Plane Crash, By Mona Lease
Hi, all! I took this test last weekend. I thought it would be an
interesting change of pace. You are riding on an airplane and the pilot
radios the control tower - MAYDAY - MAYDAY! The plane is
altitude...there is some sort of trouble with an engine. In the last
transmission, the pilot tells "the tower" he is 25 air miles from
Anchorage, Alaska. That is roughly 50 miles by land. The plane
crashes... read
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is London
Calling, By Abraham Lincoln
Times have changed. If I live until my birthday I will be 81 years old.
Our house, in Gordon, was purchased from the Arcanum National Bank
because the original owners lost everything during The Great Depression
and could not make payments. The taxes were past due at the county seat
in Greenville, Ohio and my dad went there and paid the... read
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By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! This one has been in my head for too long. As I was waiting
outside of WalMart for my ride, I heard as young woman tell the two
little girls with whom she was walking, that they were right - we do
not talk to strangers. The whole "stranger/danger" thing went through
my mind. Which brings me to the following: We tell, talk, preach and
restate - stranger/danger, say no to crack... read
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Onions, By Abraham Lincoln
What do old people think about? At 80 plus I seldom think about my
future because the road ahead is one we all take and there are no rest
stops along the way. Sometimes I think of myself as that last piece of
tape on the roll wonder if will I be enough to finish wrapping this
package. I catch myself thinking about the many things already done and
forgotten until I just remembered how... read
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By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! A young man called me the other day. He told me his Mom
raised him. His parents were divorced. His Dad never really cared - he
had always known that. He told me he had been very defiant - too
defiant, actually. He said he had tested her and her boundaries. He
tested her to see if she would follow through with the rules she had
set...she always did. Her yes was always yes and no was... read
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Our Old House,
Abraham Lincoln
The house was old when we moved in. I should say it was old when my dad
bought it and got the deed after paying $300.00 in past due taxes. The
Shepard family had to move out before dad and mom moved in. It was the
house I was born in. Windows rattled when the wind blew. Fine dust
particles sifted through cracks and settled on the windowsill. In the
winter, fine snow would end up on my quilt... read
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By Abraham Lincoln
The tiny building set along the Dayton, Greenville and Union City
railroad line. It was built as a ticket and baggage office shortly
after the railroad came to town. The small office was no longer used by
the railroad and was sold to George Myers. It was his Gordon Coal
Office. My mom didn't like the place because my dad went there, and she
said it was... read
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50 Year
Answer? By Mona Lease
Hi, all! The following has been floating around in my mind for a while
now. So - I'm going to submit this to you for your mental mastication -
or - another of my "something to think on a spell" columns. Mastication
means to chew. It is the first step in the digestion process and allows
more efficient breakdown of food by the enzymes. This is accomplished
by thorough chewing... read
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