senior scribes

August 18, 2015

Shelby County Veterans Washington D.C. trip
Neil Allen

To The Editor

All motorcyclists are encouraged to show up at the Shelby County Fairgrounds Friday morning, September 18 by 8am to escort the a group of departing Veterans on the Shelby County Veterans to Washington, DC committee’s eleventh trip to our nation’s capital.  There the Veterans will see their memorials for the first time.  Lined up to go on the next September 18, three day trip are two WWII, five Korean War and thirty-one Vietnam/Vietnam era Veterans.  As in the previous ten trips going back to the first in May, 2009, the trip is free for the Veterans... Read More


February 28, 2015

Proud Patriot Fan
Amy Farmer

In response to Dr. Leon Knore’s article recently published in the Daily Advocate, I would like to thank you, sir, for providing an opportunity for us to show what a fine community we live in and just how proud we are of the young men and women we call Tri-Village Patriots.  Your words have struck a chord that all of “Patriot Nation” has heard. 

The young men who sport the red, white and blue in New Madison, Ohio are some of the finest I have ever known.  Although I know that all teenagers, including these young men, have flaws, theirs are certainly not on public display on or off the... Read More


Oct. 23, 2014

Ansonia renewal: no tax increase
Jim Atchley

Ansonia Levy Information

Ansonia Local Schools will have their 1% Income Tax Renewal on the ballot November 4, 2014.  The income tax levy is a renewal and WILL NOT be an increase in current taxes.  The levy generates approximately $570,000 annually, which equals 8% of the district budget and would be for the next five years.

The Ansonia Board of Education and administration appreciate the support of the community in the passage of this levy in November 2010... Read More


Oct. 23, 2014

Vote for Judith French
Lyn Bliss

To Darke County Voters:

The next time you hear someone tell you that their vote doesn’t count – let them know that in Ohio there were 43 elections statewide won by only one vote in a previous general election. Thus, voters should not only be sure to vote, but also think carefully about their vote --  casting it with care and consideration for the candidates for Ohio's Supreme Court... Read More


September 4, 2014

Giving thanks to our Veterans
Neil Allen


I’m just one of many Shelby County area volunteers who’ve helped plan and participate in many of the previous nine and now next September 19-21 trip of Shelby County area Veterans to Washington, DC to visit their memorials they’ve not yet seen.   And we send all Veteran’s at no expenses to them!  Let there be no doubt that each of us along for the trips have brought home many rewarding memories being alongside those most wonderful Veterans.  If asked which of all those memories were the most poignant, most of us would agree on one... Read More


August 13, 2014

Tony Steward and Robin Williams
Mona Lease

What do Tony Stewart and the late Robin Williams have in common?  Tick Tock - Tick Tock - Tick Tock - Tick Tock - ...Fame. Tick Tock - Tick Tock - ...Fortune. Tick Tock - Tick Tock Tick Tock...Fans. Tick Tock - Tick Tock - ...Anger...Depression...aging bodies. Most of us will feel pressure. But, not to their degree. Granted - these are paths they chose and they are/were obviously, very good at them. One man's "feelings" turned inward. Suicide resulted. Another man's turned outward and a racer died. (So it is reported). For all the cheering fans... Read More


May 31, 2014

Repeal the Affordable Care Act
Kathleen J. Burch, Psy.D.


“The Bureaucrat Sitting on Your Doctor’s Shoulder” was a great, first-person account of some of the life-and-health-threatening consequences of top down, command and control health care.  As a psychologist, I know the damage done to health by destroying the doctor-patient relationship; and as a consumer, I share Dr. Pollard’s frustration. A podiatrist prescribed orthotics to treat my bunions.  Medicare would not cover the orthotics; it would cover surgery, which was not indicated and which would have had a price tag many times higher than the orthotics (not to mention the risk, the pain, and the weeks-long disability attendant upon bunion surgery.)

The root of the problem is government interference in a sphere totally out of its legitimate purview.  Law of post-World War II vintage that allowed employers to provide--tax-free-- employee... Read More


April 30, 2014

Vote for Joe LeMaster
Don Delaplane

Please VOTE for Joe LeMaster for 80th District Ohio House of Representatives.  Joe will be a watch dog to make sure our tax dollars are spent wisely.

Being a retired military veteran, he will defend our 2nd Amendment rights of the US Constitution.  He will also work to abolish the state income tax.  Joe will also fight to exercise the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution.  This is to keep the Federal Government from oppressing the state and the citizens.

Joe is a man with high family morals.  The 80th District deserves the best.  Vote for Joe LeMaster.

Don Delaplane


April 29, 2014

Vote Yes on the Renewal
Eileen and Steven Litchfield

Dear Editor,

We are in strong support of the RENEWAL for Greenville Schools for permanent improvements.

This is a renewal, NO new taxes. The money can only be used for items that  have a life of at least five years by law.   Yes, we’re going to have a new building and an updated high school, but until those are finished, it  will be necessary to keep the present buildings in working order.  The money has been and can also be used for computers and related technology, items needed regardless of a new building.

Please vote May 6 for the renewal.

Most Sincerely,
Eileen and Steve Litchfield


April 10, 2014

A Big Fracking Deal
Letter to the Editor
Tom and Jane Staley

Dear Editor:

"TOXIC TRUTH," a Town Hall Meeting,  presented by the Western Ohio Fracking Awareness Coalition (WOFAC) comes to Memorial Hall at 215 West Fourth Street in Greenville Tuesday, April 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

And it's still a big fracking deal.

Since our previous Town Hall event last October, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources... Read More


Feb. 24, 2014

Concerning Ohio Republicans
Matthew Zisi

John Boehner, though nominally a Republican, has repeatedly demonstrated as Speaker of the House that he is no different from a Democrat.  Although spending bills originate in the House of Representatives, Boehner has permitted and even encouraged the funding of Obamacare and the raising of the debt ceiling, relying on Democrats to help him carry out the latter.  Unfortunately, House Republicans do not appear set to replace him as Speaker of the... Read More


February 2, 2014

Oil and gas companies may pose local problems
Jane Staley

The oil and gas drilling in eastern Ohio poses a potential threat to western Ohio in the form of Class II injection wells. The Mt. Simon Sandstone geology under the west central Ohio aquifer is ideal for injection wells.

