the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Time and Again
By Lois E. Wilson

Time is with us every second. We check the clock many times a day to see if we are late for an appointment or work,  how long before the children will be home from school, when to start supper, etc.?

My verse describes another problem we have with time:

Time for some people holds no stock;
Tardiness shows that they don’t care.
Others have an internal clock;
Of timeliness they’re quite aware.
When those two types get together,
It may produce stormy weather.
“I’ve had it!” cries the waiting one.
“You’re late!  I call our dating done!”
Not only does this difference within people for the importance of time create problems in relationships, multiple late arrivals to work may be the cause for offenders to be fired. Observing the time you are due at work and your appointment times with others indicates you respect them.  
Twice a year a time occurs over which we have no control. All of a sudden, one day it arrives. Our lives change dramatically. I describe my observation in my verse below:
There’s a problem don’t you think.
Twice a year we’re out of sync.
Trying for eight hours of sleep,
I've counted hundreds of sheep.
Wouldn’t bedtime be sublime
If they didn’t mess with time?
It is claimed Daylight Savings Time began in 1966 as a way to provide farmers more daylight in which to work. It is probably in some cases still helpful to them. Many U.S. territories do not observe it. Hawaii and Arizona (except on Navaho tribal land) no longer change their clocks. Across the country there are groups working to end DST.  On Nov. 1st the rest of us obediently set our clocks back one hour. Thomas Fuller observed: “What reason and endeavor cannot bring about, often time will.” Until then, try to get in sync.

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