the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Relationships: Some Thoughts
By Lois E. Wilson
As we proceed through life, we have many relationships with people. Some may be for only a short period of time—a passing relationship. There are several other categories. We hope most relationships are “friends.” A few of the qualities in a good friend are:
            Knows me and my faults but likes me anyway.
            We share goals and secrets.
            We want the best for each other and are true and loyal in our relationship.
            They stand up for you and are there when you need them.
            You are companions not competitors.
Another category farther down on the relationship scale is that of “frenemy.” The term has been around for some time; it was added to the “Oxford Dictionary” in 2008.
A frenemy combines the traits of a friend and an enemy. In actuality, while pretending to be a friend, a frenemy may dislike and be jealous of you. They are covert in their actions to undercut you and your achievements. They can spread rumors and try to put you down to advance their own agenda.
Lower on the relationship scale is “enemy.” An enemy is often easier to deal with and manage because their actions are open for others to see. One learns and knows who is opposing them and can confront the situation quickly and directly.
You may never be able to get an enemy to agree with you or be on your side, but at least you both know where the other stands. It is a more honest relationship as proposed in this verse of mine:            

                                    TO A WOULD-BE MASTER
                                    Don't try to hostage-hold my soul
                                    Demanding that I follow.
                                    A follower without a soul
                                    Is none at all,
                                    A body-shell for you to count
                                    But not to count upon.
                                    But as equals,
                                    Take my hand;
                                    We'll go forth together.
In this time when friend and foe may disagree on our country’s future direction, may we realize that there is only one letter that keeps the word “friend” from becoming “fiend.” Let us pray that we will realize that the relationship “R” is what keeps us friends and that as equals we can disagree but go forward together peaceably for the benefit of all.

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