senior scribes
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Broke Wife, Big City… Everything is cold and dead and stupid and I hate it, By Aprill Brandon
I’ve been sitting in this coffee shop for exactly 46 minutes now. And yes, I see you over there, Annoying Hovering Couple with that dual stink eye you’ve been giving me for the last 17 of these 46 minutes in the hopes I might feel pressured to hurry up and finish my business here so you can have my table. But the joke is on you. Because I can’t think of any... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… I’ll sit in the sinkhole tonight, honey, By Aprill Brandon
You want to know what true love is? Volunteering to sit in the couch sinkhole after a long day of work and raising kids so your equally tired partner can sit on “the good side” while you watch Netflix. Wait, what? Oh, is that just in our house? You guys don’t all have a couch sinkhole? Well, in that case, let me explain to all you fancy folk with your houses full of... read more.
Start Talking! Know! What You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health
1/8/2018 - With the start of each new year, people commonly vow to improve their physical health, including diet, nutrition and exercise. While this is a vital measure to take, it is equally important to resolve to improve one’s mental and emotional heath as well. A healthy mind is fundamental to a person’s overall well-being, regardless of age. Our... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Kid(not)napped, By Aprill Brandon
Funny title, huh? Ha-ha! HA-HA-HA! Oh yeah, LAUGH IT UP, CHUCKLES. My entire life is ruined but I’m glad YOU find it so hilarious. Oh man. Wow. Sorry, you guys. That was uncalled for. It’s just, I’m exhausted, you know? From all the not sleeping my oldest is doing. I knew this day would come. I mean, he’s almost 4-years-old. He napped longer than a lot of... read more.
Start Talking... Know! Family Support for Prevention
1/4/2018 -- Research Institute has identified 40 developmental assets for adolescents; a specific set of skills, experiences, relationships and behaviors that help young people flourish and mature into successful and contributing adults. Studies of more than five million children of all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds consistently show that the more developmental assets... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Back off, fellas, I’m taken, By Aprill Brandon
I am a crappy wife. I mean, I’d hate being married to me. I’m a remote hog and an unabashed blanket stealer and I have to let you know in great detail EVERY SINGLE FEELING I AM FEELING AT THE EXACT MOMENT I AM FEELING IT. And then there’s my temper. My lethargic attitude regarding shaving. My severe allergy to replacing toilet paper... read more.
Without an Anchor, By Kate Burch
I read this morning a headline about the cratering sales of “organic” milk.  At first, I thought it a positive sign that perhaps people had begun to wake up to the fact that paying a premium for so-called organic foods is a waste of money and comparable to buying a purse with a designer logo so that one may be perceived as somehow special or superior to others... read more.
Cogitating about 2018, By Bob Robinson
When I was young and stupid I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I thought I wanted to be a bomber pilot like my dad, but I didn’t play with planes. Or bombs. When I was in junior high I spent my time publishing a monthly community newspaper that I charged a penny an issue for. It even included miniature photos that I pasted in place to go with... read more.
Commissioner Mike Stegall… A New Year, New Beginnings, and Broken Resolutions
2017 is about to expire, and as most of us do, we look back on the past year.  We look back hopefully so we do not make the same mistakes we made, and to remember what we did well that will help in the future.  Overall, I think things went very well in 2017, and I have no complaints as to what transpired, nor do I have many regrets.  This was certainly a year of change and... read more.
Commissioners’ Corner… Merry Christmas
2 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David... read more.
Christmas Fun, By Susan Olling
I’ve been trying to ignore the news.  So, let’s take a couple of  leisurely drives to enjoy some Christmas cheer. A twenty-two-year old tradition in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania occurs on the second Friday in December: the Tuba Carol Fest in front of the Gettysburg Hotel.  Despite the name, all low bass horns are found in this choir  We first attended several years ago... read more.
Start Talking! Know! New Year, New Rules – Cell Phone Agreement
12/12/2017 -- The New Year is always a good time to hit the reset button and establish any new rules you may need. When it comes to our kids and their phones, this may especially apply as we learn the potential connection between smartphone use and depressed and suicidal teens. Social media can be accessed through a variety of digital devices, but the smartphone is the tool tweens... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Stop. You’re missing Christmas., By Aprill Brandon
I can’t believe Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is right around the corner. Seems like it was only Halloween yesterday. Oh, but how I love this time of year. Everything is just better, just shinier, this time of year. Cozied up in pajamas under a blanket, drinking a mug of something hot, watching holiday specials. Happy sigh. It all begins now. Although... read more.
