Darke SWCD
OSU Studying Sparrows
The Ohio State University (OSU) is conducting research on House
Sparrows and is looking for a few research locations within the 45380
zip code (Versailles area). Site requirements include accessible areas
where house sparrows commonly congregate, such as feeders or farmyards.
The sparrows will be captured and tested using mist nets or baited
potter traps, so boxes are not necessary. The project will span from
November 2020 through March 2021, and each location will be visited 2-4
If you are interested in participating in this research project, visit
www.darkeswcd.com and complete the interest list form. Not all sites
will be suitable, so a research team member will contact you if your
location is chosen. If you have any questions, please contact the Darke
SWCD office at 937.548.1715 ext. 3.