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President Barack Obama… Send me a letter
Hi, everyone -- Yesterday, I had lunch with a woman named Rebekah at Matt's Bar in Minneapolis. Rebekah wrote me a letter earlier this spring telling me about the challenges facing her family. More and more, she told me, she and her husband are working harder and harder just to get by. So I decided to reply to her letter in person. Rebekah and I spent the day together -- we stopped for burgers
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From the Other Side of the Edge…. C’ mon, …If you can’t Use your Hands, …then it’s not a Real Sport !!, By Joe Facinoli - What’s with all this phony “soccer hype” that’s going on right now, in this country?? All over ESPN, and on bored sports blogs, …and at bars and restaurants (that work for profit, not for some overblown passion), always on the lookout for a new and different reason, to attract a drunken sports crowd into their place ?? It sure ain’t for “Love of the Game”, …and it’s damn sure read more.
State Representative Jim Buchy… Elevating the Issue of Common Core to a State Level Issue
It was just over a year ago, when my office began receiving calls from constituents in western Ohio concerned about the Common Core Standards.  At that time I knew that the schools were implementing new standards and they had been for some time but I had a lot to learn about how this effort was really an attempt to nationalize public education.  A lot has come out since that time and recently Senator Faber led the way in elevating the discussion of the common
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U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Celebrating 42 Years of Title IX
This week, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) joined millions of women across the country in celebrating a milestone in women's equality. Forty-two years ago this week, Title IX gave women the first guarantee of equal opportunity both inside and outside of the classroom. "For too long women were denied the chance to contribute in the classroom and on the field," Sen. Brown said. "'Title IX finally started to level the academic and the athletic playing fields
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Ohio Republican Party… Chairman's Matt Borges Update
June 22, 2014 - Greetings! Today we are a little over 100 days away from the start of early voting in Ohio. We are well under five months until Election Day.  Everything we do over the coming weeks and months is important and there is only one goal: keep our Republican officials in office and continue Ohio's comeback. Think about how far we've come since Republicans took office
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Then and Now, By Al Bliss
June 19, 2014 - This effort focuses on NOW!!!! First – let us look at some basic beliefs and then consider a few so-called POLITICAL items. I am a proud American Citizen, a Christian, a Veteran, I believe the United States Constitution is as originally written the sound foundation upon which our Country is built, I believe an oath of office -political, military, judicial or any other position has significant value and mandates integrity by the
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A new type of consumer? By Jim Surber
“The wealthiest 1 percent possesses 40 percent of our nation’s wealth; the bottom 80 percent owns 7 percent.” We have all read or heard this account, or some variation. Some will think this is the result of preferential treatment by business, government, or the tax code. And, of course, some will think that this is how it should have always been. Thinking about this statement, I entertained a thought that the dramatic shift in assets (wealth) could be happening
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Broke Wife, Big City… 33 Things I’ve learned in 33 years, By Aprill Brandon
(New Parent Edition) 1. A baby’s cry has the magical ability to make time stop. For instance, 45 seconds of crying feels like three hours. And three hours of crying feels like you can’t remember life before the crying started and will probably die before it ends. 2. There are a lot of perks to having a baby. Using them as an excuse to stop cleaning your house is the best one. 3. How
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The White House… Flexible work environment
Hi, everyone -- I still remember the moment the value of a flexible work environment became crystal-clear for me. I was working for Mayor Richard Daley in Chicago, and sitting in a particularly long cabinet meeting along with the Mayor's corporation counsel, Susan Sher. Susan and I were both single moms, and dear friends -- and frankly, we both had somewhere else to be. As the meeting stretched on, and the two of us kept looking at our
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U.S. Representative John Boehner… The 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman John Boehner (R – West Chester) today released the following statement commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Mississippi Summer Project, also known as Freedom Summer, and recognized the integral role played by the 8th District’s Miami University. “1964 was a fateful year for the American civil rights movement, and like many other significant moments in
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From the Other Side of the Edge…. “Redskins” Name, …has Higher Approval Rating than Obama!!, By Joe Facinoli - Uh, …Oh….  Look what the latest polls have just drug in, …from under the shrubbery, over near the compost pit.  Seems like our dear, and oh so determined President, try as he might to distract us (from anything/everything), has had his once treasured, and formerly flaunted approval rating, …slip well below that of the hated and oh so “disparaging” name, of DC’s favorite NFL team read more.
