senior scribes
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Commissioner’s Corner… Medicaid funding to hurt counties statewide
The fall season has officially appeared. Although one wouldn’t have known it the last week or so of September with temperatures in the 80’s. Now at the end things are more back to normal weather wise. It is now starting to look and feel like fall with the temperatures, and farmers starting to harvest beans and some corn. Sad to say, but it won’t be long till winter rears its ugly head. This month... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Why does Hollywood keep breaking my heart? By Aprill Brandon
I don’t remember the first time it happened. I’m sure I was young though. Youth is the time when idol worship is at its peak. But I do know that since then it has happened on a fairly regular basis and yet I never grow any wiser. No matter how many times they rip my heart out of my chest and stomp on it and then run over its tattered remains with their super... read more.
Support the MVCTC Levy, Jim Buchy
The Miami Valley Career Technology Center services 27 local school districts across a nine county area.  For almost 50 years thousands of students have been educated there and are successful, productive workers in the Miami Valley and beyond. There is a great need for physical updates and infrastructure need for the buildings.  On November 7, the voters of the Miami Valley... read more.
Know! To create an after school prevention plan
9/20/2017 -- Heading back to school is a time of transition, especially for students entering middle or high school or students attending a new school. Studies show that times of transition increase a child’s risk for substance use. For some students it is the stress of having to navigate through a new school building and seeing so many new faces; for others it is the new or increased peer pressure to fit in and belong... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… The difference between raising boys and girls, By Aprill Brandon
Here’s a fun fact you might not know: Strangers love talking to parents. I mean, LOVE it. Every time I leave my house with my kids, we are bombarded by strangers who ask all kinds of totally appropriate questions, like, “Are those gingers!? Carol, look, she’s got two gingers!” and “How did YOU end up with redheads? You don’t have red hair. Tell me your family’s... read more.
Toddler Next Door, By Susan Olling
If every day’s a new adventure when you’re a toddler, according to Mr. History, our little neighbor has been having quite a few adventures.  Oliver’s tall for his age: two-and-one-half but wears clothing for four-year-olds. When he first started to make intelligible sounds, Oliver learned to say “fork”.  Well, he meant an eating utensil.  However, the “r” sound was missing... read more.
Start Talking! Know! What Kind of a Parent Are You?
9/11/2017 - Did you know that depending on your parenting style, you are likely increasing or decreasing your child’s odds for drinking, smoking and using other drugs? In fact, your parenting style affects everything from your child’s social skills and self-esteem to their school performance and overall decision-making. A family’s parenting... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… (Kid)-free at last, (kid)-free at last, By Aprill Brandon
Hey, do you guys remember what it was like before you had kids? Like, what you used to do on a typical pre-spawn Saturday? What it felt like to have a million hours stretched out in front of you where you could do anything you wanted? And, most importantly, if candy tasted better eaten out in the open instead of while huddled in a corner of a locked... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Social anxiety increases substance abuse risk
9/6/2017 - Many adults are known to drink alcohol at social functions to “loosen up” and feel more comfortable interacting with others. Well, guess what? Many of our teens are doing the exact same thing. It is often referred to as “liquid courage” because, after a few drinks, a person may no longer feel afraid to get out there and dance, to ask out a love... read more.
St. Marys School… Easing into the School Year, By Kathy Ayette
Hard to believe that summer vacation is now just a pleasant memory and we are already in our third week of school.   I should add the third loooong week of school.  We eased into the year with two four-day weeks.  Normally I complain about four-day weeks.  Yes, I can hear your gasps.  The reason I really don’t like four-day weeks is that most of the programs... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Putting a bird on brunch, By Aprill Brandon
You know how people are afraid of turning a street corner and suddenly realizing they are in the “bad” part of town? Or walking into a bar and seeing that’s it’s filled with bikers and ruffians? Well, I have the opposite fear. My fear is walking into a new place and realizing with horror that it’s fancy. That they don’t have bartenders, they have “mixologists.” That the... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Middle School Challenges and Changes
8/28/2017 - The first day of middle school has come and gone. While your child’s initial fears of navigating the hallways, using the combination lock and finding someone to sit with at lunch may be officially behind her, it doesn’t mean she’s got a peaceful, easy feeling about the rest of her middle school experience. And as a parent, you must know... read more.