Millions of gallons of fracking waste "brine" (a mixture of toxic chemicals, radiation and high levels of salt) is usually injected into Class II wells. They are permitted and regulated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Old, abandoned, or depleted "orphan" oil and gas wells are reused for waste water injection. ODNR recently gave legal notice on several orphan wells in northern Darke County. Why is ODNR suddenly interested in a few of over 150 orphan wells that have existed in Darke County for decades?... Read More


July 10, 2013

Vote yes on the levy
Rita McCans

Letter to the Editor:        

I would like to thank all of the people for their questions, input  and lively conversation last Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m., as we gathered around the tables at McDonald's North and South.  Many thanks to Greenville Schools Treasurer Carla Surber, who graciously joined us before her day started, to accurately answer lots of questions for everyone.  We also had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Wright and discuss our differences and misconceptions, as he continues to keep a bright spotlight on this very important issue  The Greenville School Administration has been very approachable and forthcoming with pertinent answers to the public's questions about building a new K-8 School with needed renovations to the High School. It's encouraging to hear so many positive comments from our community and their desire to make this goal a reality.

The Friends of Greenville Quality Schools are planning a "Thank You" party after the election (Tuesday, August 6), with the date soon to be announced, to show our appreciation to the community and to all of the many, many people, who have volunteered and been a huge part of this school campaign.  Your help placing signs in yards, talking to friends/neighbors, writing letters/articles, making your own family signs, coming to meetings/fundraisers has all been so appreciated. I love the passion and concern that everyone has for our community and the more I learn from you, our citizens, the more I understand and sincerely appreciate you.

Last but not least, a big thank you to all of the Greenville School District citizens, who will be going to  your polling places on Tuesday, August 6 to vote "FOR" a new K-8 building with renovations to the Greenville High School..... we need your help to keep our community strong.  Your vote FOR the upcoming school bond levy is an investment in your community.  It is an opportunity for Greenville to join the ranks of every other community in Darke County and show our children that their education and safety matters to all of us.  It is an opportunity for a new beginning and one that will enhance the quality of life for our whole community and at the same time, be attractive to new business.

Greenville is my hometown, and I am a product of Greenville Quality Schools, and I will never forget  where I came from......this is why I am helping our community. 

Rita McCans
Tri-Chair for Strong Schools Strong Community


July 9, 2013

Vote for the Levy
Anne Lloyd


For many years our country has experienced tremendous progress brought on by technology in space exploration, industrial change, agriculture, communications, medicine, healthcare and energy through great minds and great visions.

Let’s give our educators in the Greenville School System the best tools to prepare our students to advance and compete in this changing environment of the 21st Century.

Please support our teachers and kids by voting FOR a new, modern K- 8 school building and renovations to our high school. Our kids and community will reap great rewards!

Anne Lloyd


July 6, 2013

Support the Greenville Schools Levy
Steve and Eileen Litchfield

Dear Editor, We are in strong support of the bond issue for Greenville Schools for a new K-8 building and renovated high school.

Ohio will pay 43% of the cost of this project. You have paid taxes for years to the State. TAKE ADVANTAGE of State $$$$ and get back our share.

Only building a new K-8 and renovating the high school is an allowable option if we want to take advantage of State dollars. Is it best to go with the State? A committee of local business leaders and bankers previously did their own research. They decided, yes, it was better to build with the State’s help. TAKE ADVANTAGE of their research.

Building costs will never be lower. The need for improved safety and security is higher. TAKE ADVANTAGE of the timing.

The property on S.R. 121 N provides for the perfect space for a K-8 building. There is no existing facility that has enough land or parking for the necessary additions to house all of our K-8 students. This spot has the best access to City utilities. It has been researched, soil tested, traffic analyzed and zoned. TAKE ADVANTAGE of this spot.

And, TAKE ADVANTAGE of the August 6 election for a complete district solution and please vote FOR the bond issue.

Most Sincerely,
Eileen and Steve Litchfield


Vote for Greenville Schools
Diane Amick


I encourage everyone to vote for the bond levy that is on the ballot August 6. As I travel through Darke County and all of Ohio, I see wonderful new school facilities that we have all helped pay for through our state taxes. Now it is our turn to have close to 20 million dollars of that state money returned to our district for decent schools for our children.

I would compare our schools to an old car. You can continue to make repairs for a long time, but you still have an old repaired car that will continue to “nickel and dime” you and still be barely functional. Despite the owner’s best efforts, eventually that car will be left on the side of the road while others pass on by. That is the point that Greenville City Schools has reached with most of the buildings. The administration is working hard with the money available to repair our old buildings, but in the end we are still left with old buildings that barely meet the needs of the youth of our district.

As a lifelong resident of Greenville, a graduate of GHS and a retired teacher with 30 years in the Greenville schools, I can say that the need is definitely there. From 2007 to 2011 I taught at South Middle School. It was a great place to teach because of the many dedicated students and supportive staff, but not because of the physical building. My classroom was in the original building that is more than 100 years old. While I loved teaching in the same school where my father went to elementary school back in the 1930’s, I often felt like it hadn’t changed much since then. For example, an original radiator made one corner of the classroom so hot that we had to open windows even in the middle of winter. On very hot days in September and June, the temperature rose to 90+ degrees in my third floor room. I had several fans to move air around, but there were walls with no electrical outlets, so I had to string extension cords behind and under furniture. Whenever I wanted to use a projector, students had to drag the cord under their desks and plug it in, then remember to unplug it after use so that nobody tripped. One exterior wall had flaking, peeling paint from moisture that was getting in. And these are just a few examples in one classroom. Most teachers at South and in the other buildings could tell you similar stories about their teaching situations.

Look around Ohio at all of the new schools that have been built with a combination of state and local funds. Are we willing to turn down almost $20 million from the state to help us bring our schools into the 21st century?   What will happen if the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission determines that all interested districts in our state have been served and decides to discontinue funding new schools? If we haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity, we will be left with deteriorating buildings that continue to need costly repairs. In the future will we be willing and better able to pay 100% of building costs at a time when construction costs and interest rates will most likely be higher? The time to make a difference for our students and our community is now.   Please join me in voting for the bond levy on August 6.

Diane Amick


July 6, 2013

Industry and Educational Perspective – Vote Yes For Our Schools
Jim Anderson

As a graduate of Greenville High School, a former employee of Schultz Motors, and as an Automotive Technology ASE Master Certified Instructor for Greenville Schools, I have had the opportunity to work for people that were great employers and/or administrators.  There have been many administrators and school board members come and go over my career as an instructor.  Some were more effective than others, but they all strived to do what they felt was right.

