the bistro off broadway


Darke County Commissioners
County in good shape despite Covid

November was fairly decent to us weather wise, and allowed our farmers to get quite a bit of harvesting done. The crop reports overall were pretty good and hopefully this good luck will carry on right into spring next year.

This year has been challenging with a lot of uncertainty. Businesses forced to close, then allowed to reopen, then with restrictions, plus having employees off for the Covid-19 virus. Our government operations were no different. We too, had to adhere to the same policies and we understand the hardships this has imposed. Fortunately, Darke County seems to be weathering this fairly well. Our unemployment rate continues to fall, and businesses seem to be getting used to this “new normal”. The Darke County Health Department has done a great job in keeping all of us informed and up to date. Thank You to Doctor Terry Holman and the employees for a job well done during this time.

November is budget month in the county and we have completed our meetings with the individual offices. Each office has done an exemplary job in holding their costs down. In spite of all the issues this year, Darke County is in good financial shape because of the work of all the county offices being fiscally responsible. We are fortunate that sales tax numbers have increase because of the online shopping being used by our residents and sales tax dollars are able to stay here in the county.

In other updates, the airport taxi-way project is underway. As of now, the surveying is being done and if the weather co-operates dirt will start being moved soon. This 3.1 million dollar project will add a full length taxiway back from the west end culminating in a 175 foot by 300 foot apron. We are currently talking to the FAA about some future projects that they would like to see happen. The FAA has been more than gracious with the people of Darke County, and we appreciate the interest in tourism and business growth they have helped us with for the last several years.

Many of you have seen the real estate reevaluation numbers through the mail the past couple of weeks. These are just valuation numbers and not your taxes. Real Estate taxes are still being calculated and will be out after the first of the year. Many of the increases have come down from the State Department of Taxation and not locally. As properties are evaluated, this year most residential properties will see an increase while CAUV values will see a reduction.

As we wrap up the year, we would like to thank Commissioner Mike Rhoades for his 20 years of service to the county. With COVID restrictions in place and mass gatherings prohibited we are unable to give him the sendoff we would like, but if you would like to drop him a card or a note it can be sent to his attention at our office at 520 S Broadway, Greenville, Ohio 45331. We wish him well on his retirement and future projects.

December is here and with it brings the final holiday for the year. We hope your holiday season is filled with laughter, family and good cheer. Please make a point next year to come to one of our public meetings at 520 S. Broadway in Greenville. We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Hope to see you soon and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!

The Darke County Commissioners

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