Ramblings of an Old Man… They say I’m a celebrity, By Bob Robinson
The next time you hear someone say “The Golden Years,” you have my permission to knock their blocks off! Well… not literally. Just tell them: “You wait. You’ll get there, too!” I have to take naps whenever I can, especially on the weekends. I have this buzzing in my ears that drives me nuts at times. My hearing is pretty much relegated to artificial enhance... read more.
Start Talking!... Know! Social Media is Bringing Our Teens Down
12/4/2017 -- According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there was a 33 percent increase in the number of teens experiencing depression, a 23 percent rise in teen suicide attempts, and a 31 percent surge in the number of teens who died by suicide in the five years between 2010 to 2015. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Foundation says suicide... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… The Great Grilled Cheese Meltdown of 2017, By Aprill Brandon
Maybe it was because my husband has been swamped with work lately. Or maybe it was because we couldn’t find a babysitter so I could join him at a company Christmas party for a few glorious kid-free hours. Or hell, maybe because it was Tuesday...I think it was Tuesday...but really it doesn’t matter if it WAS Tuesday because the demands of motherhood... read more.
First Friday Good for Business, By Ethan Coppess, Edison State Communications student
First Friday is a day for people with small business in Greenville that don’t have a store front or a good place to advertise their business. They line up along Broadway from the former AAA to Montage Café. They line up and advertise what they have to give. There can be plenty of stuff, from a small soccer stand all the way to a small petting zoo. Amy... read more.
Prairie Days, Days for Remembering, By Ethan Coppess, Edison State Communications student
Prairie Day in Greenville, has had an amazing turnout and it is only growing. This is an amazing event for kids of all ages and their parents and grandparents. It is a day for kids to come and see how people used to live back in the late 1700’s. Prairie Days provides plenty of activities and fun games for kids to play to keep them interested. They have a... read more.
Commissioner’s Corner… A Year to be Thankful For
November has come and gone for 2017. This was a very good November weather wise, for most of the month it felt like early October. Now that Thanksgiving is over, the next 30 days starts the big Holiday season for retailers, manufacturers, and for most people. We hope the weather continues to co-operate! November is the month when we start... read more.
Start Talking! Know! How To Reduce Holiday Stress
11/28/2017 -- The holidays are meant to be a joy-filled season of gathering with friends and relatives, enjoying festive lights and music, exchanging goodies and giving generously. However, when time and money are stretched, relationships are strained and expectations are not met, what is meant to be a time of celebration may become a time of overwhelming stress, leading many to turn to unhealthy... read more.
Inside Higher Education... Net Neutrality Rollback Concerns Colleges, By Lindsay McKenzie
The creation of internet fast lanes could come at a high cost to higher education, experts on technology and learning warn. -- November 29, 2017 -- Last week the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission published his plan to dismantle Obama-era regulations protecting "net neutrality" -- the idea that all web content should be treated equally by internet service providers. Under the FCC proposal... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… There’s always tomorrow, By Aprill Brandon
I have never wanted to star in a reality TV show. I have happily hate-watched enough of them to ever wish that kind of scrutiny on myself. Imagine my surprise, then, when I had kids and suddenly realized I was one. Every day of my life now is pretty much the kids binge-watching their favorite reality show, “Keeping Up With Momma’s Sanity.” Followed by the spin... read more.
A Call to Reform Undergraduate Education, By Colleen Flaherty
November 30, 2017 - Major study by American Academy of Arts and Sciences seeks change in curriculum and assessment, commitment to funding public higher education, new ideas about the faculty role, and more. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. What was once a challenge of quantity in American undergraduate education is increasingly a challenge of... read more.
Tips to Being a Successful Student, By Carl Brown, GHS Assistant Principal
Over the years I have occasion to have conversations with friends that are parents (many of them educators themselves) discussing what makes a child a successful student.  Throughout those conversations we have had, I believe we have identified a few key factors that make students successful. We were able to look back at our study... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Stupider things, By Aprill Brandon
Here is the thing they never tell you about being a parent (or at least not in an official pamphlet form): Once you get to a certain point, past the “oh god, I just really need both of us to survive this” stage, you will spend the majority of your parenting time arguing. Arguing about very stupid things. For example, say you buy your small child a sprinkled donut. Because... read more.