I started my automotive career as a student at Greenville Career Tech Center by interning at Schultz Motors which led to my working at this local business for eight years.  Due to an industrial accident, a career change became necessary.  I went back to school at Edison State Community College receiving my Associate’s Degree in Business Management and my educational training at the University of Cincinnati and Ohio State University.  Mr. Clarence Gueth, through the recommendation of Mr. Jim Holzapfel, contacted me about becoming the Automotive Instructor at Greenville High School.  I began teaching in 1982, and I will be starting my 31st year in education. I have described my path to becoming a teacher because I feel it helps to explain that my perspective and career has not been the traditional route. I believe my views are founded on working in both the community and our schools. 

The current administration has a clear vision on the future and it is a positive environment where students will be safe and future businesses and employers will be willing to invest. Our voters cannot continue to hold back the community and children of Greenville Schools because of what has happened in the past.

Over the years I have worked with community and local businesses with the automotive projects that were built by the students and competed in various state and national competitions. Our community has always supported the Automotive Program with skills and resources.

"Let's support our schools and our community as a whole; strong schools = strong community!  Vote FOR the Bond Levy on August 6th."

Jim Anderson
Automotive Instructor
Greenville Career Tech Center


June 13, 2013

Profound Statement


Concerning Mr. Surber’s column:  What a profound statement of thought from Jim.  It is very refreshing and hopeful to see.

Deb Shiverdecker


May 31, 2013

Journalist got it right
Alan Greiner
Dear Editor,
It seems to me that a journalist in 1920 had a crystal ball and described perfectly our current President, Barack Hussein Obama, as follows:
"As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."

--- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920   (H.L. Mencken, Born 1880 – Died 1956, was a journalist, satirist & critic.)
Alan Greiner


April 22, 2013

No room for God
Keith Hocker


I noticed one sad thing about the modern version of the golf ball story (Golf Balls of Life).  There is no longer any room for God in our lives.  He wasn’t one of the golf balls or pebbles or grains of sand. What a pity!

Keith Hocker


March 27, 2013

Thank you for “No More Steubenvilles”
Deb Shiverdecker


Thank you so much for the Kim Simon article: No More Steubenvilles.  The world needs to know this so much.  There are a lot of men out there hurting because they are kind and they are tormented for it. I experienced this in raising a son and with a very kind and good friend of mine.  Guys need to support and encourage each other not see each other as competition. 

Women also. Women have been so beaten down with the women’s right movement by trying so hard to make ourselves “equal” that we have cheated ourselves out of being “special... Read More


March 6, 2013

Red Cross Month

To The Editor:

March is Red Cross Month and the American Red Cross recognizes our Everyday Heroes who help their community by giving of themselves - the volunteers, blood donors, class takers and financial supporters who help us assist those in need.

March is also a great time to become part of the Red Cross by doing such things as developing a preparedness plan for the household, becoming a volunteer, giving blood, or taking a Red Cross class... Read More


March 2, 2013

The Other Side of the Story
Sam Schlagetter


Obviously someone at your organization does not believe in getting to the facts before allowing something to be printed. The article written by Mr. Starks entitled "A three point winner vs a big time loser" has switched some facts around that should be corrected online by your organization. Since this was not an "editorial" document where one can just say what they want I believe you have obligation to state facts and Mr. Starks is wrong on a number of points... Read More


February 21, 2013

Thank you for Paul
Deb Shiverdecker


I really like the column by Victor Hanson today and I am thrilled that you are working with Mr. Ackley. He is a high school friend of mine. He is so exceptionally talented and has done so much promotion for this community and for charitable causes that no one pays attention to. He may have his detractors (don’t we all?), but sometimes people miss the good stuff that he does. He understands and knows a lot more than anyone gives him credit for. He is a community treasure that not everyone truly recognizes. You are doing a great job, Bob. Thank you.

Deborah S. Shiverdecker


January 23, 2013

Thank you to Rachel Hedrick
Dave Miller


The VFW and American Legion would like to thank Rachel Hedrick for the great half time show at the Versailles-Ft. Recovery basketball game. Rachel is a Versailles student and cheerleader.  She and her friends have taken on the task of collecting donations for the Wound Warrior Project. She has had some fundraisers and intends to continue fundraising for our soldiers who have been wounded while in service to their Country.  She intends to have some programs this poultry day... Read More


January 1, 2013

Thank you for a great article
Seth Thomas

Dear George Starks,

It is great to read articles like the one you wrote about the Tri-Village girls basketball team.  The article was special because not only did you mention our top players but also the rest of the team.  I am Shaye Thomas's brother but love to see the rest of the team get credit because without them this season wouldn't be possible.  Thanks for this great article!
With gratitude,
Seth Thomas


January 1, 2013

Thank you from the Fish Mitten Tree Project
Marilyn Delk, Fish volunteer

Dear friends,

Thanks to the generous spirit of the people of our community, the Fish Mitten Tree has once again provided mittens and gloves to warm the hands and hearts of children enrolled in Darke County Head Start programs. This hearty demonstration of the true spirit of Christmas which lingers long beyond December 25th is very much appreciated.

Special gratitude goes to Aaron and Michele Cox and their staff at Montage in Greenville, and Judy Fourman and her crew at Arcanum’s Ben Franklin Store who watched over the trees in their places of business... Read More


December 21, 2012

Thank you for your support

As we celebrate the birth of Christ this Christmas season, we would like to thank all of those who have supported the Cancer Association of Darke County.  With your generous donations and support, we have been able to help the cancer patients of Darke County make a tough time a little more bearable. 

We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas & a prosperous New Year!

The Cancer Association of Darke County


December 5, 2012

Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Honorable John Boehner
From Dennis Forte

I know, as most of my fellow voters do, in campaigns, promises are made (including a gift of the moon) for the peoples' vote. And all politicians claim that they will represent those that elected them. Funny thing though after being elected (not so much) all too soon most of those elected forget that they work for "We The People"... Read More


November 28, 2012

Thanks, George
Mike Griffin

This is Mike Griffin, Garrett Griffin’s dad. I read the very nice article on this website about our game National Trail versus Ansonia this past season. I remember you covering our GYFL pee wee games, and while we left Greenville, it is still nice to see some people recognized the good I/WE did there. I just wanted to say thanks! Good luck with the basketball season!

