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Cleveland Plain Dealer
Updated: Ohio releases guidelines for fall learning; schools must develop mask policy
By Emily Bamforth
Jul 02, 2020

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Gov. Mike DeWine announced guidelines for reopening schools in the fall on Thursday, though the guidelines weren’t immediately available to review because of an issue with the state’s website.

Though the governor initially stated the website had been hacked, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted provided an update later in the governor’s news briefing that the website had not been hacked, but there were technical difficulties.

The state created two sets of guidance, one to provide health guidance and the other for learning guidance. DeWine said he intends to work with the General Assembly to provide financial assistance for the costs associated with reopening, like buying hand sanitizer.

Read the document with health guidelines, and a general planning document, in the document viewer at the bottom of this post.

DeWine announced sweeping budget cuts to education in May, including a $300 million reduction in K-12 public-school funding and $110 million from college and university funding, though some cuts were offset through federal funds.

DeWine highlighted some suggestions in the documents, like maintaining six-foot distance where possible. One mandate is that schools should develop a plan for face coverings, and that staff need to wear masks or face shields.

The guidelines do not require students to wear face coverings, but “strongly” suggest that students in third grade and up should wear masks.

If a student, staff or volunteer begins to show COVID-19 symptoms or has a temperature above 100 degrees at school, the person “must” be separated from the rest of the school, given a face covering and monitored by a staff member wearing personal protective equipment. Schools should then contact the local health department.

Schools also must provide hand sanitizer in high traffic areas including entrances to buildings and classrooms and instruct students and staff to use the sanitizer, according to the document.

Other highlights in the guidelines say that schools should “vigilantly” assess for symptoms, increase opportunities for hand washing and amp up cleaning and sanitizing in schools to limit spread on surfaces.

Before the announcement, schools were already planning for multiple scenarios, assessing the costs related to sending students back to school and developing remote learning strategies so as not to be caught unprepared if the coronavirus hits again.

But leaders needed the guidelines to see what rules are mandated and what is just a suggestion, to avoid having to walk back potential plans. Akron schools, who delivered a draft plan on Monday evening, will finalize their plan while addressing the guidelines.

“Our plan already addressed the most serious concerns of our families, staff and public health officials, but we will go back now and review it and make necessary changes,” Superintendent David James said in a statement.

The American Pediatric Association recently issued recommendations for school reopening, advocating all decisions should start with the goal of getting children back in the classroom.

DeWine said in a coronavirus briefing last week that the guidelines should have “no surprises” and though the implementation might change district-to-district, the “science remains the same.” He also said to expect flexibility for schools to take charge of planning, so that leaders can craft a plan suitable for their community.

He reiterated at the beginning of the briefing on Thursday that the guidelines reflect local control of schools.

Ohio Education Association President Scott DiMauro, in an interview Thursday, said that the state offered ample opportunity to collaborate on the guidelines and he appreciated the focus on student success.

“If there is one concern that we have, it’s that they’re presented as recommendations, not requirements,” he said.

Without strict guidelines, there could be a little too much “wiggle room.” OEA will continue to support teachers’ unions efforts in advocating for safety measures, both for students and staff, he said.

The Ohio Federation of Teachers issued a statement after the guidelines were announced Thursday, stating that the increased measures need funding. President Melissa Cropper writes the organization will continue to advocate for the federal HEROS Act, which would provide additional assistance.

“Our first priority is, and will continue to be, safety for our students, for our communities, and for our members and their families. We are concerned that local governments and school districts will have to make decisions about the Governor’s recommendations at a time when they are anticipating budget crunches and beginning to make spending cuts,” Cropper said in a release.

“Implementing many of these recommendations has a financial cost, but not implementing them may lead to greater rates of illness and death. Districts need to be free of financial concerns so they can make the best decisions for their students and communities.”

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