The Lost Art of Talking, By Mike Stegall, Darke County Commissioner
“I FEAR THE DAY THAT TECHNOLOGY WILL SURPASS OUR HUMAN INTERACTION.  THE WORLD WILL HAVE A GENERATION OF IDIOTS.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN. In case you haven’t been aware, ever since the 1980’s, we have been in a technology boom.  Personal computers, cell phones, the internet, our cars, planes, ships, trains, everything has grown with the advent of new technology.  It is nothing anymore to see people walking with their
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U.S. Representative John Boehner… We need a true all-of-the-above energy strategy now, more than ever - WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following column: When I heard about the president’s new EPA rule, I said it was nuts – that’s because it is.  The proposed rule would force new federal bureaucratic mandates on states and energy suppliers that will be passed directly to American consumers, causing energy prices paid by families and small businesses to, as the president has put it read more.
State Representative Jim Buchy… Severance Tax and its Impact on Ohioans
With the discovery of large deposits of oil and gas in the eastern part of Ohio, we have an opportunity to work with Ohio’s oil and gas industry to offset costs incurred by the tax payers for road maintenance and regulation associated with the industry.  As we learn more about this growing economic benefit in Appalachia we must have a serious discussion at the state level to determine the best
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Broke Wife, Big City… Father’s Day, By Aprill Brandon
Remember those public service announcements a few years back that showed a dad playing with his kid and then encouraged other dads to “take time to be a dad today”? I always hated those commercials. Even though I understood the reasoning behind it (addressing the high numbers of absent and deadbeat dads in the U.S.), I still hated the message, for two reasons: There
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U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Summer Food Service Programs: Ensuring Ohio Children Don’t Go Hungry - With so many families struggling to make ends meet, many Ohio children are living in “food insecure” households, where parents don’t always have the resources to provide enough healthy food for their families. During the 2012-2013 school year, 630,000 Ohio children daily received free or reduced-priced school lunches through the National School Lunch Program, ensuring their healthy read more.
U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Capping Costs on Federal Student Loans
This week, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) applauded an executive order by President Obama that would cap the monthly cost of federal student loans to just 10 percent of a borrower’s income, benefitting more than five million Americans. Sen. Brown also urged Congress to pass legislation he is cosponsoring that would enable more than 1.2 million Ohioans to refinance their private and federal student loans to lower interest rates currently
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From the Other Side of the Edge…..  Moronic Scoff-Laws, ….Playing Leap Frog, Right Over You, By Joe Facinoli - They mock you, …and they’re morons.   They have a plan, and are working hard to implement it, but have no earthly idea as to how, …and no clue as to what’s really involved.  Yet they mock you, …and call YOU stupid, …for questioning them.  They are children, …playing on the world’s stage, …in the most dangerous game of all, …but they make fun of YOU, for mentioning that their moronic read more.
State Senator Bill Beagle… Celebrating Fatherhood
As a father myself, and as Chairman of the Ohio Commission on Fatherhood, I know firsthand the irreplaceable role fathers play in their children’s lives. My own father used his high school education and hard work to become a regional Vice President of a coffee company. He was a husband, a coach, a guide, a leader, and a man of compassion that shaped my upbringing. Ironically, the first Father's Day I celebrated as a father was the first one I
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State Representative Jim Buchy… Freezing Government Energy Mandates will Help Ohio’s Consumers - As air conditioners run and summer travel begins—a topic on many Ohioans’ minds is the costs of energy.  Continuing government mandates on Ohio’s energy companies increases costs for Ohio consumers.   Our Ohio energy policy should promote low-cost, domestic energy resources that promises continued economic growth in Ohio.  Instead, flawed policies for the read more.
