Along Life’s Way
It Depends When
By Lois E. Wilson
Recently, I was having a nostalgic moment about aging. I wondered what
I had written about it at different stages of my life. The verses below
reflect my thoughts of particular events and times:
Age is a number—
The years since one’s birth.
It can encumber,
So meet it with mirth.
You may define age
In many more ways.
It can be a stage
Lasting unknown days
During which one learns
It’s not time on Earth—
The joy one returns
Determines life’s worth.
Some people say they're aging-¬
That their growth stopped in their teens
It's like a war they're waging,
A battle against their genes.
But we still grow; we sense signs.
In fact, we make many gains.
Look at the growing waistlines
And feel all the growing pains!
If I had my wishful way,
This would be my perfect day:
A sunrise that lights the sky
With fluffy clouds floating by—
Not too cold, nor steamy hot,
I would find a shady spot
Underneath some graceful trees
And enjoy the gentle breeze.
There’d be a cooling shower
Lasting no more than an hour—
At its end a rich rainbow
Arcing into evening glow.
This day is no dream, faraway—
For God gave it to me today!
Keep looking—your rainbow is out there!