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Darke County Friends of the Animal Shelter

The Darke County Friends of the Shelter is a 501 (C) 3 Non-Profit Organization made up of various community members of Darke County.

The purpose of this organization is to help with the additional needs of the Darke County Animal Shelter.

In 2012, after four years of planning and fundraising, the Darke County Friends of the Shelter broke ground for Scentral Park dog park and celebrated the Grand Opening in March 2013. Since then the group has maintained and improved Scentral Park dog park for the benefit of the residents of Darke County and the surrounding area – no tax payer money was used for the dog park ever!

Here are some of the projects (besides the dog park and its maintenance), the group funded with money from their fund raisers and grants they have received:

Shade umbrellas, benches and a picnic table for the dog park, the Canine Corral to give people who want to adopt a dog an area to be with the dog and to see if they connect, enclosed and insulated the adoption room, bench for the room and a mural to create a nice atmosphere, computer for the Shelter, dog leashes (ongoing expense, the group gives a leash with every adoption), acoustical panels for the kennel, and more.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Darke County Friends of the Shelter, please contact them via the contact form on their website Many hands make light work! The group is always in need of able-bodied persons willing to volunteer their time. Meetings for the Friends of the Shelter are normally held the third Monday of each month at the Darke County Animal Shelter, 5066 County Home Rd., Greenville, OH just beyond the Sheriff’s Office.

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