Football, By Susan Olling
It’s that time of year again.  Yes, when normally sane-looking people have to make a pilgrimage to the nearest television or stadium to watch a football game.  Why? During a hotel stay recently, last year’s Buckeye Nut U. vs. Ann Arbor Tech game was being repeated.  This Buckeye Nut U. alumna, who went to most of the home games during her time at The... read more.
Bucket Lists, By Bob Robinson
Several years ago – actually many more than I’d like to remember – a young lady I mentored while editor at The Advocate, and her Ball State roommate – met my wife, Susan, and me at the Great Darke County Fair. She and her roommate had a “bucket list” – ten things they were going to eat before the night was over. I don’t remember everything on the list, but it was pretty extensive... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Oh, how time flies when you’re super annoyed, By Aprill Brandon
I remember it like it was yesterday. But really it was this morning. I think. It’s hard telling. When you’re the parent of small children, roughly one thousand things happen between now and 30 minutes ago. Most of them involving bodily fluids. So, time is fluid, to say the least. (Shut up, I’m writing this on two hours sleep). Awful puns aside, the other day I was... read more.
Commissioners’ Corner… More on MCO, CORSA and MARCS
August is gone and with it the official end of summer. That means schools are back in session, High School football is in full swing, swimming pools will be closing soon, and the weather will slowly get cooler and less humid. It is hard to believe that this year is 2/3rds gone already! This month is always a little slower than the others because... read more.
Start Talking… Know! Transition Increases Risk
8/21/2017 - While there is much excitement about the start of a new school year, there may be much apprehension and anxiety as well. This may be especially so for youth entering their first year of middle or high school, and for adolescents of any age transitioning to a new school (because of a move or several other reasons). The thought of unfamiliar... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… A funny thing happened on the way to New Hampshire, By Aprill Brandon - Family vacations are a funny thing. Essentially all you are doing is taking a group of people who are together all the time and plopping them down… Hi! Um...hi… Where was I? Oh yes, and plopping them down into a new location. But this simple act of geography change can… Hello! Uh...hello? That was weird. Anyway, as I was saying, this simple act of taking you... read more.
Prioritizing Education As the New School Year Begins
It’s hard to believe, but another school term has begun. With summer winding down and more school buses on the streets, students all across Ohio are entering the classroom again or beginning a new chapter in their educational journey. College students and those in vocational or tech schools are also gearing up for a new school year. As state legislators, one... read more.
The Great Darke County Fair… Nothing else holds a candle, By Bob Robinson
Rain or shine, excited or tired, happy or grumpy… we see it all at the annual Great Darke County Fair. What I find so fascinating about this annual 9-day event, is the bringing together and hard work of so many diverse populations. Happy, grumpy or otherwise. There are local vendors and those who travel the county fair circuits, offering everything from... read more.
The Drug Epidemic… This Could Work! By Kate Burch
Probably no one above the age of ten is unaware that we are in the midst of a “heroin epidemic.”  That is actually a misnomer, as heroin is no longer the most dangerous drug of abuse.  Fentanyl, a highly potent opioid, and the drug that killed the performer Prince, is now the most circulated and most abused addictive drug.  Its derivative, carfentanil, is... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Trending Online Suicide Game: Blue Whale Challenge
8/9/2017 -- There’s yet another online trend catching the attention of tweens and teens around the world. It’s called the Blue Whale Challenge. But unlike some of the fun, harmless challenges we’ve seen in the past, the Blue Whale Challenge poses dire consequences. To win this game is to take one’s own life. This social media game that is being accessed through Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… It’s time we had the talk, By Aprill Brandon
Hey. Hi. How are you doing? Busy? Yeah, me too. But if you have a minute, could you come over here? *pats couch* Oh, you’d rather stay there? Sure, no problem. We can just do this right here in the kitchen then. Look, I know this won’t be easy. But it’s time. We’ve put this off for long enough. I know, I know. I’ve been dreading it too. But...sigh... We... read more.
