Greenville Career Technical Education Center at 937-548-3185 ext. 1301.

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