L to R: DCRWC President Betty Hill, DCRWC Treasurer Cindy Pike and
DCRWC Ways and Means
Chairman Delores Ely present a check for $1,000 to
Darke County Veterans’ Services Director
Tom Pitman to be used to help
fund the 2020 Darke County Veterans Washington, DC Trip.
Darke County Republican Women
$1,000 donated to Darke County Veteran’s Washington DC trip
GREENVILLE, OHIO – The Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRWC)
recently held a Quarter Auction to raise funds to benefit the Darke
County Veteran’s Services (DCVS) 2020 Washington DC Trip.
DCVS Director Tom Pitman was the featured speaker at the Club’s
February meeting. After his speech, the club presented him with a check
for $1,000 which represented the funds raised by the Quarter Auction
and other donations.
“The club members chose the Washington, DC trip to be the recipient of
its fund raising for 2019. We felt this was a wonderful way to give
back to the veterans of our community,” said Betty Hill, DCRWC
Pitman told about the history of the Veterans’ Washington, D.C. trip.
The first trip was in 2006 in conjunction with another county. Since
then trips have been sponsored for only Darke County Veterans in 2013,
2017, 2018 and 2019. There is only one other county in Ohio that
provides similar trips for its veterans. The 2019 trip was three days
and two nights with additional stops in Gettysburg and the 911 Flight
93 memorial in Pennsylvania.
The DCVS provides training to connect veterans to available services
and benefits. It is not connected to the Veteran’s Administration. The
Ohio Revised Code sets up a County Commission in each county to oversee
that county’s Veteran’s Services.
DCRWC is a political group founded to provide political education and
legislative information; provide a wider knowledge of the principles of
the Republican Party; increase the number of registered Republicans;
recruit, promote, and support qualified Republican women for political
office; give exposure to and work actively for all Republican
candidates; and lend support to the activities of other Republican
organizations. The DCRWC is a multi-generational, multi-cultural
organization providing the structure and support for political
activists to learn, engage, and flourish. The Club is chartered by the
National Federation of Republican Women and is a member of the Ohio
Federation of Republican Women. For more information, visit:
http://www.darkegop.org/womens-club.html or email President Betty Hill
at: DCRWPresident@darkegop.org