Start Talking – Drug Prevention Resources for Schools
The number of reported drug-related incidents in school and drug use by school-aged kids has risen sharply this school year.  We encourage you to take some proactive steps to help curb any drug activity that may be occurring at your school.  The Start Talking! initiative was created to assist parents, educators, and community members in talking to students... read more.
NPR… Hey, New Teachers, It's OK To Cry In Your Car, Meg Anderson
Like many first-year teachers, Luisana Regidor has a lot on her mind. There are lesson plans to write and papers to grade as well as a dozen other things: evaluations, observations, fundraisers, class trips. It's overwhelming. "Last Wednesday, I left here and I got in my car and I just cried," says Regidor, who teaches U.S. history at Schurz High... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Keep It Safe this Holiday Season – Adults and Alcohol
11/16/2017 - The holiday season is upon us, which means more adults will consume alcoholic drinks and in higher quantities. This time of year also puts more people on the roads, as they travel to see family and friends, near and far. It makes sense, then, that this season becomes one of the most dangerous times of the year for alcohol-related accidents and... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, By Aprill Brandon
I don’t know about you guys but, for me, this has been one doozy of a year. Trying to juggle two small children and marriage and jobs and deadlines and ever-rising bills and the tattered remains of my social life, all while being chronically sleep deprived and all while the outside world appears to be crumbling around us, has taken its toll. I’m tired, ya’ll. And... read more.
Start Talking! Know! What’s Hidden in Plain Sight – Part II
11/7/2017 - This Know! Tip reveals some of the tools and tactics teens may use to hide drug use. If you suspect your child is using drugs, you should contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662- HELP (4357). Hidden in Plain Sight is a substance misuse awareness program for parents and other... read more.
Diminishing Returns, By Kate Burch
I have lived in the same medium-size rust-belt city almost all of my life, and I have been amazed to observe, over the last couple of decades, the growth of the physical structures of the area’s two universities.  Along with the remarkable enlargement of these facilities has been an increase in amenities and improved esthetics.  And this has happened concurrently... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… How to get your kids to eat Thanksgiving dinner, By Aprill Brandon
I have mentioned many times in this particular column of mine that I love Thanksgiving. The holiday that asks nothing of you besides gluttony and drunkenness. I don’t even mind that I’m now the one in charge of the cooking, because in the end it all leads to the gluttony and drunkenness. Plus, I found a recipe for deep-fried stuffing balls that has... read more.
“Jesus Wept” By Will McCabe
I believe those are the two most powerful words in the entire Bible. Yes, that’s a big claim, but that’s because of the context and what those words mean. See, when we look at John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, we sometimes overlook what it means for Jesus to weep. First, let’s look back to the beginning of John 11. We learn about a man named Lazarus who... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Big Sibling Effect!
10/30/2017 - There is a unique and special connection between siblings that cannot be denied nor duplicated. They are both tormentors and protectors; a source of teasing one moment, the greatest ally the next. Siblings are also likely to be one and other’s longest-lasting relationship. Four out of five Americans get to experience the growing years with a... read more.
Commissioner’s Corner… The Holiday Season has begun
October seems to be the official start of the Holiday season, with Halloween being the first big event of the fall season. October is also the month that traditionally we try to manipulate time once again by turning our clocks back. This year we turn them back in the first weekend of November. This month in the Commissioner’s office we have done a lot of tidying up of some Grant paperwork... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… No, YOU go gentle into that good night, By Aprill Brandon
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about death lately. Oh, sorry. That might be a bit too heavy of a sentence right off the bat. This is meant to be a “humor” column, after all. Let me start over. Good morning! How are you? I’m fantastic. My toddler had a meltdown inside a store and I dropped a meatball on my baby’s face. But Starbucks is now selling their... read more.
Start Talking! Know! What’s Hidden in Plain Sight – Part I
10/23/2017 - This Know! Tip reveals some of the tools and tactics teens may use to hide drug use. If you suspect your child is using drugs, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662- HELP (4357). Would you know if your child was experimenting with or using drugs? Would... read more.
Jesus wasn’t Nice, By Will McCabe
Do you remember hearing from your parents to be nice if you wanted gifts from Santa? How he discerns between those who are naughty and nice? As a result, we are impressed early on with the notion that we are supposed to be nice. But what if I told you that’s not Biblical? Yeah, what if I told you that nowhere in the Bible are we asked to be nice to one another? There... read more.
