Darke County Sheriff
Courthouse has New Entrance and Security Measures
The Darke County Board of Commissioners and the Darke County Sheriff
announce the opening of the new Courthouse entrance and the start of
enhanced security measures. On Monday March 9, 2020 citizens
attending the Darke County Courthouse will find the new entrance open
for business. The entrance is located directly off of the W.
Fourth Street sidewalk at the rear of the courthouse. This will
be the only public entrance and exit for the courthouse and it is ADA
accessible. All other entrances will no longer be available for
public use and will become emergency exits only.
Upon entering the courthouse patrons will find a security screening
station which will be staffed by Darke County Sheriff’s Deputies.
The screening station will require any items that are being carried on
your person such as purses, wallets, keys, brief cases or like items to
be placed into an x-ray machine for screening. The patron will
walk through a metal detecting device to ensure no weapons are brought
into the courthouse. After passing through the screening station you
may proceed into the courthouse to conduct your business.
The Sheriff is reminding people that it is against the law to bring any
weapons into the county courthouse. This includes pocket knives,
scissors, firearms, pepper spray, stun guns and other items some people
might carry for personal defense. A concealed handgun license
does not exempt you from this law. Any weapons brought into the
courthouse are subject to being confiscated by deputies.
The addition to the rear of the courthouse and upgrade in security has
been a project that has been discussed for well over a year. It
is the result of many hours of work by the Board of Commissioners,
Darke County Common Pleas Court, Darke County Municipal Court, Darke
County Sheriff and the Courthouse Security Advisory Committee.
The rear addition was required to accommodate the new equipment,
security processes and accessibility of the courthouse to all
citizens. The security upgrade includes all new security cameras
throughout the inside and outside of the courthouse. All former
exits and entrances are now alarmed and usable as emergency exits
only. There will be Darke County Sheriff’s Deputies staffing the
courthouse during all business hours and anytime court is in
session. The Darke County Courthouse will be open to the public
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM except legally
recognized holidays.
It is an integral part of local government to ensure that the center
for county government business and criminal justice be a safe and
secure location for citizens, county employees and elected officials to
conduct business without fear of disruption of this important
democratic process.