Mike Griffin
CNO Reader


November 27, 2012

Greenville a great place
Hi Bob:
Hope all is well with you. I read your piece on the Hometown Holiday Parade and saw the pictures--great stuff. Thanks for that, and for all you've done for the community over the years. I submitted my Daily Advocate column (to appear in tomorrow's edition) on Wednesday, but it's almost as if we wrote from the same script. I so agree with your sentiments, and am working relatively hard on transmitting the values you expressed and my own to my kids. It's an uphill climb, but well worth the effort. Like you, I love Greenville and the people and traditions that make it a great place to live and learn and grow. Thanks again,
Tim Swensen


November 25, 2012

There’s always a critic… As for me, I just stay grumpy
D. D. Forte

At the horse parade, my wife thought all entries were supposed to have lights!? While I was more concerned about having a color guard with an American Flag to start any parade... The GHS band was there, would it have been too much to invite the GHS ROTC color guard to be at the start of the event? Maybe the American Legion and/or the V.F.W. could have... Read More


October 23, 2012

What would the Darke Knight think?
D.D. Forte

There I was, on my way, for my monthly pro-time test at M.V. in Dayton, and the closer I got , it became very clear a gallon of gas had went down by one dollar at several stations. Wow, just two weeks before Nov.6 th! Surely no connection to help B.O.'s current poor voter polling in Ohio. Just coincidence, I'm sure,  and every fall the demand for gas goes down Righttttt! As if that wasn't disgusting enough, I couldn't help think, if big oil wanted to make a real difference for poor working families, drop gas by two dollars- where it should be anyway. Of course, our current dollar buys so much less today, plus we now have an excess of new printed dollars thanks to gentle Ben & our central bank... Read More


September 18, 2012

Response to “Beneficiaries of our Actions”
Christina Chalmers


We appreciate all the years that Paul has contributed to the newspaper. His decision to resign was not ours, but strictly his. We have no issue with editorial opinions and together, Paul and the newspaper have collaborated on many 'controversial' cartoons over the years. The difficult part is that the newspaper as a whole did not agree that a single team of students should be targeted or students at all for that matter. There are many reasons for this beyond the obvious one of targeting young people. I feel that our editorial (published in The Daily Advocate) addressed our thoughts on this matter. This feeling was expressed to Paul prior to the drawing of the cartoon. We are accepting all responsibility for the situation that played out, because the cartoon was not turned down for submission prior to its publication.

Christina Chalmers, Editor
The Daily Advocate

CNO Editor’s Note: The Robinson column was inaccurate on one point and should be clarified. Paul Ackley’s resignation was turned in on Monday, while the Advocate editorial wasn’t printed until Tuesday. The column erroneously said the opposite. We apologize for the error and the confusion it may have caused. One plus of online publishing is that errors can be corrected. This has been done. Editor.

August 24, 2012

In Appreciation to the Greenville City Council
Carol Engelken


This is the first time I have ever written a letter to the editor, but I really want to thank some people for all the work they did in researching things and for taking into consideration what the citizens of the City of Greenville want and need. 

Trilogy had made application to the Zoning Board for the rezoning of land at the corner of East Russ Road and State Route 121 for using that corner to build a new nursing home that will include many other uses at that location.  What they will be building will be a beautiful complex that will really enhance that corner at Russ Road and State Route 121.  It will make a... Read More


August 24, 2012

Questions regarding proposed fire department reductions
Patrick Barga

Members of Greenville City Council,
First of all, let me express my thanks for City Council’s recent approval of the re-zoning request on behalf of Trilogy Health Services.  Hopefully, this care center will be an asset to our community for many years to come.  I believe that this re-evaluation is very significant as it demonstrates that the council is willing to accept valid input from the community and respond to the will of the people... Read More


August 17, 2012

Two City Council issues under consideration
Patrick Barga


Letter to Members of Greenville City Council,

I am sending this to identify my concerns with two of the issues currently before City Council.

Issue 1: Police/Fire Personnel Reduction

I am certainly aware of current financial issues at all levels of local government and am especially confused about our governor’s reluctance to share some of the large state surplus that was created to some degree by the funds that have... Read More


August 17, 2012

More on the Possible Greenville Layoffs
Amy Fashner


First, I agree with Mr. Barga and all of his comments. 

Another interesting point to be made was the passing of Issue 10 several years ago for public safety.  This was passed on the backs of the Fire Department.  Local 1101 spearheaded the campaign to pass this legislation.  This was... Read More


August 9, 2012

Obama’s Green Policy Accomplishments
By Al Bliss

“You didn’t build that, someone else did that. Someone (government) gave you help along the way.” Barack Obama, who has never built a thing and has lived off the government and other peoples’ work all of his life.
Below are examples of companies that really were built with government help. This is what happens in business when you depend on help from the government... Read More


August 6, 2012

I enjoyed a great meal at Chick-Fil-A
Dennis Forte


On Wednesday August 1, I drove 40 minutes and sat in line another 40 minutes to have a chicken sandwich, waffle fries and a peach milkshake.

Thank you Chick-Fil-A, that was the best fast food I’ve had to date.

That being said, my Archie Bunker-ness does have its limits (I’ll explain). There is a time and place for everything. I did not return on August 3 (to Chick-Fil-A) for the “Kiss In.” If for some unknown reason... Read More


July 24, 2012

NCAA gutted PSU’s football program
S. D. Olling

I’m impressed with the president of the NCAA.  When I heard on the news last night that the “death penalty” was probably not going to happen to PSU’s football program, I feared that the program would get a bye.  Not so, thankfully.  PSU has had the chance to respond to this mess (perhaps voluntarily suspending its football program for a period of time?) but did nothing.  Due to the apparent inaction or inability of the university’s leadership, the NCAA has gutted their program to the point that... Read More


July 16, 2012

Obama attack on Romney, Bain Capital false, misleading
Tom Subler

False and misleading accusations are being made by the Obama campaign about Bain Capital and Mr. Romney. I know FROM EXPERIENCE they’re false.From June 1987 until March 2006, I was in New England every two weeks calling on every major manufacturer. From the mid 1970s our company, Carl Subler Trucking transported truckload shipments of paper and paper products from all of New England to the US. Teamster Union issues caused us to sell part of CSTI in June 1987 to a major non-union carrier called Heartland Express who now operates over 4,000 power units. As VP of National Accounts for Heartland I personally called on every truckload shipper in New England and many here in the midwest. Ampad (aka American Pad and Paper) and Staples were two of those accts and both are (were) headquartered in Mass.. Read More


