the bistro off broadway


Broke Wife, Big City
Ways to unsuccessfully deal with insomnia
By Aprill Brandon

1. Watch something. But not something too interesting. But also not so boring that it allows your mind to wander. Maybe something you’ve already seen but enjoyed. Preferably where at least one character has a British accent and is trying to solve a crime.

2. Read something. Same rules apply.

3. Eat something. Because, hey, it’s there and what else have you got to do?

4. Count something. Sheep seem to be pretty popular, followed by minutes (“if I fall asleep now, I can still get 3.5 hours of sleep before the alarm goes off”).

5. Argue something. In your head. Obsessively. Finally find a way to win that Facebook argument.

6. Take something. Tylenol PM, perhaps? Or that melatonin that has never ever worked but yet you still keep a giant bottle of it by your bed? Does children’s benadryl work on adults?

7. Rearrange something. Because you’ll definitely be able to sleep once all your bookshelves are ripped apart and then put back together in a slightly different organizational pattern.

8. Worry about something. Like every single bad thing that could happen to your children.

9. Eat something again. It’s now 3:30 a.m. Screw it.

10 While you’re at it, watch something else. Maybe a 90’s sitcom will do it.

11. Pray for something. Perhaps divine intervention from the deity of your choosing. Or an anvil to fall from the sky and onto your head, finally knocking you out. Or modern science to prove that sleep is unnecessary for survival.

12. Scroll something. Sure, they say to avoid technology when you can’t sleep but you aren’t going to sleep anyway so may as well stalk that girl from seventh grade who used to bully you.

13. Wake something. Like your husband. Who is peacefully sleeping right beside you in the most obnoxious manner possible. Misery does love company…

14. How is he still sleeping? If you poke him any harder he’ll likely have internal bleeding. 

15. Sigh.

16. Clean something.

17. Eh, never mind.

18. Daydream something. Maybe cue up that one about marrying Chris Pratt (after your husband dies and you mourn the appropriate amount of time, of course).

19. Plan something. May as well use all this time productively. Just a quick 36-point plan to improve every aspect of your life.

20. Is there any cheese left?

21. Research something. Like how insomnia causes premature aging. Then get up and slather more moisturizer on your decrepit face.

22. Drink something? Warm milk? Ugh. Gross. No. Then maybe just a small glass of whiskey? Nah. It’s practically morning.

23. Write something. Like, say, a list of all the futile ways you can try to combat insomnia.

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