Are We Having Fun Yet? By Kate Burch
In the early days of the flood of stories about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual predation we read that fashion designer Donna Karan, an old friend of the Weinsteins defended him, suggesting that some of the young women he targeted might have been “asking for it” by dressing and behaving seductively.  She quickly was harassed and shamed into apologizing for her remarks by accusations that she... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… It’s the season of the sick, By Aprill Brandon
It’s almost Halloween, guys! The candy! The costumes! The cocktails! And most importantly, the release of season two of “Stranger Things”! Truly, it’s the best time of the year.  Ahem... If you’re single. But if you happen to be a parent, October really does live up to its reputation as the scariest month (and not just because your kids won’t let you binge... read more.
Start Talking! Know! To Foster Empathy for Bullying Prevention
10/18/2017 - In a previous tip, Know! The End of Bullying Begins With YOU, we learned that in 2016, more than one in five students reported being bullied. Regardless of what position a child is in - a target, bully, or bystander – they are at an increased risk for a variety of mental health and behavioral problems, including substance abuse. In addition to positive... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The End of Bullying Begins With YOU
October is Bullying Prevention Month - 10/11/2017 - Wondering why we hear so much about bullying? Because there’s way too much of it going on and it’s a huge problem for everyone involved. Students report getting bullied most often because of looks, body shape, race and sexual orientation. While every child is at risk for being the target... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… This is my face, By Aprill Brandon
My son has spent approximately 1,277 days on this Earth. My daughter, roughly 455. Counting the ones I took today, I have exactly 18 billion photos of them. Oops. Sorry. 18 billion and one. They just did the cutest thing, you guys. And they look amazing in every single one of these photos, even including the newborn “Benjamin Button” ones. (No, YOU’RE bias... read more.
As the NFL Turns, By Susan Olling
I’ve been trying  to ignore the continuing soap opera involving NFL players, the NFL Commissioner, and the knee thing.  However, this drama seems to be everywhere.  Since it’s been hard to ignore, here are my two cents. It seems that somewhere in the mists of time, the playing of Mr. Key’s little  ditty, along with standing while it’s played, became customary... read more.
Start Talking! Know! How Your Parenting Style Measures Up for Success
10/4/2017 - In a previous parent tip, Know! – What Kind of Parent Are You? we broke down the four basic parenting styles. Based on the descriptions, you were hopefully able to determine your overall parenting style. Now is your chance to see how your parenting style measures up for your child’s success. To review, the four basic parenting... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Becoming human again, By Aprill Brandon
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a married woman in possession of a few children must be in want of a life. It took me 23 minutes to come up with that line. I regret nothing. My amazing literary pun skills aside, I’m not kidding about that truth. Because we do. Oh, how we do. We want (and need) a full life. Not that we moms don’t live for our kids... read more.
Commissioner’s Corner… Medicaid funding to hurt counties statewide
The fall season has officially appeared. Although one wouldn’t have known it the last week or so of September with temperatures in the 80’s. Now at the end things are more back to normal weather wise. It is now starting to look and feel like fall with the temperatures, and farmers starting to harvest beans and some corn. Sad to say, but it won’t be long till winter rears its ugly head. This month... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Why does Hollywood keep breaking my heart? By Aprill Brandon
I don’t remember the first time it happened. I’m sure I was young though. Youth is the time when idol worship is at its peak. But I do know that since then it has happened on a fairly regular basis and yet I never grow any wiser. No matter how many times they rip my heart out of my chest and stomp on it and then run over its tattered remains with their super... read more.
Support the MVCTC Levy, Jim Buchy
The Miami Valley Career Technology Center services 27 local school districts across a nine county area.  For almost 50 years thousands of students have been educated there and are successful, productive workers in the Miami Valley and beyond. There is a great need for physical updates and infrastructure need for the buildings.  On November 7, the voters of the Miami Valley... read more.