ORP Update… By Matt Borges
Greetings! On Friday, the Ohio Republican Party hosted State Central Committee members for our reorganization meeting following the primary election. Eleven new members were sworn in including Steve Austria, Bill Delaney, Dan Drockton, Doris Durica, Crystal Faulkner, Stephanie Garrett, James Horton, John Mancini, Mary O'Toole, Greg Simpson, and Denise Verdi. This
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The White House… Getting student debt under control, From Andy MacCracken
Hey, everyone -- I owe more than $75,000 in federal student loan debt -- and that's before you count interest. So, as you might imagine, the action President Obama took today to make debt more manageable for millions of Americans is very personal to me. When I was growing up in Colorado, my parents worked multiple jobs and made plans to refinance our house just so they could
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U.S. Representative John Boehner… More Than 57,000 Veterans Waiting for an Appointment
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement after the VA reported that more than 57,000 veterans are still waiting for an initial medical appointment at VA health facilities: “The fact that more than 57,000 veterans are still waiting for their first doctor appointment from the VA is a national disgrace.  The House will act this week on a common-sense bill that would allow any veteran forced to wait more than 30 days for an
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U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Making Student Loan Policies Clear for Ohio Students
A death within a family is devastating. Grieving family members deserve time to mourn their loss. But some parents who have co-signed a private student loan for their child have instead found themselves facing harassment from student loan servicers. After Delphos, Ohio native Andrew Katbi was killed in a tragic car crash just weeks before graduating from law school, his family experienced this mistreatment firsthand
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The power of the purse, By Al Bliss
To:  All active Conservative Republicans  From:  A Concerned Conservative Republican – Al Bliss - I have included as direct quotes two sections of the constitution that clearly demonstrate the intent of our founding fathers. This was done so that an answer to the following questions just might be forthcoming from someone. Legislative Branch - The legislative branch enacts legislation
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Broke Wife, Big City… It takes a bunch of village idiots to raise a child, By Aprill Brandon
When I was a kid, my greatest achievement was being the undisputed champion of the game “Don’t Touch The Ground” in my aunt’s pool from 1989 to 1992. If you’ve never played this game, let me assure you that it takes a level of strength and fortitude generally not found in many 8-year-olds and consists of many complicated rules, such as swimming around the pool without
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U.S. Representative John Boehner… Congressional Concerns Raised About Prisoner Exchange
WASHINGTON, DC -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement today about the bipartisan concerns outlined to the administration more than two years ago about the prospect of the prisoner exchange facilitated last week: “I join every American in welcoming Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl home.  It is hard to imagine, let alone fully understand, the fear and torment our fellow citizen and his family have endured, and I am grateful his
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The White House… The year 2030
Hi, everyone -- This past Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed national limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants for the first time. Since then, folks across the country -- on editorial boards, in classrooms, on front porches -- have been weighing in on why this is so important. And with that in mind, here's something I want to make clear: We’re already experiencing the effects of climate change today
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From the Other Side of the Edge….. A Quiet Tear, …from a Good Man, …for a Day Long Remembered, By Joe Facinoli - I had already written most of my column for this week’s space, when a chance re-discovery of a dusty old book on an office shelf, reminded me quickly of what day it was, …and just as quickly, re-directed my thoughts. To, …that this particular day’s importance, was of far greater value than anything else which I could be writing about, …at that thought provoking read more.
Ohio Republican Party… Chairman Matt Borges Update: Greetings!
This week our Republican leaders spent their time looking for solutions and creating jobs while Ohio Democrats spent theirs advocating for more spending, higher taxes and bigger government. There is no doubt that we need to keep Republicans in office this November to keep Ohio on the right track. Help us continue Ohio's comeback. First let's look at the Democrats
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The White House… What the proposed power plant rule means to you
Power plants currently churn out about 40 percent of the carbon pollution in the air we breathe, and contribute to hundreds of thousands of asthma attacks and thousands of heart attacks. And even though we limit the amount of toxic chemicals like mercury, sulfur, and arsenic that power plants can put in our air and water, there are no national limits on the carbon pollution they can release. As President Obama said in his weekly address on
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Patriot Voices… More Regulation Equals More Lost Jobs for Hardworking Families
By Rick Santorum - VERONA, PA - Former presidential candidate, former U.S. Senator, Chairman of Patriot Voices and author of Blue Collar Conservatives Rick Santorum condemned the regulations from President Obama placing historic and job-killing carbon pollution limits on existing power plants. Senator Santorum said, "Hardworking families across this country continue to face an uphill climb
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U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown… Ensuring Veterans Receive the Care They Deserve
While serving our country, many veterans sustain a variety of injuries. These injuries can be visible physical injuries but other so-called “invisible injuries” persist and can affect veterans just as much, or more, than the more obvious visible injuries. It is our duty to ensure that these veterans receive the high quality medical care and disability benefits they deserve – no matter what kind of injuries
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State Representative Jim Buchy… Workers Compensation Reform Coming Soon
In the last three years, under the management of Director Steve Buehrer and Governor John Kasich, the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) has been working hard to return money to employers and lower premium rates. The BWC has also proposed a new reform package, which will change the premium payment system from retrospective to prospective, introduce the “True Up” option, and modify the
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Boehner… Premiums Rising in Ohio Due to President's Health Care Law
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman John Boehner (R – West Chester) today issued the below statement following a report released this week by the Ohio Department of Insurance.  The report shows that average premiums are increasing by 13 percent for individuals and 11 percent for small businesses for health plans sold in 2015 on the federal exchange created by the president’s health
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Broke Wife, Big City… A closer look at the American family, By Aprill Brandon
The American family. A tradition dating back to the early 1600s. They can be found living among various habitats in North America, from teeming cities rich in natural resources, such as Chipotle, to the peaceful suburbs, where powerful tribes known by the moniker of “The Homeowners Association” roam the land, dictating grass length and the number of acceptable lawn gnomes
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