The legacy we leave to our kids, By Bob Robinson
Remember Art Linkletter’s “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? I thought the comments were hilarious… or maybe it was just the looks Linkletter panned for the camera. Don’t know… I just know I laughed a lot. The show has been gone for decades; it’s been replaced by Internet offerings from dozens of different sources. I checked some of them out. Hmm… With only a few... read more.
Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans, Alden Abbott - August 07, 2017 - The growth of “broadband” (or high speed) internet access has bestowed enormous benefits on the American economy. Roughly 300 million Americans have access to broadband—increasingly on mobile devices—which enables them to buy and sell goods and services; carry out business transactions; connect with clients, friends, and relatives; and obtain... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Body Image Matters
8/1/2017 - Summer is a season of sleeveless tops, shorts and bathing suits, so what better time than now to talk with youth about their body image. Body Image is the way individuals think and feel about their own body, as well as how they perceive others to think and feel about their appearance. Heavily influenced by family, friends and media, one’s... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… What My Kids Did On My Summer Vacation, By Aprill Brandon
Hey! Hi! How are you?! We are Aprill’s kids! And we want to tell you all about what we did on our summer vacation. This summer was great! We did so many fun things! And we did all those fun things for roughly an hour and 15 minutes before having dual marathon meltdowns! Mommy said this was because when we get overstimulated we turn into evil swamp... read more.
Darke County Commissioners… Perspective: Dispatch/9-1-1 Emergency Services
In the last few months, there has been a tremendous amount of misleading information concerning the proposal and the operation of the dispatch/9-1-1 emergency service that was discussed between the County and the City. During this time, there have been many opinions formed based upon half information, tidbits of fact, and emotions... read more.
What is Independence Day? By Abigail Bond, Edison Communications Student
On July 4th 2017 I attended the annual parade on Miami Street in West Milton, Ohio. I walked the street asking 12 children the same question, “why are we here today?”. Many of the children would beam, saying excitedly, “for the parade!” and others would say “for the candy!” They were all very enthusiastic and were enjoying the celebratory activities... read more.
Voters to be asked for emergency communications levy
July has been a very busy month in the Commissioner’s office. We have had parades, and festivals to attend, along with the regular business of the County. The month started on the 1st with the Ansonia 4th of July parade. Finally, the parade had excellent weather, and a good crowd was on hand. The parades that we attend are always a fun time for... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Pause, Breathe, Think, Act
7/26/2017 - In a previous Know! tip, the Effect of Peer Presence, we discussed the fact that the mere presence of peers can lead a young person to take risks he or she wouldn’t normally take on their own, and that the main culprit is the adolescent brain and its underdeveloped self-control center. In addition to parental supervision and extra... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Boogers: A love story, By Aprill Brandon
There are a lot of mysteries in this world we have yet to solve. Why do we all accept kale as food when clearly it’s gross? Why do we all remember it as Berenstein Bears and not Berenstain Bears? Why do we all hate Anne Hathaway and her stupid face so much? And then there’s black holes and stuff. But while there are a million think pieces on Anne’s... read more.
If you could just learn how to behave, By Susan Olling
This piece runs the gamut.  Fasten your seatbelts, and read on. There are mystifying lists of the best you-fill-in-the-blank.  Who takes them seriously?   Someone ranked the top twenty expensive, overrated tourist destinations.  Mount Rushmore made the list.  Really?  Washington, D.C. did not.  It certainly isn’t cheap to visit here, and it’s very much overrated.  There... read more.
Great memories to look back on, By Katie Hurd, Miss Annie Oakley 2016
This last year of 2016 was a roller coaster of events with the Miss Annie Oakley contest. I had finally won after 3 years of trying, and countless hours of practicing.  This year was the best year for me to win it. Why? I had just gotten my license, so my parents were happy to not have to drive me everywhere and just let me go to the places I needed to be at. The first three... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Summer Freedom and its Challenges!