July 7, 2012

Thank you, Dr. Parmigian. I wish you the best.
Elizabeth Horner

Dr. Parmigian
I want to take this opportunity to thank and wish Dr. Guy Parmigian my very best as Superintendent of Benton-Caroll-Salem.  I have developed great respect for him because I truly believe that he’s one of those “who is not afraid to carefully and respectfully listen to the concerns of students”.  One of his parting pieces of advice to the future Director of Career –Tech is, “If you make a mistake – apologize --- and be a role model for students and teachers because they are always looking to you to set the expectations.” I say, those are part of great qualities of a Superintendent.
I remember Dr. Parmigian taking the time to write to me in response to an article I wrote about “My School, the Greenville City School”. He is one of those administrators that I feel, regardless of who you are, treats students with dignity and respect. My best wishes to you, Dr. Parmigian!
Elizabeth Horner
Class of 2012,
Greenville High School Salutatorian


July 1, 2012

To the Greenville City Council... Vote Yes on the Zoning change for Trilogy
Betty Birt


I can’t wrap my head around the thought process that the Zoning Commission used in creating obstacles for a company that wants to bring 70 full time and 30-40 part time jobs to a Community that has a 7.3% unemployment rate(Darke County/April).  Do any of the members of the Commission drive down Wagner or Russ Road and just casually observe the empty, abandoned buildings?  (Bob Evans, shame on you for allowing your former establishment to sit boarded-up, unsightly and unkempt, while continuing to profit from our Community.)  The former China Buffet and video store offer space for your coveted dining and retail.  Can’t the Zoning Board envision that by allowing the zoning change this will allow this land to be developed.   Jobs be... Read More


March 26, 2012

Sportshow: Thank you Darke County

Thank You for the mention of the Sportshow. We had a GREAT weekend for it weather wise. We had a very nice crowd, a lot of Praise goes to Galen Blosser and Jerry Bunch, these two gentlemen stepped forward and helped us jump start this show again. A different set of eyes, ideas, thoughts sure made a big difference. The Darke County Sheriffs Patrol Thanks not only the citizens of this GREAT County for coming out and supporting us, but a GIANT THANK YOU to Galen and Jerry who put a lot of time and effort in what was a TERRIFIC show. Thank You for all your kind words and support also.
Scott Riffle


March 15, 2012

Greenville School District
Thank you!

We would like to express sincere gratitude to the voters in our school district who voted positively to pass the Renewal Levy. The Classified staff, Certified staff and Administration along with the Board of Education appreciate your vote that will allow us to continue and improve our methods of educating our students. We appreciate everyone who took an extra step forward for our district.

Greenville Board of Education
Sue Bowman, Pres.
Cindy Scott, V.P.
Jim Sommer
Ben Studabaker
Fred Matix


March 5, 2012
Thank you basketball sponsors
Nicole Harrison, Greenville Schools Foundation

The Greenville Schools Foundation thanks all the businesses who supported our sponsorship program at the Greenville High School home Basketball games this season.  The donation amount was based on the number of three-point field goals scored by Greenville, with a minimum amount of at least $100 being donated by each sponsor.

We thank the following businesses who sponsored the Boys’ Basketball games: Greenville National Bank, Wayne Hospital, Rod Drew with Drew Ag Transport, Jim Gable with State Farm Insurance, Second National Bank, Leis Realty, Hansbarger’s Home Solutions and Hittle Pontiac-Buick-GMC... Read More


March 1, 2012

No on Issue 1
Dennis D. Forte


While at my mother-in-laws house today, Wednesday 2-29-12, I looked through her Advocate newspaper. There on page 4, in the letters to the editor, was support for Greenville schools, from the Greenville school board.

Do not misunderstand me, schools need support, now more than ever! But the thing I take exception to is the listing about the levy was for a renewal. Renewal: 1 the act of renewing. 2 the state of being... Read More


February 18, 2012

The fools who made him president


I offer the following political commentary, specific author unknown:
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out.  It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon on 4/28/10.  
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo... Read More


February 15, 2012

Response to John Q. Taxpayer

Dear Mr. Taxpayer,

Thank you for the letter that you sent to County News online.  It is what we commissioners hoped would happen, people asking questions and finding out what we intend to do.  This subject is of vital importance to the county we believe, but it seems to be on the back burners in Columbus.  We are told there will be a solution, but what will that be? At this time, nobody knows, and we don’t want to wait until the last minute to be told it is our problem.  Therefore, we have decided to take a proactive stance and try to alleviate the problem without the help of Columbus, but with the help of the Darke County citizens... Read More


February 14, 2012

Proposed Sales Tax Hike

Mr. Robinson, After reading your blog piece on the County’s proposed sales tax hike, I would offer a few comments:

There has been much revisionist history about the jail, like the statement “It was built to last 25 years, and it has cast iron pipes.” I’m sure the local officials who approved the design would disagree, and I guess some people today think... Read More


February 1, 2012

Thank you from Coach Davidson

On behalf of the entire Versailles Bowling Program, I would like to thank the Versailles Eagles Ladies Auxiliary #2347 for hosting the Breakfast at the Eagles on Sunday, January 29th. This past Sunday was absolutely incredible and blew away our 2010 Breakfast. The support from our community to help support our self-funded Bowling Program was unreal.

For those of you that came out Sunday morning to make this a huge success, THANK YOU! Even with the... Read More


January 9, 2012

DeWine should stay; Kasich must go


Kevin DeWine needs to stay and John Kasich must go.
John Kasich has proven himself to be an easily manipulated coward as he refuses to stand up against those who deliberately put thousands of children (including his very own daughters) in danger with several known repeat child molesters at Worthington Christian Schools (WCS). See the web page ‘Cowardice Is Contagious’ at

See also reports from the Columbus Dispatch as follows:
Some Schools Keep Records Private, click here
Ex-Coach Guilty in Wisconsin, click here

Thank you,
Submitted by Tim Ball
Powell, Ohio
For Informed & Concerned Citizens for Children and Consumers

Editor: County News Online has not verified the information provided at the referenced website, nor does it endorse the comments that have been published. CNO has, however, verified the Columbus Dispatch links. The opinions expressed remain solely the views of the individual submitting them.


