the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Identity Politics
By Lois E. Wilson
Have you noticed many politicians are still trying to put the rest of us in categories—in boxes?    In some of their eyes, I probably started out as a “deplorable.”
The feminists tried to eliminate all vestiges of any masculine words such as “man and men” from our language. Because of their effort, we now have words such as “mailperson.” They ignore “son” in the word “person” is masculine too. In 2018 I wrote a CNO fable on “Neutering Webster.”
I thought we were secure enough in our beliefs to stop this silliness. I was wrong. After the recent VP debate—the issue was back in the news.  Media reports called out VP Pence for confronting Kamala Harris. They dubbed his remarks as being condescending or “mansplaining.” They found inappropriate and offensive his opposition to her opinions, policies, or facts. Some feminists may be like the one described in a few lines from my verse below:
     Ms. Lib is acting out her plan
     To be as fearless as she can.
     She at least twenty times a day
     Stops before a mirror to say,
     "You are as good as any man!"
Apparently, some feminists do not seem to be secure with their place in society. They put down women who have families and are able to have successful personal careers. I was fortunate to have both. When a man offers his opinions to me, I do not consider because I am a woman—he is talking down to me. It may be that he has some facts or useful information I did not learn elsewhere. It gives me a chance to learn and I thank him for thinking enough of me to share his knowledge.
In 2008 “mansplaining” was introduced. I often wonder after all this put-down of men by women, will men retaliate by creating negative feminine identity words of their own? For example, in the 1950’s the designation of “Ms” was to refer to women regardless of their marital status. Here are some examples we might see: “mspeak (lie), msinformation (untrue news or facts), msery (a pain in the neck.)”
I believe we should wake up or I may soon be called, by those who wish to silence my view, “Grandmurmur” or “Grandmute.” I’ve climbed out of my political box and I hope you climb out of yours. Then perhaps we’ll be more likely to work together to solve problems in our communities and nation. Our country will fit its name again “the great United States.”
NEWS FLASH: A prominent dictionary yielded to the bullies and announced that it will add “Mansplain” to its word list. Will men ignore this attack or say, “Gals, you just made a BIG MSTAKE”?

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