7/18/2017 -- It is normal and healthy for adolescents to seek increased independence as they grow and develop. It is also normal for parents to have a hard time letting go. Naturally, we worry about our children’s health and safety and quite frankly, their ability to make good decisions. However, in order for our children to become mature, responsible, self-disciplined young people... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… And the award for World’s Worst Soccer Mom goes to... By Aprill Brandon - My toddler just started playing on a soccer team. Of course, by “soccer” I mean allegedly a sport in other parts of the world, and by “team” I mean a loose configuration of tiny humans who run around confused and desperately try to avoid playing anything that resembles “soccer.” It’s super fun (she types wishing there was a sarcasm font). No, no. Really, it is... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Effect of Peer Presence
7/16/2017 - We all know the heavy influence peer pressure can have on a tween/teen, especially when it comes to risk-taking behaviors like drinking, smoking and using other drugs. But are you aware of the impact the mere presence of peers can have on an adolescent’s decision-making, without any coercing or encouragement at all? Psychologists... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… 25 Things I Won’t Feel Bad About For Anymore, By Aprill Brandon
I don’t know about you but it seems that I am always feeling bad about something. An awkward social interaction, losing my patience with my kids, eating anything that is not kale. I mean, not even 15 minutes ago, I was feeling awful because I spilled lukewarm coffee on my toddler and then dropped a meatball on my baby’s face.  But the older I get, the more... read more.
Claws are Better for Paws, By Paige Burns
The domestication of cats began about 12,000 years ago, and today cats are one of the most popular animals to have as pets. Because cats are natural predators, they are born with sharp claws that are used to catch their prey. As domestic pets, cats don’t necessarily need their claws because they don’t need to catch their food. Without the need... read more.
Start Talking… Know! To STOP Sexting in its Tracks
6/30/2017 - In a previous tip, Know! Your Child’s Risk for Sexting, we talked about the prevalence of teen sexting, the problems it can cause and the importance of making this topic a priority in your conversations with your pre-teens and teens. In this tip, we provide parents with ideas on taking those conversations beyond, “You better never…” Sexting... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… The Summer of Aprill! (And Hairy Russian Bears!), By Aprill Brandon
This summer, you guys. This is the summer. The summer I will think back on when I’m old in rosy, golden, Instagram hues. Full of sunsets and ice cream on the porch and ridiculous neon-colored cocktails. My husband and I, still somewhat youthful and virile, our two children still small enough to be enchanted with bubbles and sprinklers; all of us just... read more.
The birth of America, By Bob Robinson
ANSONIA – “Why are you here?” I love asking that question… Memorial Day Parade and Independence Day Parade. Beyond the usual – “it’s a parade” or “the candy” – I never know what to expect. Lots of red, white and blue. Adults and kids. Sunglasses, T-shirts, hair decorations! Big smiles. Well… mostly. Got “the parade” a couple times, candy once; even... read more.
Commissioner’s Corner… Looking for a good second half of 2017
The year is officially half over already. This first half of 2017 has been a mix of either too wet, or too dry, and one day of 85, one day of 65. June though, overall has been good to Darke County. We hope that the second half of 2017 is just as good. This month has been a little slower in the Commissioner’s office compared to May. This scenario seems to be the way it goes; not enough time... read more.
The Chance for Something Greater, by Will McCabe
“You are an incredible human being, you know that?” “You are one of a kind.” “There is no one like you.” Those phrases ordinarily are said to be uplifting. However, sometimes they can give the opposite effect. Your uniqueness can overwhelm you, your differences stick out so much so often that you feel isolated and alone. There is no one like you. As a... read more.
Representative Steve Huffman… Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in Ohio
Ohio’s most pressing and urgent issue is the drug abuse and addiction epidemic that is ravaging our families and communities. Because the crisis threatens the health of our entire state and has the potential to prevent future growth, the Ohio House has taken great strides towards facing its many challenges with a multifaceted approach. In the House-passed version of the state operating budget... read more.
Start Talking! at summer camps
6/20/2017 -- Kids who hear about the dangers of drugs from trusted adults are up to 50 percent less likely to use. Mentors at summer camps, or band and sport camps, can support Ohio’s youth in making healthy choices. Camp leaders can lead a Start Talking!discussion and share the facts about the dangers of alcohol, illegal drugs and the misuse of prescription medications... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Preschool, By Aprill Brandon
There are a lot of private decisions you make as a parent that you hope and pray never become public, else it makes you look like a bad parent. Like, say, letting them wear the same clothes three days in a row. Or giving them crackers and jelly beans for dinner because you can’t handle one more tantrum. Or letting them watch that third “Sesame Street” episode... read more.
