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Congressman John Boehner… House action to curb excessive regulations, stop small business tax hike - WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a weekly press conference with Republican leaders today, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) highlighted this week’s House vote to curb excessive government regulations and next week’s vote to stop the small business tax hike – both part of Republicans’ relentless focus on helping the private sector grow and create jobs.  As Congressman Boehner noted... read more
State Senator Keith Faber… Job Growth Continues to Reshape Western Ohio
Ohio’s economic comeback showed no sign of slowing down in recent months as our state added a total of 38,000 new jobs between May and June.  In the past year, companies have added more than 100,000 jobs in Ohio and have played a vital role in our unemployment level dropping to its lowest point since September 2008.  In fact, for the first time since January 1995, Ohio’s unemployment rate (7.2 percent... read more
The Business Journals... 4 reasons why “you didn’t build that” still haunts Obama, by Kent Hoover
Friday, July 20, 2012 - It’s been a week since President Barack Obama made a remark that’s been haunting him ever since: “If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Many business owners felt insulted by this remark, despite attempts to explain the context. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney spent the week hammering Obama over this statement. He drove... read more
Ohio Representative Jim Buchy… Let’s Celebrate at the County Fair
Late summer is one of my favorite times of the year because it’s when we get to celebrate the accomplishments of our local farmers and the agricultural community at our county fairs. The counties in West Central Ohio will each be holding their county fairs over the coming weeks, and I’m looking forward to attending them all, as each fair offers unique and exciting attractions. During the months of July and August, we... read more
Serving the sentiments of the people who elected them, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
A strange thing happened Tuesday night at the Greenville City Council Public Hearing for Trilogy Health Care. Despite overwhelming public support for the company’s plan to move Village Green from its current land-locked location on Chestnut Street to 6.41 acres, vacant for years, at Russ Road and Hwy 121, a motion to prepare legislation for it barely passed. It took a “yea” vote by... read more
Senator Sherrod Brown… Job Opportunities for Ohio’s Veterans
Servicemembers – already armed with the discipline and skills needed to strengthen the 21st century economy – should not have to struggle to find a job when their military service ends. These heroes who fought for our country shouldn’t have to fight for work when they come home. And yet, unfortunately many do. As citizens, we have a responsibility to do something about the thousands of older veterans who are jobless... read more
U.S. Representative John Boehner… Obama Tax Hike threatens jobs
Ernst & Young Study: President Obama’s Small Business Tax Hike Threatens More Than 700,000 Jobs - WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following statement today regarding a new study by independent accounting firm Ernst & Young that shows President Obama’s small business tax hike will destroy more than 700,000 American jobs: “This Ernst & Young... read more
The Heritage Network… Obama’s Gutting of Welfare Reform Is Illegal
Todd Gaziano and Robert Alt - July 16, 2012 - Editor’s Note: I voted for the Republican Majority who made this welfare reform requirement part of the Contract with America in 1996. I am incensed and outraged that any sitting president or his administration would take it upon themselves to blatantly over-ride the requirements of a law written and passed by the Legislative arm... read more
Ohio Representative Richard Adams… Guarding Public Money from Private Purposes
Debates over campaign finance laws date back to the beginning of the 20th century when Teddy Roosevelt was running for president. Most of these debates over time have focused on the issue of limiting campaign contributions and increasing transparency. Regardless of where you stand on those issues, just about everyone can agree that taxpayer money should not be funneled into campaign activity. On June... read more
Huff Post... Mitt Romney Bain Mess Shows Stonewalling Consequences
07/13/2012 - WASHINGTON -- It takes perverse talent to turn a two-day mini-story into a major three-week distraction. But that is precisely what Mitt Romney’s campaign has done with a June 21 story in the Washington Post. As a result, they’re losing valuable media time playing defense when they should be using every waking second and news cycle to remind voters about how crappy the economy is and why... read more
Market Commentary, By Art Cashin, Prepared by UBS Financial Services Inc.
