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Along Life’s Way
Humanity, Humility, and Humor
By Lois E. Wilson
After Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to be the next Supreme Court Justice, in a TV interview one of her former law clerks described her, “And she is also someone who holds deep humanity, humility and a great sense of humor given the tremendous responsibilities and accomplishments she possesses.”
Humanity, humility and humor are virtuous qualities which most aspire to have. The word “humanity” came from various languages. In one culture “hu” meant God and “man.” referred to males. Confucius wrote in these two quotes the following:
“A man of humanity is one who, in seeking to establish himself, finds a foothold for others and who, desiring attainment for himself, helps others to attain.”
“If I am virtuous and worthy, for whom should I not maintain a proper concern?”
Humility when not sincere can be seen as a way of self-promotion. Pascal observed, “There must be feelings of humility not from nature, but from penitence, not to rest in them, but to go on to greatness.”
“Who builds a church to God and not to fame will never mark the marble with his name.”
(Alexander Pope)
“The sons of Adam are formed from dust, if not humble as the dust, they fall short of being men.” (James Ross)
Humor has those who think it is not always a good attribute to have. It depends on how, when, and where it is used. Some use inappropriate humor in inappropriate places.
Louis Kronenberger said of it: “Humor simultaneously wounds and heals, indicts and pardons, diminishes and enlarges, it indicates inner growth at the expense of outer gain, and those who possess and honestly practice it make themselves more through a willingness to make themselves less.”
In some of the above quotes, the domination of the male role in the society of the times is obvious. Throughout history, courageous women have fought to expand their roles and to be recognized for their contributions to the world. They have earned their right to be included in things human and humane, show humility and a  bit of humor.
The Supreme Court nominee received her humanity, humility, and humor compliment from her former law clerk, John Adams, a man who recognizes her contributions. When confirmed, she will be a great example and inspiration for all young girls and us older gals as well!

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