Who Are We, Anyway? By Kate Burch
I have a son whose job has required that he and his family live in Europe for the past four years.  I recently went for a visit, and they took Grandma along for a family vacation to Israel.  This was an extremely generous gift and the fulfillment of a long-held wish to see Jerusalem. I was profoundly moved to learn about and experience the holy sites in Jerusalem.  However... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Your Child's Risk for Sexting
6/15/2017 - As any parent or caregiver raising teenagers knows, smartphones play a leading role in their daily lives. While social media, apps and messaging provide a fun and highly accessible path to connect and share with friends, such outlets also allow youth to connect with those they should not be connecting with and share things they should... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… 36 Things I’ve Learned in 36 Years, By Aprill Brandon
1. Life is too short to waste time matching socks. 2. Small children are the funniest people on the planet. 3. Humidity is dumb. 4. The best thing you can save up your money for is a family vacation. I don’t remember what gifts I got for my birthday three years ago or what I had for breakfast yesterday or even where I set down my youngest child just now... read more.
Message to D.C. Visitors… Be Respectful, By Susan Olling
This contribution was intended to be about another topic, but something from the Midwest changed it. For all tourists who drive to D.C. and plan to park on the National Mall or the Tidal Basin, be warned.  The days of free parking will end on Monday, June 12.  About eleven hundred parking spaces on the Mall and the Tidal Basin will be metered.  Drivers will have to... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Bust Summer Boredom
6/7/2017 - Moving further into June, for many families, means that kids are sitting around the house complaining of summer boredom. Annoying? Yes. Potentially dangerous? You bet. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with teens experiencing a little boredom, too much time on their hands with “nothing to do” can lead to trouble, like experimenting... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Requiem for a nap, By Aprill Brandon
It was all planned out. A perfect Friday. A beautiful summer day. A much needed antidote to the stress and chaos of the four previous days. All I needed to do was stick to the plan and we would slide easily into the weekend. Just stick to the plan. Wake up. Breakfast. Episode of “Sesame Street” to hypnotize the kids so I could squeeze in a luxurious... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Talk Teen Stranger Danger
5/31/2017 - If you’re a parent or other caregiver of teens, you likely have had repeated “stranger danger” talks with them when they were younger. You taught them not to talk to strangers. You warned them not to fall prey to the stereotypical child lure of being offered candy to get into someone’s car, and so on. Those types of stranger danger safety... read more.
Start Talking!... Know! What Your Kids Are Watching - 13 Reasons Why
5/23/2017 - Even if you haven’t heard of 13 Reasons Why, don’t assume your pre-teen or teen hasn’t, and do approach this as if he/she may have caught some, several or all 13 episodes. The controversy surrounding this show is the subject matter and how it is being addressed, including depression, bullying, emotional abuse, substance... read more.
Greenville Police/Fire Dispatch
To the citizens of Greenville: The Greenville Police Department is in full support of keeping the Police and Fire Dispatch center serving the citizens of Greenville. We have a dedicated and well trained staff who have the best interest of our citizens and businesses in mind. The GPD is a nationally accredited police agency through CALEA (The Commission... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Chores, By Aprill Brandon
I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. I’m guessing it has something to do with a mother’s natural inclination to try to do everything herself. I mean, it’s hard to juggle 37 things at once by yourself. But it can often be harder to ask someone to jump in and match your exact rhythm to help you keep all those balls in the air. Mom: I need help!... read more.
Commissioners Corner… May brought student day, new hirings, new businesses & more
May has certainly been a mixed bag of weather and happenings!  One day it is 40, followed by 70 the next day, then dumped on by rain, followed by a day of sunshine, then more rain.  I think May is schizophrenic!  We are hoping May will finally get its act together so we can have some resemblance of a Spring! May has been very busy here in the... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… The real battle of the sexes, By Aprill Brandon
No matter how strong your relationship is, there will come a time when your love is put to the test. And this moment will come when you least expect it. It could be next Tuesday. Or a Saturday two months from now. But it will happen. And it will happen right before dinner time. And it will go down just like this: MAN: What do you want to eat? WOMAN: Oh, I don’t... read more.