The Obamacare Decision - We had originally intended to explore the scholarly give and take of both the opinion and of the dissent. Both have marvelous allusions to things like the Federalist papers and “original intent”. A full reading is like a visit to the mind gym, a mental workout of the first order. We were also hoping to revisit the original Marbury vs. Madison decision, which we write about every... read more
Education: Colleges should pay kids; kids pay employers, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
I’m a criminal and didn’t know it. That’s what I found out on “Stossel” on Fox Saturday night. Actually, I saw the first 20 minutes as I was winding down to go to sleep… then I saw the first 20 minutes again when I woke up at 5 a.m. I never see a full program any more… it’s usually 15-20 minutes before I go to sleep and 15-20 minutes while I wake up enough to start my morning coffee. I digress. I’m a criminal because I use... read more
Dayton Business Journal... McGregor: A New Outlook on Job Creation in Ohio
by Ohio Rep. Ross McGregor, Guest Column - Monday, July 9, 2012 - Job creation is an ongoing process, one that requires sustained efforts and innovative approaches. This fact has been reflected in the work of the 129th Ohio General Assembly since the very start of our current legislative session. We have passed numerous bills to benefit Ohio’s businesses, promote economic recovery and grow our job market. Beginning... read more
Obama has taken the economy to a new low, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
Obama: Governor Romney exported American jobs to China. “He’s not the solution. He’s the problem.” At best, it’s a tremendous stretch of the truth; at worst it’s simply a lie. The reference is to Romney’s affiliation with Bain Capital, an investment company that looks for strong investments worldwide, including American companies such as Staples. Nowhere could I find any verifiable information that Bain... read more
Congressman John Boehner… Independence Day Tribute... “Here’s to the Spirit of ‘76”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester), in a message recorded in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol, marks Independence Day by paying tribute to the Declaration of Independence, the brave patriots who conceived it, and the sacrifices that have been made to preserve freedom and liberty: “If you’re like me, when you enter the Capitol Rotunda, your eyes are drawn to Trumbull’s depiction of the Declaration of Independence.  And why not?  It’s humbling to stop and think... read more
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Exporting American Products, Not American Jobs
There’s an old cliché that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Well, if that’s the case, then our trade policy represents insanity. Though NAFTA was signed nearly two decades ago, a trade deal with China was inked about a dozen years ago, and CAFTA was signed some seven years ago, we still haven’t seen any change. The time for a new direction... read more
The Community Independence Day Parade, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
I vaguely remember seeing an occasional fireworks display when I was a kid… they weren’t that big in the 50s. It was usually a neighborhood project. The celebrations I remember most were in Lincoln, Nebraska when I was in junior high. We would block off our street for square dancing (and other “square” stuff, like barbeque and beer; and pop, sparklers, cherry bombs and snakes for the kids), divide... read more
State Representative Richard Adams... Commemorating Our Independence Day
As June begins to wrap up, it won’t be long before the citizens of the 79th Ohio House District put on red, white and blue attire and hang stars and stripes from their homes. The patriotic spirit this time of year is contagious, building up to our nation’s Independence Day on July 4th. Apple pie, cookouts, firework displays, parades—there are so many traditions that we associate with the Fourth of July. It is a time for family, fun and community, and, this year,... read more
State Representative Jim Buchy... A Celebration of American Freedom
July 4th has always been a very special day for me personally, and for all true Americans. It is a day for barbeques, family, fireworks, and of course, patriotism. It is a day to celebrate the freedoms we have as Americans and also to look back proudly over the history of our great nation. On July 4th, 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence. By doing so, The United States of America declared its independence... read more
State Senator Keith Faber... Taking on the Threat of Human Trafficking
The spring season was a busy time for the General Assembly as state lawmakers took up a full slate of bills before entering the summer.  Reforms focused on education, job growth, energy development and government efficiency took center stage at the Statehouse in recent months, and I am happy to report that Ohio’s economic success continues to pick up steam.  While a great deal of our work is aimed at alleviating... read more
Protecting the people from their choices, That’s My Opinion By Bob Robinson
The most controversial issue of the Obama Administration is the Affordable Care Act that was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. There are other regulations coming out of Washington that are equally destructive, but this one has been in the limelight since ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “I guess we’ll find out what’s in it after we pass it.” Now we know what’s in it. To set the record straight, I believe as... read more
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Hunger Doesn’t Take a Summer Vacation
More than 840,000 children in Ohio depend on school for more than an education. For children living well-below the poverty line, schools also provide a dependable source of food and nutrition. During the school year, more than 840,000 Ohio children receive nutrition assistance through free or reduced-price school lunches. So what happens to these children during the summer months? While critical lifelines – providing... read more
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