the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
My New Pet
By Lois E. Wilson
When it comes to pets, over the years I’ve had many types. There were the usual—goldfish, cats, and dogs. From the farm there were chickens and a duck.
Our sons also had the traditional and more exotic pets of tropical fish, turtles, frogs, and snakes. They also had a pony which was kept at their grandparents’ farm.
I was taught my pets’ lives depended on my care. I learned what food and living quarters to provide them for healthy development. Having pets is a preparation for us becoming adults with children of our own.
In recent years I’ve thought many times about getting another pet. But at my age, for safety and health reasons, I decided not to do so.
An indoor cat would be nice to pet and hear purring in response. But a cat could aggravate my allergies. Most dogs would also, and they have to be walked.
A small pet in the house would be company, but they could get underfoot, trip me, and I’d fall. It was a dangerous thought. So I lived for a few years without a pet.
Even without a pet, I fell and broke a bone. While recuperating, one day I decided, “This is silly; you need a pet!”
I was resolute. I adopted one. Not surprisingly, it likes all the food and things that I like. It craves and requires more attention than pets I’ve had before. Each day we walk up and down our long hall for exercise.
Even though it needs it, I don’t have to take it to the groomer. I’m not as good, but for now we accomplish the task.  Best of all, sometimes my pet’s inept and awkward antics make me laugh. It knocks things over and spills things
I know about the needs and care of pets, especially this one. I’ll bet you’ve guessed it. This pet and I are inseparable—because my new pet is me! And just as I predicted, it got under my feet and tripped me—I’m still recuperating with its help. But to all you doubters who say, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” You’re wrong!

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