Huffman… Honoring America’s Fallen Soldiers this Memorial Day
What does being an American mean to you? Each of us has our own ideas of what makes up the character of our great nation, but there are certain indivisible principles that we all hold dear. We are a people who subscribe to the values of freedom and equality. Our heritage is rooted in the belief that all men and women are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Prevent Huffing, Sniffing and Bagging
5/17/2017 - What do nail polish, deodorant spray, permanent markers and correction fluid all have in common? They are all items we would expect to find in our children’s bedroom or study area, right? They certainly are not products that would signal a red flag or cause us to question their use - nor should they necessarily. However, each of... read more.
My Love Note to Salewa, By Kate Young
“Nope do it again… No.  Not like that.  Again. Noooo.”  “Tell me what I’m doing wrong?!” “I need your foot in the middle of my frame.”  “Where’s the middle of your frame?!” “Move your foot forward… A little more… Right there.  Step right there.” “You’re a dork”.  If there was a mouse listening to my sister and me while we filmed, this is the conversation he... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Focus On Mental Health
5/9/2017 -- If our pancreas has a chemical imbalance, we seek treatment. If our kidneys are not physiologically working right, we seek treatment. When our most complex organ, the brain, is not physiologically working right or has a chemical imbalance, for some reason we ignore or hide it. May is Mental Health Month; an opportunity to break the negative stigma that surrounds mental illness... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… I’m wearing these yoga pants ironically, By Aprill Brandon
It’s no secret that when you become a mom, you go through a bit of an identity crisis. It can be hard to remember who you were when it feels like who you are now is someone who spends all of her time cleaning up mystery stains. Is that poop or chocolate? Apple juice or pee? I used to be on a first name basis with the mayor and win journalism awards... read more.
Just Because You’re Paranoid… By Kate Burch
We read these days about the “conspiracy theorists” claiming falsely that there exists a “deep state” composed mostly of Obama administration holdovers who are busily undermining the attempts of the Trump administration to realize its goals.  According to the pundits, who are hand-in-glove with the “resistance,” all right-thinking people are outraged by... read more.
NPR Ed… A Public University Acquires A Big For-Profit, And Raises Big Questions, By Anya Kamenetz - In a move that's being called "bold" and "out of the blue," Indiana's Purdue University is acquiring the for-profit Kaplan University. In announcing the deal last week, Purdue President Mitch Daniels said it was designed to open the university up to a vast new pool of students nationwide. "We cannot honor our land-grant mission in the 21st century without reaching... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Arm Them with Education, Motivation, Expectations and the X-Plan -- 5/2/2017 -- In previous Know! tips, we discussed the prevalence of underage drinking and the many negative consequences that can go along with it. We also shared an important fact; young people who begin drinking before the age of 15 are six times more likely to develop alcoholism or have problems with alcohol later in life, compared to those who wait until turning 21... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Oh, the places you’ve been, By Aprill Brandon
My little brother is graduating high school. And yes, if you’re doing the math in your head, let me just stop you right there. There is a 17 year gap in our ages. I joke that my mom needed that long to recover from my birth and let’s just leave it at that instead of getting into the whole “she was a single mom for a long time and then finally found love” story. Besides, this... read more.
Start Talking! Students Awarded for Drug Prevention Videos
4/23/2017 - Five students from Genoa Area High School in Ottawa County were recognized on April 20 by representatives from Drug Free Action Alliance, the Start Talking! program and Verizon for submitting the winning video in the Start Recording/Start Talking statewide video contest. The top three videos and the students who produced them were... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… I called my kid a butthead in public, By Aprill Brandon
There have been times in my writing career that I have slightly exaggerated a story for comedic effect. Not much, mind you. Just a detail or two, here or there. For instance, when my kids are driving me insane, I don’t actually chug a whole bottle of whiskey. It’s half a bottle, tops. So, with that said, let me assure you that what follows below is not one... read more.
Ramblings of an Old Man… Why Teachers Teach, By Bob Robinson
“They cheered.” “Huh?” “They cheered,” said the teacher. “When they heard you were subbing today, the whole class cheered. They didn’t even know they’d be seeing you.” She grinned when she saw the expression on my face. Confused? Uh… yeah! The students had entered the room and I had to focus on settling them down long enough to learn what their teacher... read more.