January 4, 2012

Bow to the god of college football, if you must...

I wasn’t going to write during all of this bowl nonsense, but a couple things came to my attention.  I really tried to pull my tongue out of my cheek, but it didn’t work very well.
OSU’s former football coach made the Tank McNamara comic strip today.
Christine Brennan, who writes for USA Today, is a voice of reason in the world of out-of-control college athletics, particularly college football.
On my way home from work, I heard that the Nittany Kittens lost rather badly (shoulda stayed home), and Buckeye Nut U also didn’t score as many points as their opponent in the NCAA Sanctioned Bowl.  A team that finishes at or close to .500 should not be invited to a bowl, unless they somehow manage to win their conference title.  This would eliminate a number of goofy bowls that have sprung up over the years.
Remember when the bowl season ended on 01 Jan?  New Year’s Day started with the Cotton Bowl and then the Sugar Bowl.  The Rose Bowl kicked off at 1600 hours, and the Orange Bowl started at 2000 hours.  Unfortunately, money talks.  Too loudly, it seems, with the result that the bowl season will continue to grind on until almost mid-month; and mediocrity is rewarded.

Susan Olling


January 4, 2012

Christmas Feast a Success

To the Editor,

On behalf of First United Methodist Church I want to thank all of the kind and generous folks who gave of their time and/or money to help make FUMC’s 2nd Annual Community Christmas Feast a huge success.   On Christmas Day FUMC hosted approximately 100 - 120 diners  who ate a grand Feast of turkey, ham, stuffing, gravy, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, coleslaw, rolls, punch, coffee, milk, cookies, cakes, and pies.  Over 40 workers from FUMC, EUM, Trinity Wesleyan, Greenville Church of the Brethren, and elsewhere helped to contribute and put together the meal, and then cleaned up afterward.  Much appreciation goes to Eikenberry’s IGA for providing the ham.  Finally, a special Thank You also to proprietor Mark Davis who left his home and family on Christmas morning  to open the store at 11 AM  so that we could have our potato rolls.  Someone -- OK, yours truly -- forgot to pick them up on Christmas Eve, so he saved me (that didn’t keep me from getting razzed about it, however!  J).

Greenville has some very giving people.  Thank You.

Rev. Joe Payne
First United Methodist Church


December 8, 1011

Check your facts

Hi again,
Mr. Starks should check his facts before publishing.  He writes in his piece today “I think Meyer will be a good fit at The Ohio State University, especially since he played there.”  Urban Meyer didn’t wear scarlet and grey; he played football at the University of Cincinnati.  He was a graduate assistant coach at OSU (a far cry from playing for OSU).
Please let him know that readers pay attention.
Susan Olling


November 13, 2011

From Susan Olling...
What in the world is Mr. Starks thinking?

Mr. Starks,
I read your piece this morning, and I’m still trying to figure out where you’ve been all week.  Distilling everything, Mr. Paterno put the the football program ahead of the safety of children; and he had to go.
His action in “taking responsibility” should have been to resign immediately rather than retiring at season’s end.  May I suggest that you read (or re-read) Mr. Paterno’s retirement announcement which was the height of arrogance.  He apparently forgot who was in charge and essentially told his bosses to move on to other things since he had made the decision as to when he would retire.  However, he lost the “right” to retire his way when the poo hit the whirling blade last weekend... Read More


November 12, 2011

From Dick Detrick...
Re... Joe Paterno


You’re on the wrong side of the Patreno firing.  Everyone who enabled that pedophile to continue his preying on children should be removed from their authority.  Joe did a lot of good things but you will see the error of your opinion as this scandal unfolds.  You do good work but you did miss this one.

I like the County News.

Dick Detrick


October 23, 2011

From Al Greiner, Greenville...
Democrat vs Democratic

I would like to correct an error repeated hundreds of times a day, and perhaps uncountable times over the last few decades.  This has been done by many educated persons who should know better, but have forgotten their civics and U.S. history lessons.  The issue is the use of the word democratic when the speaker/writer is referring to the Democrat Party or someone who belongs to it.  Politicians and TV news anchors are especially guilty of this misuse.
The Webster’s Dictionary that I have defines democratic as “of, belonging to, or upholding democracy or a democracy, that is, a government in which the people hold the ruling power... Read More


October 5, 2011

State Representative Jim Buchy…
Jesse Green’s Work Ethic Garners my Support to be Darke County Municipal Court Judge
Jesse Green should be the next municipal court judge in Darke County.  As a business owner I hire the best employees.  Jesse has real world experience that has led him around the world practicing law and defending his country.  His bar qualifications show that Darke County would be getting a bargain to have him on the bench.
I have witnessed first hand Jesse’s work ethic.  At the Darke County Fair I watched his work with the local voters.  He is diligent and in my years in this business I have never seen a candidate work as hard for election as Jesse does.  It is clear Jesse Green is a public servant at the core and he wants to serve us... Read More


August 1, 2011

World's Largest Farce
By Susan Olling

We’re watching the world’s largest farce playing out 20 miles away.  It has 536 stars and a supporting cast of millions who voted these 536 into office.  As an independent who didn’t vote for any of them, I’m holding my nose as I watch all this. Why the apparent refusal to compromise?  No one’s going to get everything they want out of this.  These people clearly have forgotten their country’s history.  The US Constitution wasn’t a perfect document, but it was signed and ratified, and the experiment was started.  Benjamin Franklin, among others, would be appalled at what’s happened to this country... Read More


July 27, 2011

Letter the Editor, Dayton Daily News...
Uniquely Poor Journalism
By Al Bliss
July 25, 2011
The Dayton Daily News July 24, 2011 article on page E-1 with a header of ECONOMY was extremely successful in stimulating a rant to promptly and loudly address the presentation that so strongly wrote the biased position of the Federal and State Departments of Energy regarding the alternate energy values and wonderful successes. Before continuing, the author should have verified the alleged job creation and the forecast reduction of fossil fuels. These same rosy future results were heralded as viable expectations in Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands. Please spend a minute or two checking what are the actual results in just those three countries and then write your article about the probable results. The last item in the article is of significance to many taxpayers but based on its’ location, the author (Steve Bennish) of the article, apparently considers the end of the article an appropriate place that will probably be skipped by most readers... Read More


July 24, 2011

Re: Increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy...
Kurt Fritsch

Dear Dr. Reier,

Referring to your “Letter to Mr. Obama,” published on CNO, I must admit that basically you would be right in your reasoning and in encouraging Mr. Obama to increase taxes on the ultra wealthy....

