Darke County Parks
DCP offers Unique Summer Camp Opportunity
The Darke County Parks’ naturalists have been hard at work exploring
new ways to offer educational opportunities that adhere to social
distancing guidelines. This spring, many educational videos were
featured on the Darke County Parks’ Facebook page as well as Youtube.
Now, naturalists are transitioning into summer camp season. While
originally scheduled summer camps were cancelled due to the virus, DCP
is offering a unique summer camp this year, “Outside the Box”. Since
current situations due to COVID-19 concerns do not allow us to gather,
we will bring summer camp to you!
Here's how it will work:
1) Each "OUTSIDE-the-Box" camp will feature 5 days of activities, with most, if not all, supplies provided.
2) First day of camp, swing by the Nature Center at Shawnee Prairie to
pick up your supply box. (If you are unable to pick up your supply box,
click the box at registration and we'll drop it off at your address!)
3) Each day's activities will feature a special camp-only Youtube video
link featuring one of the Parks' naturalists leading your camper on the
day's activities. You can do camp activities any time of day that works
for your family!
4) On Friday of camp week, we will host a web-stream (zoom-style) for
all campers to join the group and share what they discovered with all
Parks' Naturalists and we will do a final activity with everyone on the
To register your child for “Outside the Box” summer camp, visit
www.darkecountyparks.org/programs or call the nature center at