Know! To create an after school prevention plan
9/20/2017 -- Heading back to school is a time of transition, especially for students entering middle or high school or students attending a new school. Studies show that times of transition increase a child’s risk for substance use. For some students it is the stress of having to navigate through a new school building and seeing so many new faces; for others it is the new or increased peer pressure to fit in and belong... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… The difference between raising boys and girls, By Aprill Brandon
Here’s a fun fact you might not know: Strangers love talking to parents. I mean, LOVE it. Every time I leave my house with my kids, we are bombarded by strangers who ask all kinds of totally appropriate questions, like, “Are those gingers!? Carol, look, she’s got two gingers!” and “How did YOU end up with redheads? You don’t have red hair. Tell me your family’s... read more.
Toddler Next Door, By Susan Olling
If every day’s a new adventure when you’re a toddler, according to Mr. History, our little neighbor has been having quite a few adventures.  Oliver’s tall for his age: two-and-one-half but wears clothing for four-year-olds. When he first started to make intelligible sounds, Oliver learned to say “fork”.  Well, he meant an eating utensil.  However, the “r” sound was missing... read more.
Start Talking! Know! What Kind of a Parent Are You?
9/11/2017 - Did you know that depending on your parenting style, you are likely increasing or decreasing your child’s odds for drinking, smoking and using other drugs? In fact, your parenting style affects everything from your child’s social skills and self-esteem to their school performance and overall decision-making. A family’s parenting... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… (Kid)-free at last, (kid)-free at last, By Aprill Brandon
Hey, do you guys remember what it was like before you had kids? Like, what you used to do on a typical pre-spawn Saturday? What it felt like to have a million hours stretched out in front of you where you could do anything you wanted? And, most importantly, if candy tasted better eaten out in the open instead of while huddled in a corner of a locked... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Social anxiety increases substance abuse risk
9/6/2017 - Many adults are known to drink alcohol at social functions to “loosen up” and feel more comfortable interacting with others. Well, guess what? Many of our teens are doing the exact same thing. It is often referred to as “liquid courage” because, after a few drinks, a person may no longer feel afraid to get out there and dance, to ask out a love... read more.
St. Marys School… Easing into the School Year, By Kathy Ayette
Hard to believe that summer vacation is now just a pleasant memory and we are already in our third week of school.   I should add the third loooong week of school.  We eased into the year with two four-day weeks.  Normally I complain about four-day weeks.  Yes, I can hear your gasps.  The reason I really don’t like four-day weeks is that most of the programs... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Putting a bird on brunch, By Aprill Brandon
You know how people are afraid of turning a street corner and suddenly realizing they are in the “bad” part of town? Or walking into a bar and seeing that’s it’s filled with bikers and ruffians? Well, I have the opposite fear. My fear is walking into a new place and realizing with horror that it’s fancy. That they don’t have bartenders, they have “mixologists.” That the... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Middle School Challenges and Changes
8/28/2017 - The first day of middle school has come and gone. While your child’s initial fears of navigating the hallways, using the combination lock and finding someone to sit with at lunch may be officially behind her, it doesn’t mean she’s got a peaceful, easy feeling about the rest of her middle school experience. And as a parent, you must know... read more.
Football, By Susan Olling
It’s that time of year again.  Yes, when normally sane-looking people have to make a pilgrimage to the nearest television or stadium to watch a football game.  Why? During a hotel stay recently, last year’s Buckeye Nut U. vs. Ann Arbor Tech game was being repeated.  This Buckeye Nut U. alumna, who went to most of the home games during her time at The... read more.
Bucket Lists, By Bob Robinson
Several years ago – actually many more than I’d like to remember – a young lady I mentored while editor at The Advocate, and her Ball State roommate – met my wife, Susan, and me at the Great Darke County Fair. She and her roommate had a “bucket list” – ten things they were going to eat before the night was over. I don’t remember everything on the list, but it was pretty extensive... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… Oh, how time flies when you’re super annoyed, By Aprill Brandon
I remember it like it was yesterday. But really it was this morning. I think. It’s hard telling. When you’re the parent of small children, roughly one thousand things happen between now and 30 minutes ago. Most of them involving bodily fluids. So, time is fluid, to say the least. (Shut up, I’m writing this on two hours sleep). Awful puns aside, the other day I was... read more.
Commissioners’ Corner… More on MCO, CORSA and MARCS
August is gone and with it the official end of summer. That means schools are back in session, High School football is in full swing, swimming pools will be closing soon, and the weather will slowly get cooler and less humid. It is hard to believe that this year is 2/3rds gone already! This month is always a little slower than the others because... read more.