... if there wouldn’t be several problems:

1) the folks you mentioned belong to the group (of ultra wealthy people) of Obama’s greatest supporters (funds as well as in the usage of Internet and Social Media in the 2008 campaign)... Read More


July 23, 2011

Increasing taxes on the ultra wealthy
Charles E. Reier MD

TO: President Barack Obama
July 20, 2011
Subject:  Necessity of increasing taxes on ultra wealthy individuals: If low taxes are good, why has the 21st century been so disastrous for the country as a whole while simultaneously spawning a new class of multi-billionaires?

Dear Mr. President,

As a lifetime Republican millionaire at age 76, I urge that you not depart from your commitment to increase taxes on the ultra wealthy to levels approaching historic norms.

Who are Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Geoff Yang, and Mark Zuckerberg? They are a group of young men hardly out of their tennis shoes that have made excessive fortunes on the Internet that was built by the United States Defense Department with hard earned American tax dollars at a time when they were in grade school... Read More


July 9, 2011

White House Rural Council
Al Bliss

All Darke County Residents:
I believe that we in Darke County truly qualify as a part of rural America. This is July 8, 2011 and until yesterday July 7, 2011, I did not know that the President had issued an Executive Order (EO) pertaining to Rural America.  I have included a copy of the EO below with the addition of the individuals in the offices identified in the EO for your information.
You are probably wondering why I am bothering with this and what difference this EO makes or could make. Because of the importance of this document and the fact that it was issued a month ago with absolutely no fanfare... Read More


June 23, 2011
To All Darke County Voters/Taxpayers/Homeowners  and County Commissioners
Transfer Tax/Conveyance Fee
Reference: Monday June 20, 2011 Darke County Commissioner’s Meeting
An improved name for the subject Tax/Fee has been suggested and will be used subsequently. The appropriate name [my opinion] is the STEALTH TAX. The reason that this is meaningful is that to date, no one asked has any idea that this tax even exists. So STEALTH TAX it is.
The comprehensive report by Bob Robinson in the County News Online was detailed and professionally done. Kudos to Bob for a job well done... Read More


June 19, 2011

Letter to the Commissioners


As we are out of county, cannot attend the public meeting(s) on the proposed conveyance fee increase, here is my input .....

The current ‘fee’ rate of $2 per $1000 is composed of two parts -
A- the OHIO mandatory charge (R.C. 319.54(G)(3)), called “real property transfer fee” of $1
B- the county permissive charge (R.C. 322.02), called “real property transfer tax” of $1, (and for which state law allows for a max rate of $3)

The proposal is to increase the permissive portion (the tax) to $2

A tax is a tax, any increase in tax rate is and will be unpopular... Read More


June 15, 2011

Attention Darke County Commissioners:

A footnote to the Darke County Commissioner’s meeting today, Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 1:30 P.M. in the Commissioner’s Conference Room.

My personal assessment of the hour and a half discussion regarding the “Real Property Transfer Tax” --aka Conveyance Fees -- was that virtually all present considered an aggressive Economic Development effort was vital to the growth and financial well being of Darke County. It also seemed that all present with the exception of the Economic Development Director and the members of the Community Improvement Council (CIC) opposed the option of increased funding for the Economic Development effort via an increase in the current permissive conveyance fee from one dollar ($1) to two dollars ($2)... Read More


June 5, 2011

LETTER TO THE EDITOR:  Next Coffee with the Commissioner

Commissioner Mike Stegall will be having his next “Coffee with the Commissioner” on June 18th, 2011 at Sweet One 0 One in downtown Greenville.  Commissioner Stegall will be answering your questions and discussing any county issues that are brought up.  This is an opportunity for people to meet with your county officials and to learn what is going on in Darke County.  The session will last from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.   Everyone is invited, and it is sure to be a fun time for both the commissioner and the people.  Please join him for an informative and fun morning, June 18th at Sweet one-o-one in downtown Greenville.  See you there!


June 5, 2011

The issue was swimming in Greenville Creek


I really didn't think my article would have been classified as a rant. But that's OK. Although it is a little odd that the pool wasn't open on Memorial Day I can deal with that and accept Ms. Beam's reasons for its tardy opening this year.  I'm not sure, however that the pool should have been the real focus point of the article. Since the Greenville Creek runs right through the middle of the park but in the city of Greenville, it seems that one of those entities should concern themselves with kids in the rain swollen creek. This didn't just start yesterday.  It's been going on for a while.  The very day in question, WHIO reported on a kid who jumped into a creek and the undertow took him away.  It could have easily happened in Greenville Creek and still can.  Budgets being what they are, disabling the stairway to the creek could relieve the Park Board and the City of some liability, maybe even a sign posted "No Swimming", even though it wouldn't be read, might help. Next time I'll be very explicit on what the problem is and I won't be accused of ranting or have to write an explanation.

Bob Rhoades


June 3, 2011

Right back atcha


If there is a brain running loose in the Darke County Commissioners Office it will die of loneliness. Nowhere in my letter do I even mention the commissioners in relationship to what I said about CAUV and the new taxes. A third grader should have been able to see that my letter was on multiple subjects.

As for the real estate taxes and unemployment in Ohio, the key word here was “real.” These investigative reporters dug out the “real” numbers on Ohio. I believe them. Politicians lie to look good and keep their jobs... Read More


June 3, 2011

Response to Bob Rhoades’ Memorial Day in Treaty City

Bob, I really think that Bob Rhoades should have checked all the facts before writing his rant on the park and park board. First, our pool and general budget was cut by several thousands dollars, so this board had to make decisions on the pool and other areas. I have been on the park board for almost 2 years and I can count on my fingers how many people have attended meetings, or even called me as a board member. In these board meetings a lot of information is given and decisions are made. I would invite those that want to “Rant” about the park and the park board to come to our next meeting and voice your concerns. Thanks.

Kathy Beam


June 2, 2011

We have to wake up


According to Ted Finnam a proponent of CAUV and Scott Zumbrink representing the State Treasurer Association, CAUV is losing it’s clout in Ohio. Taxes on our farm acres will increase 100 percent to 300 percent in January 2012.