Start Talking! Know! April is Alcohol Awareness Month
4/12/2017 - The media has done a good job bringing to light the prevalence and severity of the use of heroin, prescription drugs and marijuana among our nation’s youth. But what about alcohol? We don’t hear much about it in the news anymore. Is underage drinking still that widespread? And is it really that big of a deal? YES and YES. Alcohol remains... read more.
State Senator Bill Beagle… Modernizing Ohio's Child Support Guidelines
As a parent myself, as well as the chairman of the Ohio Commission on Fatherhood, I know firsthand that all children deserve the best possible quality of life in order to prepare them for the future. Child poverty’s devastating effects on families, education and eventually one’s ability to work are well documented. Improving financial support for Ohio’s children is why I introduced Senate Bill 125, which aims... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Guess who’s negotiating for dinner? By Aprill Brandon
I’m not exactly sure when it happened. I have a feeling it was something like when you go broke: gradually, then all at once. But somehow our nightly family dinners have turned into a one big negotiation (occasionally escalating into a full-blown hostage situation). It doesn’t matter what I make. It doesn’t matter how many options I give. It doesn’t matter that... read more.
What I learned at the Senior Job Fair, By Mike Stegall
Tuesday April 12th at the Greenville High School, seniors from most of the schools in the county came to visit with, interview, and to be interviewed by 15 of our fine businesses.  Lisa Wendel, our workforce specialist, has done a great job organizing and putting on this event along with Melanie Nealeigh, the office coordinator.  The Economic Development office has... read more.
Ramblings of an Old Man… Loss of Innocence, By Bob Robinson
“How old are you, Mr. Robinson?” 72. “Aww… nobody’s that old!” “Yeah, they are,” says another… “My grandma’s older than that!” I assure the students that, yes, I am that old and, when necessary, remind them… “I’m an old man, right?” Right! “Have you ever heard the term, Grumpy Old Man?” A few say no, a few say yes… but quite a few have heard... read more.
College Credit Plus… What does “College-Ready” mean?
Are you interested in College Credit Plus for your son or daughter, but aren’t sure if he or she is ready for college? Many parents who have students in grades 7 through 12 are excited for this option, and their sons and daughters are academically ready, but it’s important to consider all of the aspects of being “college ready.” Here are just a... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Puberty is a Brain-Changer
4/5/2017 - Cracking voices, body odor and wild mood swings - all indicators of the long-awaited and sometimes dreaded period in every adolescents’ life. We’re talking puberty. Most youth are well-aware of the physical changes they can expect their bodies to go through, but do they know the impact of puberty on their brains? Are your children... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Rollercoaster of Love (and Anger and Guilt and Exhaustion), By Aprill Brandon - “So, how was your day?” Has there ever been a more loaded question? Yes. But for my purposes here, I need you to ignore that. Because I get asked this on a daily basis. Sometimes multiple times during that daily basis. And it stumps me every single time. How was my day? How was my whole, entire, day? Well, nothing is currently on fire. That’s how my... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Secure, Monitor and Properly Dispose
3/29/2017 - Tis the season for spring cleaning. As you’re working hard to get your home decluttered, organized, spotless and sparkling, be sure to include the clearing out of old, unused or unwanted medicines – it’s a vitally important task. Families are continuing to be devastated and destroyed as children by medicine abuse. Kids end up in the ER... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Free at last, free at last, By Aprill Brandon
Hi. How’s your day going? I have cabbage leaves in my bra. And no, this isn’t some fancy new way to make coleslaw I learned from Gwyneth Paltrow on Goop (although I wouldn’t put it past her). Oh no. My bra is stuffed with produce because it allegedly has healing powers. Which I need because after nine long months, I am …(drum roll, please)… finally weaning... read more.
Commissioner’s Corner March 2017
Is it just me or should February have been March and March should have been February? This weather has been completely confused! Seventy- degree weather in February and 30’s in March was the norm this year. Hopefully, now that we are at the end of the month, things will get back to a more normal setting, and April will be a regular April! March has been... read more.
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