senior scribes
I Have Questions, By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! OK - so I've been watching - when someone's tv is on - about Donald Trump. People post on Facebook about Donald Trump. I watched Donald Trump say how the Christian group was the least heard of - the least represented - in a "voter" capacity, I'm guessing. He spoke of putting Christianity back in America. (I did not realize it had left.) He alluded... read more
My Hamel, By Bev Hughes
Attackers, linked to the Islamic State terror group, took hostages at a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in France's northwest region, during morning Mass. Rev. Jacques Hamel, 85, was killed. This latest terrorist attack elicited the following from County News Online reader Bev Hughes…  My Hamel. He awoke to a light meal. Another chance to serve the morning Mass... read more
All The King's Horses, By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! It has come to my attention that there are those who believe that I accept what people write and submit it for my column...which is not true. Through my conversations with people, I get ideas for "themes" for the column but, I do not accept nor print written submissions. I've been twisting this column around in my head for a while now. Are we responsible for... read more
Darke County Senior Scribe… It’s the season for… politickin’ By Lois Wilson
Once again Senior Scribe Poet Laureate Lois Wilson is on top of the season with her insightful look at the important events of the day. This time it’s politickin’. Wilson offers three poems, each addressing a different look at the upcoming election season… well… phase three of the upcoming election season. No predictions; simply a reminder about Control Speak, the desire to be Caught in the Current... read more
A Story of Mine, By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! I've always strived to make this column a place of truth - a place of helps. So - I'll tell you readers another true story. I had an out-patient procedure performed recently at Upper Valley Medical Center - nothing extremely serious. I was "put-under" so I'd not move. When you drive into Upper Valley, your first view is of green rolling hills and probably at least 150 huge trees - all well-manicured... read more
Hard Questions, By Mona Lease
Hi, all!! As I write this, it's July 4th - Independence Day. But what do those words really mean? Surely I know they mean independence from England - from when England thought they could tax the bejesus out of us for the tea we desired. Our collective response to that was The Boston Tea Party. But, how independent are we - really? Here's why I wonder and ask: I attended a graveside service recently... read more

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