We have to wake up immediately and begin to protect ourselves from any additional taxes.

A national TV program just revealed that Ohio has the highest real estate taxes in the nation. Can you believe we pay more than New York? We have the second highest real unemployment rate behind Michigan in the nation... Read More


May 17, 2011

Regarding the letter from Mr. Al Bliss dated May 15th:
Any writing gives food for thought.  However, there is always some knowledge that can add to the understanding of any article.  Mr. Bliss noted that one member of the Board abstained from the vote.  The reason was attributed to Ohio Law which prohibits a board member from voting on employment which could impact them personally.  In this case, the Board Member is married to a special education aide... Read More


May 15, 2011

Letter to the Editor:

To all voters and taxpayers and folks who care,

The following information is presented to start a process of keeping Greenville voters and taxpayers informed about the Darke County and Greenville School Systems with emphasis on financial elements and consistant review and comment regarding the performance of the team that constitutes the Board of Education, Why, well the seven Boards of Education and eight superintendents in Darke County control more money than the County Commissioners and are directly responsible for the future of our county and country through the education of our youth. It has been suggested that a comment made by a Board of Education Member in Darke County that indicated his real job kept him from spending much time preparing for the Board Meeting, is easily justification to replace the Board Member promptly... Read More


May 11, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Thank You to Arcanum

I would like to thank all of the people who came to the first “Coffee with the Commissioner” at Smiths’ Coffee House in Arcanum on Saturday, May 7th.  There were a lot of good questions asked, and the interaction between myself and the people was informative and enjoyable.  I would personally like to thank Chuck Zell who came well prepared and asked a lot of great questions.   In the next couple of weeks I hope to announce where the next “Coffee with the Commissioner” will be held... Read More


May 5, 2011

GCS District Voters... Thank you for your support

GCS District Residents,

On behalf of the students, staff, and administration, please accept our thanks on the recent passage of the Operating Levy Renewal.  We truly appreciate your support!

Thank you!
Ben Studabaker, Cindy Scott, Sue Bowman, Joe Payne and Jim Sommer - Board of Education Members
Susie Riegle-Superintendent


May 4, 2011

To all Darke County Folks who care about their schools

The following three tables consist of facts derived directly from reports generated by school districts in Darke County as required by the Ohio Board of Education, the Ohio Board of Education Annual School evaluation report or the School Facilities Eligibility Ranking List.

The purpose of presenting these three tables is to give each eligible voter an opportunity to look at relevant information about the schools in Darke County. As you can see, Bradford School District is included because it is physically in Darke County. The Ohio Board of Education considers it to still be in Miami County and is still tracked as such... Read More


April 28, 2011

To the Republican Voters of Greenville –

On May 3 those of us who vote Republican will be choosing the candidate who will not only likely be the Mayor of Greenville, but will also be the Republican Party’s candidate for Mayor.

One candidate has contributed to the party and actively participated in party activities on a routine basis. When asked to help, he has been there and was always willing to take on whatever job was asked of him. He has contributed funds to party activities and attended party events on a regular basis... Read More


April 27, 2011

Petition to Repeal Senate Bill 5

ATTENTION!!! The first opportunity for Darke County residents to sign the petition to repeal Senate Bill 5 will be in the former Marsh's Parking Lot in Greenville (around 125 Martin Street) this Friday, April 29, from 3:15 to 5:30 PM... Read More


April 24, 2011

Space Shuttle Commentary

Hi there,
Thanks for your informative web site.
I've quite enjoyed the articles on your site as they pertain to the soon-to-be-relocated space shuttles and have refrained from saying anything.  However, today's piece, "Commentary: Brown had no help from Obama aides on shuttle effort" on your web page was amazing beyond belief.  How sad it is that a senator or anyone would think the POTUS's aides would help in any way with NASA's decision.  Given what's going on with the debt/economy, the POTUS... Read More


April 24, 2011

Versailles School District Citizens

This is the third in a series of articles to inform you of the serious financial condition of our school district. A new contract Master Agreement  is being negotiated between the Versailles Education Association and the Versailles Board of Education for the period of July 1 2011 - June 30, 2014. The state has finalized how they will increase/decrease funding for  all school districts in Ohio. The funding will be based on a formula that divides  the total property values in a district by the total number of students in that district. The good news is state funding for our district will increase by $295,675  (5.2%) in fiscal... Read More


April 21, 2011

Help us stop Obamacare in Ohio!
It was March 23, 2010 when President Obama signed his health care bill into law, and it was one of the worst pieces of legislation our country has ever seen.  Please join us in supporting the Ohio Liberty Council in their efforts to promote the Ohio Health Care Freedom Amendment... Read More


April 20, 2011

Letter to the Bloggers:

In fulfilling a campaign promise that I made to make your County Commissioners more accessible, I will be at Smith’s Coffeehouse in Arcanum on Saturday, May 7th 2011, from 8 until 10 a.m.  I will be answering your questions about the County or any other topics that affect your lives.  I firmly believe that better communication between elected officials and the people makes for much better government.  Government belongs to the people, not those who govern.  This is your chance to ask questions and to find out what we are doing in the Commissioners office that affects you.  Smith’s Coffeehouse is located at 109 West George Street in downtown Arcanum.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Mike Stegall- County Commissioner


April 13, 2011

Proposed 28th Amendment

No one has been able to explain why young men and women serve in the U.S.
Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get
50% of their pay while politicians hold their political positions in the
safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and
receive full pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make
any sense.

On Monday, FOX news learned that the staffers of Congress family members are
exempt from having to pay back student loans. This will get national
attention if other news networks will broadcast it. When you add this to the
below, just where will all of it stop? ... Read More


April 1, 2011

Educate Versailles Members express their Concerns


RE: Versailles Board of Education (BOE)  Meeting of 3-15-11
Several Educate Versailles members presented questions, made comments and noted responses. These are noted below.

*Has the BOE run any financial projections relative to the impact of SB 5 (Senate Bill 5) and state funding reductions?  The Boards response was NO.

*Does the Board intend to attempt to complete a new "Master Agreement" prior to SB 5 being signed into law? This question was related to a 3-12-11 article published in the Dayton Daily News entitled, "Teachers rush for contracts before SB 5 becomes law"... Read More

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