Start Talking… Know! Transition Increases Risk
8/21/2017 - While there is much excitement about the start of a new school year, there may be much apprehension and anxiety as well. This may be especially so for youth entering their first year of middle or high school, and for adolescents of any age transitioning to a new school (because of a move or several other reasons). The thought of unfamiliar... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… A funny thing happened on the way to New Hampshire, By Aprill Brandon - Family vacations are a funny thing. Essentially all you are doing is taking a group of people who are together all the time and plopping them down… Hi! Um...hi… Where was I? Oh yes, and plopping them down into a new location. But this simple act of geography change can… Hello! Uh...hello? That was weird. Anyway, as I was saying, this simple act of taking you... read more.
Prioritizing Education As the New School Year Begins
It’s hard to believe, but another school term has begun. With summer winding down and more school buses on the streets, students all across Ohio are entering the classroom again or beginning a new chapter in their educational journey. College students and those in vocational or tech schools are also gearing up for a new school year. As state legislators, one... read more.
The Great Darke County Fair… Nothing else holds a candle, By Bob Robinson
Rain or shine, excited or tired, happy or grumpy… we see it all at the annual Great Darke County Fair. What I find so fascinating about this annual 9-day event, is the bringing together and hard work of so many diverse populations. Happy, grumpy or otherwise. There are local vendors and those who travel the county fair circuits, offering everything from... read more.
The Drug Epidemic… This Could Work! By Kate Burch
Probably no one above the age of ten is unaware that we are in the midst of a “heroin epidemic.”  That is actually a misnomer, as heroin is no longer the most dangerous drug of abuse.  Fentanyl, a highly potent opioid, and the drug that killed the performer Prince, is now the most circulated and most abused addictive drug.  Its derivative, carfentanil, is... read more.
Start Talking! Know! The Trending Online Suicide Game: Blue Whale Challenge
8/9/2017 -- There’s yet another online trend catching the attention of tweens and teens around the world. It’s called the Blue Whale Challenge. But unlike some of the fun, harmless challenges we’ve seen in the past, the Blue Whale Challenge poses dire consequences. To win this game is to take one’s own life. This social media game that is being accessed through Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… It’s time we had the talk, By Aprill Brandon
Hey. Hi. How are you doing? Busy? Yeah, me too. But if you have a minute, could you come over here? *pats couch* Oh, you’d rather stay there? Sure, no problem. We can just do this right here in the kitchen then. Look, I know this won’t be easy. But it’s time. We’ve put this off for long enough. I know, I know. I’ve been dreading it too. But...sigh... We... read more.
The legacy we leave to our kids, By Bob Robinson
Remember Art Linkletter’s “Kids Say the Darndest Things”? I thought the comments were hilarious… or maybe it was just the looks Linkletter panned for the camera. Don’t know… I just know I laughed a lot. The show has been gone for decades; it’s been replaced by Internet offerings from dozens of different sources. I checked some of them out. Hmm… With only a few... read more.
Microsoft’s Plan to Expand Broadband Would Benefit Rural Americans, Alden Abbott - August 07, 2017 - The growth of “broadband” (or high speed) internet access has bestowed enormous benefits on the American economy. Roughly 300 million Americans have access to broadband—increasingly on mobile devices—which enables them to buy and sell goods and services; carry out business transactions; connect with clients, friends, and relatives; and obtain... read more.
Start Talking! Know! Body Image Matters
8/1/2017 - Summer is a season of sleeveless tops, shorts and bathing suits, so what better time than now to talk with youth about their body image. Body Image is the way individuals think and feel about their own body, as well as how they perceive others to think and feel about their appearance. Heavily influenced by family, friends and media, one’s... read more.
Broke Wife, Big City… What My Kids Did On My Summer Vacation, By Aprill Brandon
Hey! Hi! How are you?! We are Aprill’s kids! And we want to tell you all about what we did on our summer vacation. This summer was great! We did so many fun things! And we did all those fun things for roughly an hour and 15 minutes before having dual marathon meltdowns! Mommy said this was because when we get overstimulated we turn into evil swamp... read more.
Darke County Commissioners… Perspective: Dispatch/9-1-1 Emergency Services
In the last few months, there has been a tremendous amount of misleading information concerning the proposal and the operation of the dispatch/9-1-1 emergency service that was discussed between the County and the City. During this time, there have been many opinions formed based upon half information, tidbits of fact, and emotions... read more.
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